

单词 间道
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕It took us an hour to reach the farm house, driving along winding country roads. 我们沿着蜿蜒曲折的乡间道路行驶了一小时才到达农庄住宅。朗文写作活用〔cycle〕The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling.宁静的乡间道路是骑自行车的理想场所。柯林斯高阶〔middle-of-the-road〕Pursuing a course of action midway between extremes, especially following a course in politics that is neither liberal nor conservative.中间道路的;温和路线的;中间立场的:在两个极端之间采取中间路线的,特别是在政治上既不主张自由,又不保守的美国传统〔middle〕There is a middle path, but before we examine its pros and cons an analysis is called for.有一条中间道路可走, 但我们先要研究一下其中的利弊。外研社新世纪〔midway〕A middle course of action or thought.折中办法,中间道路:行动或思想的折中办法美国传统〔perilous〕The country roads are quite perilous.这些乡间道路很危险。剑桥高阶〔road〕These country/mountain roads are beautiful.这些乡间道路/山路很漂亮。韦氏高阶〔via media〕The middle course or way.中间道路美国传统Five soldiers died after their bus was ambushed on a country road. 5 名士兵在他们的公共汽车在一条乡间道路上遭到伏击之后死去。剑桥国际I love driving along narrow country roads that are lined with trees.我喜欢在两边种着树木的狭窄的乡间道路上开车。剑桥国际The country steered a middle course. 那个国家走了一条中间道路。译典通




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