

单词 间发
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EXPECT〕when something happens before you expect it to 某事早于你预计的时间发生朗文写作活用〔ON TIME〕happening or arriving at the arranged time 在安排好的时间发生或到达朗文写作活用〔WHEN〕when one thing happens during the time that something else is happening 在某事发生期间发生另一事朗文写作活用〔dictatorship〕the atrocities that took place during his dictatorship 在他独裁期间发生的暴行牛津搭配〔intercurrent〕intercurrent diseases 间发病英汉大词典〔landfall〕make a good (bad) landfall 按(未按)预定时间发现陆地英汉大词典〔over〕happening/occurring/developing over a period of 20 years 在20年间发生的/出现的/发展起来的韦氏高阶〔periodic〕problems such as diseases or periodic droughts诸如疾病或间发性旱灾此类的问题外研社新世纪〔rattle〕rattle in one's throat 在喉间发呼噜声英汉大词典〔space〕a missile launched into space 向外层空间发射的导弹英汉大词典〔theft〕a spate of thefts over the Christmas period 圣诞节期间发生的一连串盗窃案牛津搭配〔violent〕violent clashes between the police and demonstrators 警方与示威者之间发生的暴力冲突朗文当代




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