

单词 钱币
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLLECT〕He's been a coin collector for years. 他收藏钱币有好些年了。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕I was in a phone box and my money ran out before I'd finished. 我在电话亭里,电话未结束钱币就投完了。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The coins were discovered by a team of archaeologists. 这些钱币是一个考古小组发现的。朗文写作活用〔bend〕I bent to the ground and picked up a coin.我弯下腰拾起一枚钱币。文馨英汉〔bloom〕A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币美国传统〔boodle〕Money, especially counterfeit money.伪钞:钱,尤其指伪造的钱币美国传统〔call〕His call was heads; mine was tails.(掷钱币猜正反面时)他说正面,我说背面。英汉大词典〔cash〕Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center.亚洲小额货币:一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币美国传统〔change〕Money of smaller denomination given or received in exchange for money of higher denomination.零钱:兑换大面额钱币时的小额钱币美国传统〔chink〕He chinked his coins in his pocket.他使口袋里的钱币叮当作响。文馨英汉〔coin〕Metal money considered as a whole.金属钱币总称美国传统〔collection〕She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.她收藏古罗马钱币和纪念章。牛津搭配〔collect〕He collects coins for a hobby.他为嗜好而搜集钱币。文馨英汉〔contrariwise〕It worked contrariwise—first you dialled the number, then you put the money in.这部电话的操作方式相反,要先拨号码,然后投入钱币。牛津高阶〔counterfeit〕It is a crime to counterfeit money.伪造钱币是犯罪行为。21世纪英汉〔currency〕Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money.货币:任一形式的钱币,在实际使用时作为交换媒介,尤指流通纸币美国传统〔custom〕People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom.人们向舞台上扔钱币,这是他们的习俗。牛津搭配〔date〕This coin is of very early date.这枚钱币的年代很早。文馨英汉〔dig〕He dug a coin out of his pocket.他从口袋里找出一枚钱币。文馨英汉〔dig〕We dug up a Roman coin in the garden.我们在花园里掘到一枚罗马钱币。英汉大词典〔document〕Something, especially a material substance such as a coin bearing a revealing symbol or mark, that serves as proof or evidence.物证:能够作为证据的带有明显的符号或印记的钱币等类的实物美国传统〔earth〕I wiped the earth off the coin and inspected it closely.我擦去这枚钱币上的泥土, 仔细察看。外研社新世纪〔enhance〕Rarity enhances the worth of old coins.旧钱币以稀为贵。21世纪英汉〔feed〕You feed in the money here and the coffee comes out there.你把钱币从这儿投入,咖啡就会从那儿出来。英汉大词典〔florin〕Any of several gold coins similar to the Florentine florin, formerly used in Europe.与弗罗林相似的钱币:任何一种与佛罗伦萨的弗罗林相似的钱币,旧时用于欧洲美国传统〔hang on〕You should hang on to those old coins; they could be valuable.你应该留着那些旧钱币,它们可能很值钱。韦氏高阶〔joke〕The comedian joked coins from audience.那喜剧演员靠插科打诨赢得观众钱币。英汉大词典〔metal detector〕A hand-held unit used in searching an area for coins or other metal objects.手持式金属探测器:用以搜寻某个地区的钱币或是金属物体的手持式仪器美国传统〔mill〕A machine, such as one for stamping coins, that produces something by the repetition of a simple process.磨机,货币轧齿边机:通过重复简单的过程制造物品的机器,如压印钱币的机器美国传统〔mill〕To groove or flute the rim of (a coin or other metal object).印出沟槽:在(钱币或其他金属制品)的边上印出沟槽的美国传统〔mill〕To produce a ridge around the edge of (a coin).轧边,印边:在(钱币)边上印制一圈凸起的边美国传统〔moneychanger〕A machine that holds and dispenses coins.钱币兑换器:存储和分发钱币的机器美国传统〔moneychanger〕One that exchanges money, as from one currency to another.钱币兑换商:交换钱的人,如从一种货币换到另一种货币美国传统〔overprint〕The money is overprinted with pictures of the queen.钱币上套印着女王的肖像。