

单词 雄伟
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain. 西部高地的风光雄伟壮丽,这在英国其他地方是没有的。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕The show took place outside the imposing Central Library building on Fifth Avenue. 这场表演在位于第五大街上雄伟的中央图书馆大楼的外面举行。朗文写作活用〔Jovian〕Roman Mythology Of, relating to, or resembling Jupiter.【罗马神话】 (似)朱庇特的,雄伟的:朱庇特的,或似朱庇特的美国传统〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕The grandeur of the mountains is a constant reminder of man's insignificance. 雄伟的山脉一直提醒着我们人类的渺小。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕Vienna is a city of grand public buildings and elegant private ones. 维也纳这个城市里到处是雄伟的公共建筑和典雅的私家宅院。朗文写作活用〔actuality〕The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs.这栋大楼外观雄伟,与照片中所见一模一样。牛津高阶〔anchor〕The stately ship cast her anchor.那艘雄伟的巨轮下锚了。英汉大词典〔arch〕The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.寺院洁白雄伟的拱门十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市上方。剑桥高阶〔awe-inspiring〕The Great Wall of China is an awe-inspiring sight.中国的长城是雄伟的景观。文馨英汉〔awe〕The big tree is so imposing that it inspires awe.这棵大树雄伟得令人惊叹。英汉大词典〔awe〕The majesty of the mountains awed us.高山的雄伟气势使我们惊叹。英汉大词典〔awe〕The majesty of the skyscraper awed me .这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。21世纪英汉〔awful〕The mountains have an awful majesty.这些山脉有令人敬畏的雄伟气势。韦氏高阶〔conspicuous〕The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.寺院洁白雄伟的拱门十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市上方。剑桥高阶〔dome〕Archaic A large, stately building.【古语】 大厦:雄伟的建筑物美国传统〔edifice〕The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the 15th century.市政厅是唯一一座存留下来的15世纪的雄伟建筑。剑桥高阶〔enterprise〕Her latest enterprise (= plan) is to climb Mount Everest.她最近的雄伟计划是攀登珠穆朗玛峰。剑桥高阶〔erection〕The Great Hall of the People is an imposing erection.人民大会堂是一座雄伟的建筑物。英汉大词典〔exterior〕The Palace of Fontainebleau has a very grand exterior.枫丹白露宫殿外观雄伟壮丽。剑桥高阶〔gaze〕They gazed in wonder at the mighty peaks.他们看着雄伟的山峰,惊叹不已。牛津搭配〔glory〕They want to restore the castle to its former glory.他们想重现城堡昔日雄伟壮观的面貌。剑桥高阶〔grand〕Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent.宏大的,雄伟的:尺寸、范围或程度大而给人深刻印象的;壮丽雄伟的美国传统〔impressive〕There are some very impressive buildings in the town.镇上有一些非常雄伟的建筑物。剑桥高阶〔magnificent〕The view was magnificent.景色雄伟壮丽。韦氏高阶〔majesty〕They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.他们看到了高耸的山峰,气势极其雄伟壮丽。英汉大词典〔martyrium〕A church or other edifice built at a site, especially a tomb, associated with a Christian martyr or saint.殉难者祠堂:在某地建造的与基督教殉难者或圣徒有关的教堂或其它雄伟建筑物,尤指坟墓美国传统〔mass〕Despite its mass, the mountain has so far eluded us.这座山虽然山势雄伟, 但迄今都没挡我们的路。外研社新世纪〔mountain〕The Matterhorn is one of the biggest mountains in Europe.马特豪恩峰是欧洲最雄伟的山峰之一。剑桥高阶〔move〕We were moved with admiration at the magnificent bridge.这座雄伟的大桥令我们赞赏不已。英汉大词典〔palazzo〕A large, splendid residence or public building, such as a palace or museum.宫殿,大厦:大的,雄伟壮丽的宫邸或公共建筑,如一宫殿或博物馆美国传统〔panorama〕There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel.从旅馆可饱览峰峦叠嶂的雄伟景观。牛津高阶〔pile〕They've got a great big Victorian pile somewhere out in the country.他们在乡下的某个地方有一座雄伟的维多利亚式的房子。剑桥高阶〔rival〕Grand it may be, but this cathedral is no rival to the great cathedral of Amiens.这个教堂虽然很雄伟,却绝对不能和亚眠大教堂相匹敌。牛津搭配〔stately〕Majestic; lofty.雄伟的;巍峨的美国传统〔statuesque〕Suggestive of a statue, as in proportion, grace, or dignity; stately.雕像般的:类似雕像的,如在比例、姿态或风度上等;雄伟的美国传统〔there〕There rose before us the great pyramid of Gaza.雄伟的加沙金字塔矗立在我们面前。柯林斯高阶〔visually〕Visually the building is imposing.在外观上,那栋建筑物是雄伟的。文馨英汉〔what〕What mountains! 多么雄伟的山啊!韦氏高阶〔witness〕Bristol's grand buildings bear witness to the city's magnificent past.布里斯托的雄伟建筑是该城市辉煌过去的见证。麦克米伦高阶Even if you don't like it, you have to admit that the Brighton Pavilion has (a certain) grandeur.即使你不喜欢,你也不得不承认布莱顿亭有(某种)雄伟。剑桥国际I am always impressed by the splendour and magnificence of the pyramids/the Taj Mahal/Hampton Court.金字塔/泰姬陵/汉普顿宫的雄伟壮丽给我留下了深刻的印象。剑桥国际In 1922 the magnificent tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered intact near Luxor. 1922 年图坦卡蒙雄伟的坟墓在卢克索附近完好无损地被人发现了。剑桥国际It was a muscular (= powerful), hard-hitting documentary.那是一部气势雄伟的记录片。剑桥国际The impressive aspect of this mountain has inspired many artists.这座山雄伟的气势赋予许多艺术家以灵感。剑桥国际The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.这座寺院洁白雄伟的拱形圆顶十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市中。剑桥国际The view from the top of the mountain is eathtaking/magnificent/spectacular/stunning.从山顶看去,景色险峻/雄伟壮丽/巍然壮观/令人惊叹。剑桥国际The visitors were touched by the grandness of the monument. 游客们被纪念碑的雄伟所感动。译典通This is the most magnificent bridge in existence. 这是现有的最雄伟的大桥。译典通We admired the grandeur of the mountains. 我们赞美这山脉的雄伟壮观。译典通We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains. 高山的雄伟壮丽不能不在我们心目中留下深刻的印象。译典通




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