

单词 clare
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕I never thought Clare would be any good at this job, but I've had to eat my words. 我从来都没想过克莱尔会干好这工作,可是我不得不承认自己说错了。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Here's to Clare and Malcolm! May they have a long and happy marriage! 为克莱尔和马尔科姆干杯!祝愿他俩的婚姻天长地久,幸福美满!朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Clare was more active than her brother, who had always been a delicate child. 克莱尔比她的弟弟活跃,他一向体弱多病。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕When Gary and Clare began to argue, Reg decided to make himself scarce. 加里和克莱尔吵了起来,雷吉决定开溜。朗文写作活用〔MENTALLY ILL〕Working with Clare every day, I began to realize how unstable she was. 每天和克莱尔在一起工作,我开始了解到她的情绪有多么不稳定。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕Clare tactfully changed the subject when someone started talking about weddings. 有人开始谈起婚礼来,克莱尔便知趣地岔开了话题。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Clare had to withdraw from the race after injuring her knee. 克莱尔膝盖受伤后只得退出比赛。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕I know Clare is a good cook. I had a taste of her pumpkin pie. 我知道克莱尔做得一手好菜,我尝过她的南瓜馅饼。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕You can see why Clare was so annoyed, can't you? 你知道克莱尔为什么这么生气,是吗?朗文写作活用〔agitate〕I must warn you that any mention of Clare agitates your grandmother.我必须提醒你,一提到克莱尔你奶奶就会不安起来。朗文当代〔baby〕Clare is the baby of the family.克莱尔是家里最小的孩子。朗文当代〔belt〕Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt.克莱尔现在是全职作家,著有6本书,其中有4部小说。柯林斯高阶〔bless〕My aunt Clare, bless her, watched the kids while we went out.真得感谢我的克莱尔姨妈,在我们外出时是她帮忙照看孩子们。韦氏高阶〔cleavage〕Clare was wearing a low-cut dress that showed off her cleavage.克莱尔穿了件低胸长裙,露出乳沟。剑桥高阶〔clotheshorse〕Clare draped her washing over a wooden clotheshorse.克莱尔把洗好的衣服挂在一个木制晾衣架上。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Clare Gray covered the Paris fashion shows for The Times.克莱尔·格雷在《泰晤士报》上报道了巴黎的时装表演。麦克米伦高阶〔dispatch〕In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我们的战地记者克莱尔‧达根在其最新报道中说战事正在加剧。剑桥高阶〔divulge〕Clare divulged that she was recovering from a nervous breakdown.克莱尔透露说她曾经精神崩溃,正在恢复之中。朗文当代〔fellowship〕He was offered a research fellowship at Clare College.他在克莱尔学院得到了一个研究员职位。外研社新世纪〔fellowship〕He was offered a research fellowship at Clare College.他在克莱尔学院得到了一个研究员职位。柯林斯高阶〔fellow〕Georgia's a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.乔治娅是剑桥大学克莱尔学院的研究员。剑桥高阶〔get on the right/wrong side of sb〕As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother.克莱尔十几岁的时候总是惹母亲生气。剑桥高阶〔get〕Clare got on the school board.克莱尔入选了学校董事会。麦克米伦高阶〔go off sb/sth〕I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare.我不再喜欢彼得了,因为他说了克莱尔那些坏话。剑桥高阶〔go〕I really like Clare but she does go on.我很喜欢克莱尔,不过她太爱唠叨。朗文当代〔haunt〕Clare was haunted by the fear that her husband was having an affair.克莱尔总是担心丈夫有外遇。朗文当代〔hear〕If he gets a date with Clare, we'll never hear the end of it.如果他跟克莱尔有个约会,他会说个没完没了。麦克米伦高阶〔immerse〕Clare and Phil were deeply immersed in conversation.克莱尔和菲尔聊得十分投入。牛津搭配〔immerse〕Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner.克莱尔和菲尔在角落里深谈。牛津高阶〔inside〕I'll call up Clare and get the inside story (= a true report of the facts).我将给克莱尔打电话了解内幕。剑桥高阶〔joke〕Half jokingly, Clare took on the role of teacher.克莱尔半开玩笑地扮起老师来。麦克米伦高阶〔love〕See you soon. Lots of love, Clare.希望很快能见到你。 深爱你的,克莱尔。朗文当代〔meditation〕Clare was deep in meditation.克莱尔陷入了深思。外研社新世纪〔mooch〕Then out from her corner would mooch Clare.然后克莱尔会从角落里偷偷溜出来。外研社新世纪〔off〕Clare had to stay off school because her mother was ill.克莱尔因为妈妈病了不能来上学。朗文当代〔present〕I wasn't present when Dr Allott examined Clare.阿洛特医生为克莱尔检查的时候我不在场。