

单词 clap
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLAP〕Fans usually clap the batsman when he leaves the field. 击球手离场时,球迷一般会为他鼓掌。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕Clap your hands twice, and the light switches on. 拍两下手,灯就会亮。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There was a thunder clap followed instantly by lightning. 一声雷鸣,紧接着是闪电。朗文写作活用〔clap up〕Clap up,gentlemen,Jackson deserves our applause.继续热烈鼓掌吧,先生们,杰克逊应受到我们的喝彩。21世纪英汉〔clap〕Clap hold of my bag for a minute while I lock the door.我锁门时帮我拿着包。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕Clap your hands in time to the music.随着音乐的节奏拍手。英汉大词典〔clap〕Clap your hands! 大家拍起手来!韦氏高阶〔clap〕A big clap for our last contestant! 为我们最后一位参赛者热烈鼓掌!牛津搭配〔clap〕He gave her a clap on the back.他在她的背上拍了一下。文馨英汉〔clap〕He gave his friend a clap on the back.他拍了一下朋友的背。韦氏高阶〔clap〕He gave me a clap on the back and invited me for a drink.他在我背上拍了一下,请我去喝一杯。英汉大词典〔clap〕He gave me a friendly clap on the shoulder and said, "Well done!" 他友好地拍拍我的肩膀说:“干得好!”剑桥高阶〔clap〕He got the clap.他染上了淋病。韦氏高阶〔clap〕He had to clap his hands over his ears to shut out the noise.他不得不猛地用手捂住耳朵,以挡住噪音。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕I gave him a clap on the shoulder.我拍了一下他的肩膀。外研社新世纪〔clap〕I've trained my dog to sit when I clap my hands.我把我的狗训练得听到我拍手它就坐下。外研社新世纪〔clap〕Let's give Molly a clap.让我们为莫莉鼓掌。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕Let's give a big clap to/for our winning contestant! 让我们为获胜选手热烈鼓掌!剑桥高阶〔clap〕Let's give the children a big clap.让我们为孩子们热烈鼓掌。外研社新世纪〔clap〕Let's give the children a big clap.让我们为孩子们热烈鼓掌。柯林斯高阶〔clap〕Londoners came out on to the pavement to wave and clap the marchers.伦敦居民从家里涌到人行道上,向游行队伍挥手、鼓掌。柯林斯高阶〔clap〕One man began to clap, and others joined in.一个人鼓起了掌,其他人也都鼓起掌来。朗文当代〔clap〕The board fell with a clap on the floor.木板呯的一声落在了地板上。韦氏高阶〔clap〕The crowd gave her a big [good] clap.群众给她大声鼓掌。文馨英汉〔clap〕The regime's response was to clap people in jail.该政权作出的反应是冷不防地把人们关进监狱。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕There was a clap of thunder and then it started to pour with rain.轰隆一声雷鸣,接着就下起了倾盆大雨。剑桥高阶〔clap〕There was another clap of thunder, and the lightning flashed again.又是一阵雷声轰隆,接着又是闪电。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕They gave the performer a clap.他们向演出者鼓掌。英汉大词典〔clap〕While Onassis might clap a friend on the back, Niarchos would extend a businesslike hand.奥纳西斯会轻拍朋友的后背, 而尼亚尔霍斯则会公事化地伸出手来。外研社新世纪〔clap〕While Onassis might clap a friend on the back, Niarchos would extend a businesslike hand.奥纳西斯可能会拍拍朋友的后背,可尼亚尔霍斯却会公事公办地伸出手来。柯林斯高阶〔clap〕With a clap of his hands he ordered more food.他拍了下手又点了些吃的。牛津搭配〔explode〕A clap of thunder exploded overhead.一声惊雷在头顶炸响。朗文当代〔explosive〕There was an explosive clap of thunder overhead.突然一个霹雳在头顶炸开。剑桥高阶〔eye〕That's probably the most bare and bleak island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on.那可能是我不幸看到的最光秃、最荒凉的岛屿。柯林斯高阶〔frighten〕The clap of thunder startled us.雷鸣般的掌声惊呆了我。美国传统〔rattle〕The loud claps of thunder rattled.炸雷劈啪。英汉大词典〔rhythm〕Clap to the rhythm of the music.跟着音乐的节拍鼓掌。牛津搭配〔splatter〕The clap of thunder was followed by a splatter of large raindrops.随着裂帛似的雷声而来的是斗大雨点的啪啪声。英汉大词典〔stampede〕A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede.一声响雷使牛群受惊狂奔起来。剑桥高阶〔standing〕The speaker got a standing ovation(= people stood up to clap after the spe ech).演讲者赢得了听众的起立鼓掌。牛津高阶〔thunder〕A clap of thunder shook the house.一声霹雳震撼了房屋。英汉大词典〔thunder〕Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder.突然响起一声惊雷。韦氏高阶〔time〕Clap your hands to keep time(= sing or move with the correct speed and rhythm).拍手以保持节奏。牛津高阶〔wake〕A clap of thunder wakes the hills.一声霹雳震动了群山。21世纪英汉〔welcome〕Please welcome (= please clap for) our guest of honour, George Taylor.请鼓掌欢迎我们尊贵的客人乔治‧泰勒。剑桥高阶A clap of thunder reverberated through the house. 一声雷鸣在屋子里回响。译典通A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede/stampeded the herd.一声响雷使牛群惊窜。剑桥国际He returned home from service abroad with a nasty dose of the clap.他从国外服兵役归来,得了肮脏的淋病。剑桥国际I was awakened by a frightful clap of thunder. 我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。译典通Let's give a big clap to/for our winning contestant! 让我们为了胜利的竞赛选手热烈鼓掌!剑桥国际There was a sudden clap of thunder and then it started to pour with rain.突然一声雷鸣,然后下起了倾盆大雨。剑桥国际There was an explosive (= loud) clap of thunder overhead.一声霹雳在头顶爆裂。剑桥国际They gave the speaker a clap. 他们向演讲人鼓掌。译典通Try to clap out the rhythm as you listen to this music.在听这音乐时试着拍出它的节拍来。剑桥国际




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