

单词 钩子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕A lantern swung from a hook in the roof. 灯笼在屋顶下的一个钩子上荡来荡去。朗文写作活用〔END〕You need a long pole with a hook at one end. 你需要一根一头有钩子的长竿。朗文写作活用〔attachment〕Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes.钩子固定在墙上以连接绳索。朗文当代〔attach〕A hook is attached to the back of the picture frame.相框背面装有一个钩子。韦氏高阶〔bacon〕A whole side of bacon was hanging from a hook on the ceiling.天花板的钩子上挂着整整一扇咸猪肉。牛津搭配〔becket〕A device, such as a looped rope, hook and eye, strap, or grommet, used to hold or fasten loose ropes, spars, or oars in position.环索:一种类似于绳圈、钩子和线圈、皮带或金属索眼的装置,用于把松了的绳索、桅杆或桨保持或紧固在其位置上美国传统〔cane〕The stem of a raspberry, blackberry, certain roses, or similar plants.某些植物的茎:悬钩子、黑莓、某些玫瑰或类似植物的主茎美国传统〔cat's-paw〕Nautical A knot made by twisting a section of rope to form two adjacent eyes through which a hook is passed, used in hoisting.【航海】 绳结:将一段绳子纽结成两个相连的洞眼,从中穿过钩子以用于提升物品的绳结美国传统〔catch〕Something that catches, especially a device for fastening or for checking motion.门闩,钩子:可钩住的物体,特别是用于拴紧东西或控制运动状态的装置美国传统〔coil〕She coiled the clothesline and hung it on the hook.她把晾衣绳绕成卷挂在钩子上。英汉大词典〔crook〕A part that is curved or bent like a hook.弯曲部分:象钩子一样弯曲的部分美国传统〔dig〕I could feel one of the hooks digging in.我能感觉到有一个钩子扎进去了。朗文当代〔disconnect〕He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook.他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿下来。柯林斯高阶〔disconnect〕He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook.他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿了下来。外研社新世纪〔eye level〕The hook is just above eye level.那个钩子就放在水平视线的上方。韦氏高阶〔eyebolt〕A bolt having a looped head designed to receive a hook or rope.有眼螺栓:带有圆圈头的螺栓,用来接钩子或绳子美国传统〔eyehook〕A hook attached to a ring at the end of a rope or chain.眼钩:在绳子或绳索头上连着的线上的钩子美国传统〔eyelet〕A small hole or perforation, usually rimmed with metal, cord, fabric, or leather, used for fastening with a cord or hook.孔眼:一小洞或眼儿,常用金属、线、纤维或皮做边,用于系绳索或钩子美国传统〔fastening〕Something, such as a hook, used to attach one thing to another firmly.紧固件:能使一件东西牢牢固定在另一件东西的物件,如钩子美国传统〔fasten〕Velcro has tiny hooks which fasten on to equally tiny loops and hairs in fabric.尼龙搭扣带有小钩子, 能固定在搭扣上同样小的圈环和毛状纤维上。外研社新世纪〔grip〕Taking a tight grip on the hook, he began to pull it closer.他紧紧地抓住钩子,开始朝自己的方向拉。牛津搭配〔hanger〕A device around which a garment is draped for hanging from a hook or rod.衣架:挂在一个钩子或竹竿上的悬挂衣服的器具美国传统〔hang〕Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door.菲利普把自己的大衣挂在门后的钩子上。朗文当代〔hang〕To suspend on a hook or hanger.悬吊:在钩子上或衣架上挂起美国传统〔hitch〕To fasten or catch temporarily with or as if with a loop, hook, or noose.被钩住,拴住:用或似用绳套、钩子或绞索暂时钩住或套住美国传统〔hook in〕The car on the bottom of the lake was hooked in and hoisted on to the bank.那辆跌入湖底的汽车,用钩子钩住后吊到了岸上。21世纪英汉〔hooked〕Bent or angled like a hook.钩状的:象钩子一样弯曲或成角度的美国传统〔hook〕He hung the painting on the hook.他把画挂在了钩子上。外研社新世纪〔hook〕She hooked the shoe (= lifted it with a hook) out of the water.