韦氏高阶〔pass〕This coin will not pass.这钱币不通用。21世纪英汉〔picayune〕A Spanish-American half-real piece formerly used in parts of the southern United States.西班牙铜币:美国南部某些地方过去用的西班牙一美国半现金钱币美国传统〔proof〕Any of a limited number of newly minted coins or medals struck as specimens and for collectors from a new die on a polished planchet.新铸币样:各种被作为标本新铸成的有限数量的钱币或金属,收集者们在光滑的硬币坯上涂上一层新色而锤炼美国传统〔ran〕In ancient times the rulers ran copper or silver into coins.古时候统治者把铜或银铸成钱币。21世纪英汉〔rattle〕She rattled the jar with the coins in it. = She rattled the coins in the jar.她把罐子里的钱币摇得叮当响。韦氏高阶〔rattle〕The coins rattled in the box.钱币在盒子里叮叮当当地响。韦氏高阶〔reverse〕The side of a coin or medal that does not carry the principal design; the verso.反面:钱币或奖章未带主要设计的那一面;反面美国传统〔ring〕The coin rings false.这钱币听声音像是假货。英汉大词典〔sag〕A temporary decline in monetary value.下跌:钱币价值暂时性下降美国传统〔scarce〕Steel pennies are scarce now except in coin shops.除了在钱币店内,钢币便士现在很难见到了美国传统〔silver〕This metallic element as a commodity or medium of exchange.交易的钱币:作为商品或交换媒介的这种金属元素美国传统〔slide〕He slid a coin into the waitress's hand.他把一枚钱币顺溜地塞到那位女侍的手里。文馨英汉〔strike〕A quantity of coins or medals struck at the same time.同时铸造的钱币或奖章美国传统〔strike〕The coins were struck in 1789.这些钱币是在1789年铸造的。韦氏高阶〔toss for〕I'll toss you for who pays the bill.我和你掷钱币决定谁来付账。21世纪英汉〔toss up〕Let's toss up for the last ticket.咱们掷钱币决定最后一张票归谁。21世纪英汉〔tossup〕The flipping of a coin to decide an issue.掷币:为了决定某件事投掷钱币美国传统〔toss〕A toss of a coin decided who should play first.掷钱币决定谁先开球。英汉大词典〔toss〕As there was only one ticket left they decided to toss up for it.因为只剩下一张票子,他们决定用掷钱币来决定给谁。英汉大词典〔toss〕I'll toss you for (或who has) the armchair.我和你用掷钱币的方法来决定谁坐这把扶手椅。英汉大词典〔toss〕Let's toss for it.咱们以掷钱币来决定吧。英汉大词典〔toss〕Let's toss to see who does the washing-up.让我们掷钱币来决定谁洗碗。21世纪英汉〔toss〕Let's toss to see who pays the bill.让我们来掷钱币决定谁付账。英汉大词典〔toss〕Let's toss up.让我们以掷钱币来决定吧。英汉大词典〔treat〕Some publishers treat the market like a fruit machine, jamming in anything that looks remotely like cash.有些出版商把销售市场当作一台吃角子老虎,只要稍微有一点儿像钱币的东西就会拿来塞进机器中去。英汉大词典〔tribute〕A large portion of the tribute was paid in money.一大部分贡品是用钱币交纳的。英汉大词典〔verso〕The back of a coin or medal.反面:小钱币或奖章的反面美国传统〔wampum〕Informal Money.【非正式用语】 钱币美国传统〔wear〕The inscription on the coin has been worn away.那枚钱币上的铭刻已磨平了。文馨英汉A toss of a coin decided who should play first. 掷钱币决定谁先开球。译典通Although Bitcoin is not a real currency, it has become widely used among nations. 比特币虽然不是真正的钱币,但已逐渐在国际间通用。译典通I always carry my lucky penny. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。译典通Please wait until you hear the (Br) dialling /(Am) dial tone (= the sound that a telephone makes when it is ready to be used) before inserting your money.请听到拨号声后,再插入你的钱币。剑桥国际She then looked at the reverse side of the coin. 接著她看了看钱币的反面。译典通The coins chinked lightly in his pocket as he walked along.当他走路时,钱币在他口袋里轻轻地叮当作响。剑桥国际The note has a face value of £20 but part of the design is missing so it is worth much more to a collector .这张钞票面额20英镑,但因一部分图案漏印,它的价值对一个钱币收藏者来说大大超过面值。剑桥国际These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago. 这些钱币数百年前铸造于中国。译典通




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