

单词 雅皮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INVENT〕The word ‘yuppie’ is a coinage of the 1960s which found a new fame in the 1980s. “雅皮士”一词是在20世纪60年代创造出来的,到20世纪80年代该词又重新流行起来。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕ME or "Yuppie Flu', is not just confined to people in high-powered, well-paid jobs. 慢性疲劳综合征〔又称“雅皮感冒”〕并不仅仅局限于高职位、高薪金人士。朗文写作活用〔superficial〕This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever.这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。柯林斯高阶〔target〕Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies.雅皮士是市场营销策略面向的主要目标群体。柯林斯高阶〔yuppie〕A young city or suburban resident with a well-paid professional job and an affluent, materialistic lifestyle.雅皮士:年轻的城市或郊区居民,他们拥有待遇优厚的专业工作和富裕的物质型生活方式美国传统〔yuppie〕Her friends are just a bunch of yuppies.她的朋友们是一群雅皮士。韦氏高阶〔yuppie〕The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era.这辆保时捷911让我想起了雅皮士时代最不堪的那些日子。柯林斯高阶〔yuppie〕The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era.这辆保时捷911让我想起了雅皮士时代最糟糕的部分。外研社新世纪〔yuppie〕They're just a couple of yuppies with more money than sense.他们只不过是一对乱花钱的雅皮士而已。剑桥高阶〔yuppified〕He is becoming more and more yuppified.他变得越来越雅皮士化了。外研社新世纪〔yuppify〕The restaurant's yuppified interior was done in colors like teal and mauve.这家餐馆雅皮士风格的内部装修,采用了蓝绿和淡紫一类的颜色。朗文当代Over the past ten years this traditionally working-class neighbourhood has been yuppified beyond recognition.在过去的10年中,这个在传统上是劳动阶级的街区已被雅皮士化得认不出来了。剑桥国际The problem is that if you smarten up an area of the city you get a load of yuppies moving in.问题是如果你将城市的一个地区修饰得整洁气派,就会有大批的雅皮士搬进来。剑桥国际They're just a couple of yuppies with more money than sense.他们只不过是一对金钱多理智少的雅皮士。剑桥国际




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