

单词 重地
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bear〕taxes that bear down on the poor people 沉重地压在穷人身上的捐税英汉大词典〔flop〕flopped the steak onto a platter. 把一块牛排重重地扔到一张大浅盘里美国传统〔funereal〕moving at a funeral pace 沉重地缓缓而行朗文当代〔grand〕a majestic wave of the hand. 庄重地挥手。美国传统〔heartland〕the old industrial heartlands 旧时的工业重地剑桥高阶〔heavily〕fall heavily 重重地落下英汉大词典〔heavily〕heavily laden. 装得重重地美国传统〔leave〕took leave of her with a heavy heart. 心情沉重地和她道别美国传统〔planting〕with his enormous feet planted heavily apart. 他的大脚重重地分开站好柯林斯高阶〔plant〕to plant a hard blow on someone's chin对准某人的下巴重重地一击21世纪英汉〔plod〕plod one's way 脚步沉重地走路英汉大词典〔pound〕pound out a tune on the piano 在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子英汉大词典〔pound〕with pounding footsteps 脚步沉重地英汉大词典〔prim〕prim one's lips after every mouthful 每吃一口故作庄重地抿一下嘴唇英汉大词典〔red-carpet〕give a person a red-carpet reception 舖红地毯热烈而隆重地欢迎某人;殷勤地招待某人文馨英汉〔seriousness〕in all seriousness 一本正经地;郑重地文馨英汉〔shipment〕large quantities of food awaiting shipment to the worst-affected areas 等待运送到受灾最重地区的大批食品牛津搭配〔smash〕waves smashed over the boat 海浪重重地拍打着小船麦克米伦高阶〔squab〕fall squab on the ground 重重地跌落在地英汉大词典〔state〕foreign leaders dining in state at the White House. 外国领导隆重地在白宫进餐美国传统




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