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕It was Clare who first put up the idea of a concert to raise money for the school.是克莱尔首先提出举办音乐会来为学校筹钱这个想法的。麦克米伦高阶〔read〕Reading between the lines, I think Clare needs money.斟酌一下她的言外之意,我觉得克莱尔需要钱。牛津高阶〔rehearse〕Walker rehearsed his apologies to Clare.沃克把要向克莱尔道歉的话在心里默默地过了几遍。外研社新世纪〔responsible〕Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work.克莱尔对待工作成熟而可信赖。牛津高阶〔right〕Clare is obviously the right person for the job.克莱尔显然是这份工作的最佳人选。外研社新世纪〔say〕Clare told us something interesting (NOT said us something …).克莱尔告诉了我们一些有趣的事。朗文当代〔split〕After her split with Joe, Clare kept the couple's two dogs.她和乔分手后, 克莱尔收养了他们一起养的两条狗。外研社新世纪〔stand your ground〕Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.克莱尔在会上坚持她自己的立场,即便在迈克尔生气后也决不退让。剑桥高阶〔stare〕Clare was sitting on her unmade bed, staring into space.克莱尔坐在她没有整理的床铺上,茫然地发着呆。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali, and somehow the name stuck.虽然她的名字是克莱尔,她的妹妹却叫她拉莉,不知怎么的,这个名字就叫开了。剑桥高阶〔still〕Clare didn't do much work, but she still passed the exam.克莱尔虽然没花多大工夫,但她还是通过了考试。朗文当代〔suicidal〕For many years before treatment, Clare had suicidal tendencies (=behaviour that showed she wanted to kill herself) .在治疗前的许多年间,克莱尔都有自杀倾向。朗文当代〔summery〕Clare walked by looking very summery in a pale blue sundress.克莱尔穿着浅蓝色的太阳裙,浑身散发着夏日的气息。剑桥高阶〔television〕Clare has worked in television since she left college.克莱尔大学毕业后一直在电视业界工作。剑桥高阶〔unable〕Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.克莱尔点了点头,一时说不出话来。牛津搭配〔vilification〕Clare did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to.克莱尔不该受到这样的诽谤。外研社新世纪〔vilification〕Clare did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to.克莱尔不该受到这样的诽谤。柯林斯高阶〔way〕By the way, if Clare comes tomorrow she's bringing her boyfriend.顺便说一下,如果克莱尔明天来,她会带她男朋友一块来。麦克米伦高阶〔weigh〕Tell me Clare, how much do you weigh? 告诉我,克莱尔,你有多重?麦克米伦高阶〔will〕Clare will be five years old next month.下个月克莱尔就5岁了。剑桥高阶〔wriggle〕Clare wriggled under the fence.克莱尔在篱笆下面扭动着向前。外研社新世纪〔yell〕Clare yelled in pain as she fell.克莱尔跌倒时痛苦地大叫。朗文当代〔young〕Angela is two years younger than Clare.安杰拉比克莱尔小两岁。剑桥高阶Clare has befriended a new child in her class at school.克莱尔在学校里和班里的一位新生成了好朋友。剑桥国际Clare has worked in television since she left college.克莱尔大学毕业后一直在电视台工作。剑桥国际Clare is a control freak--she has to be in charge all the time.克莱尔是个控制狂----她总要时时当主管。剑桥国际Clare just walked by looking very summery in a pale blue sundress.克莱尔穿着浅蓝色的太阳裙走在路上看上去充满了夏日的气息。剑桥国际Clare was wearing a low-cut dress which showed off her cleavage to its best advantage.克莱尔穿了一件低胸的礼服,最大限度地展示了她的乳沟。剑桥国际Clare will be five years old next month.克莱尔下个月就要满5岁了。剑桥国际Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali, and somehow the name stuck/it stuck.虽然她的名字是克莱尔,但她妹妹却叫她拉莉,不知怎么这名字仍在用。剑桥国际Angela is two years younger than Clare.安杰拉比克莱尔小两岁。剑桥国际For once (= It is not usual, but this time), Clare offered to buy me a drink.只有这一次克莱尔主动要给我买一杯饮料。剑桥国际Georgia's a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.乔治亚是剑桥大学克莱尔学院的研究员。剑桥国际I don't think Clare will be able to help you -- she has her own problems to deal with.我想克莱尔将不能帮助你----她有她自己的问题要处理。剑桥国际I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare.当彼得说了克莱尔那些坏话之后我就不喜欢他了。剑桥国际I'll call up Clare and get the inside story.我要给克莱尔打电话,了解一些内幕。剑桥国际In her latest dispatch Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我们的战地记者克莱尔·达根在她的最近一篇报道中,报告了战事的增多。剑桥国际The debate in Parliament was initiated by Clare Short (Lab).议会辩论由克莱尔·肖特(工党)挑起。剑桥国际When Clare was a teenager, she was always getting on the wrong side of (= annoying, upsetting and disagreeing with) her mother, but they're very good friends now.当克莱尔是个十几岁的孩子时,她总是使她母亲生气,但她们现在是非常好的朋友。剑桥国际




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