她用钩子将鞋钩出了水面。剑桥高阶〔hook〕The bird's beak hooks downward.这只鸟的喙像钩子一样向下弯。韦氏高阶〔hook〕To catch, suspend, or connect with a hook.钩:用钩子抓、吊或连接美国传统〔hook〕To make (a rug) by looping yarn through canvas with a type of hook.编织,钩编:用一种钩子把毛线穿织在网形粗布上制成(地毯)美国传统〔interlock〕To become united or joined closely, as by hooking or dovetailing.连结:使紧密接合或连结,例如通过钩子或楔形榫美国传统〔interlock〕To unite or join closely as by hooking or dovetailing.使连结:通过钩子或楔形榫接合或连结美国传统〔jig〕A typically metal fishing lure with one or more hooks, usually deployed with a jiggling motion on or near the bottom.拟饵手钓钩,滚钩:通常有一个或多个钩子的金属钓鱼钩,在底部或底部周围装有一个跳动的物体美国传统〔meat hook〕A hook used to hang the carcasses of slaughtered animals or large pieces of meat.肉钩:用于悬挂被屠宰后的动物的躯体或大块肉的钩子美国传统〔mousing〕A binding or metal shackle around the point and shank of a hook to prevent it from slipping from an eye.钩口绳:穿缠在钩子的尖端及柄上、用于防止所挂重物滑脱的绳扣或金属套美国传统〔peg leg〕The pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch.这个海盗有一条假腿, 一只钩子手, 还戴着一只眼罩。外研社新世纪〔peg〕There's a peg near the door to hang your coat on.门边有个钩子可以挂衣服。牛津高阶〔raspberry〕The aggregate fruit of any of these plants, consisting of many small, fleshy, usually red drupelets.悬钩子果实,树莓:悬钩子植物的聚生状果实,包括许多肉多,通常红色的小核果美国传统〔screw〕We'll have to screw a hook into the wall.我们得把一个钩子拧到墙里去。剑桥高阶〔set〕To fix (a hook) firmly into a fish's jaw.将(钩子)牢牢地钩住鱼的下颌美国传统〔sky-hook〕A helicopter whose fuselage is configured so as to be mounted with a steel line and hook used to lift and transport heavy objects.空投直升机:一种直升飞机,机身特制,以便安装钢索和钩子,用于提起或运输重物美国传统〔staple〕A U-shaped metal loop with pointed ends, driven into a surface to hold a bolt, hook, or hasp or to hold wiring in place.U形钉:有一尖端的U形金属环,压进表面以固定门闩、钩子或搭扣,或将线固定美国传统〔suspender〕One, such as a hook, that suspends something else.悬挂用的物体:挂另一东西的物件,如钩子美国传统〔tenaculum〕A long-handled, slender, hooked instrument for lifting and holding parts, such as blood vessels, during surgery.挂钩:一种把手细长、有钩子的器具。在外科手术中用于提起并夹住人体的组织(如血管)美国传统〔unclasp〕To release or loosen the clasp of.打开扣钩:放开或松开…的扣子(钩子)美国传统〔unhook〕Can you unhook that cable? 请你把绳索从钩子上取下来好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔unhook〕The collar wouldn't unhook.这个领口的钩子怎么也解不开。21世纪英汉〔unhook〕To unfasten the hooks of.松开…的钩子美国传统〔way〕The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的钩子断了,灯落下来砸到桌子上燃起了火。柯林斯高阶〔worm〕The worm was wriggling on the hook.蠕虫在钩子上扭动。牛津搭配He hung his coat on the hook. 他把衣服挂在钩子上。译典通He made a loop from one end of the rope, threw it over a hook and grabbed the free end to pull himself up.他在绳子的一端打了个环,扔到钩子上,抓住另一端把自己拉了上来。剑桥国际He took off his coat/hat and hung it on the peg.他脱下上衣/摘掉帽子,挂在钩子上。剑桥国际If we want to hang this picture up, we'll have to screw a hook into the wall.要是我们想把这幅画挂起来,我们得往墙里拧一个钩子。剑桥国际She hooked the shoe (= lifted it with a hook) out of the water.她用钩子将鞋钩出水面。剑桥国际There were several aprons hanging from a hook behind the kitchen door.有好几条围裙挂在厨房门背后的钩子上。剑桥国际




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