

单词 里面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕It was stifling in there; I was glad to get out. 那里面很闷热,我很高兴出来走走。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕The limousine had tinted windows, so we couldn't see who was inside. 那辆豪华大轿车装有浅色玻璃,因此我们无法看见谁在里面。朗文写作活用〔CONTAIN〕He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap, and a towel. 他打开包,里面有一把剃须刀、肥皂和一条毛巾。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕They've been locked in there all morning - what are they up to? 他们整个早上都关在里面——他们在搞什么鬼?朗文写作活用〔Dutch〕The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting.荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。柯林斯高阶〔EMPTY〕The thieves had turned out the drawer, scattering the contents on the floor. 窃贼们翻空了抽屉,里面的东西撒落了一地。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The girls each had a small backpack stuffed with books, cards, crayons, paper, and games. 这些女孩每个人都有一个小背包,里面塞满了书、卡片、彩色蜡笔、纸和游戏用具。朗文写作活用〔Lord〕Lord knows what it might contain.天晓得里面都是什么东西呢。外研社新世纪〔SEE〕The box has a transparent plastic lid so you can see what's inside. 那盒子有一个透明的塑料盖,可以看到里面的东西。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕The parcel contained a gun that had been taken to pieces. 包裹里面是一把拆开了的枪。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕Some 2,000 students, lecturers and university workers remained inside, refusing to leave. 有2,000名大学师生和职员留在里面,拒绝离开。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕There was a long pause, and she was about to put the phone down when the voice came back again. 有一段长时间的停顿,她刚要放下听筒,声音又从里面传来。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕The town is surrounded by large, unattractive housing estates that nobody wants to live in. 这个小镇四周都是不入眼的大型住宅区,没有人想住在里面。朗文写作活用〔bedevil〕The accountant was bedevil(l)ed in a mass of figures.会计钻在一大堆数字里面给搅昏了头。英汉大词典〔beneath〕She wore a sweater beneath her coat.她在外套里面穿了件毛衣。韦氏高阶〔ben〕Inside; within.在里面;在内部美国传统〔boiling〕Often the food may be boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.食物常常是表面滚烫, 而里面可能还是凉的。外研社新世纪〔brush〕She took a can of paint and dipped her brush in it.她取出一罐油漆,将刷子在里面蘸了蘸。牛津搭配〔cartouche〕An oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.漩涡花饰牌匾:古埃及象形文字中的一种椭圆形或长方形造型,里面圈有表示皇族或神职人员名字或标号的字母美国传统〔catch〕All that money for two hours' work—what's the catch? 干了两小时的活就给那么多钱,这里面有什么鬼?牛津高阶〔clean up〕The children are inside getting cleaned up.孩子们正在里面洗手洗脸。韦氏高阶〔coffeehouse〕A restaurant where coffee and other refreshments are served, especially one where people gather for conversation, games, or musical entertainment.咖啡馆:提供咖啡和其他饮料的一种餐馆,尤指人们聚集在里面谈话、玩笑或听音乐的那种美国传统〔complete with〕The school has built a new sports complex, complete with a skating rink.学校新建了综合体育场馆,里面有一个溜冰场。韦氏高阶〔consign〕The shoes looked so tatty that I consigned them to the back of the cupboard.这双鞋这么破烂,我把它放到柜子的最里面去了。朗文当代〔contain〕The thieves stole a purse containing banknotes.小偷们偷到了一个里面有钞票的钱包。朗文当代〔crush〕Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.别把这个盒子压坏了,里面有花。21世纪英汉〔dark〕It was too dark inside to see much.里面太暗, 看不清楚。外研社新世纪〔episode〕I caught a few episodes of seasons one and two.我赶上了第一、二季里面的几集。牛津搭配〔escort〕Two Marines escorted Benny inside.两个美国海军陆战队士兵把本尼护送到里面。朗文当代〔fire〕The interior was only lit by the golden glow of the fire.里面只有金色的炉火照明。牛津搭配〔flame〕She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.车子一下子起火了, 她设法从里面爬了出来。外研社新世纪〔from〕A strange sound was heard from within.从里面传来一声奇怪的声音。文馨英汉〔go in〕I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.我透过窗户往里面看了看,但是并没有进去。剑桥高阶〔hair〕I found a hair in my soup.我在我的汤里面发现了一根头发。剑桥高阶〔halve〕Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。柯林斯高阶〔haste〕Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.遗憾的是,这份报告准备得有些仓促,里面有几处不准确的地方。剑桥高阶〔housing〕An enclosing frame in which a shaft revolves.外套,外罩:封闭性的框架,有轴在里面转动美国传统〔inside of〕We waited inside of the store.我们在商店里面等候。韦氏高阶〔inside〕As I walked past the door, I glanced inside.我走过那扇门时往里面瞥了一眼。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕I could hear music coming from inside.我能听到里面传来乐声。柯林斯高阶〔inside〕I had never seen the inside of a prison before.我以前从未见过监狱里面的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕There was ice on the inside of the bedroom window.卧室窗户的里面结冰了。外研社新世纪〔interest〕The United States had an interest in giving military aid because it provided jobs for American workers.美国提供军事援助是有利害关系在里面的,因为它为美国工人提供了工作。麦克米伦高阶〔introduce〕To put inside or into; insert or inject.纳入,放入:置于…里面或内部;插入或注入美国传统〔in〕He was locked in.他被锁在里面。英汉大词典〔in〕We were locked in.我们被锁在里面了。牛津高阶〔light〕I barged into his room and the light lit.我闯进他的房间,里面开着灯。英汉大词典〔lock〕They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock, stock and barrel to their new home.他们把在新泽西的花园挖了个底朝天, 然后将里面的东西一样不落地搬回了家。外研社新世纪〔lowering〕She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.她再次回到里面时低着头,与摄影师擦身而过。柯林斯高阶〔mall rat〕Thus, teenagers become mall rats, hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls.于是,十几岁的孩子们没事就去逛大商场,在里面到处溜达却很少购物。柯林斯高阶〔maximum〕The largest number in a set.最大数:一个集合里面的最大数美国传统〔mumbo jumbo〕It's all full of psychoanalytic mumbo jumbo.这里面全是精神分析的一派胡言。外研社新世纪〔mumbo jumbo〕It's all full of psychoanalytic mumbo-jumbo.这里面全是精神分析的一派胡言。柯林斯高阶〔omelet〕A dish consisting of beaten eggs cooked until set and folded over, often around a filling.煎蛋卷:将打匀的鸡蛋煎至凝固,折起来,并在里面塞入馅的一道菜肴美国传统〔opacity〕Their eyes searched through opacity into what lay within.他们的眼光穿过黑暗,往里面搜索。英汉大词典〔opine〕Power grows from the barrel of a gun, opined Mao.毛泽东说,枪杆子里面出政权。剑桥高阶〔outside〕The candy was hard outside but chewy inside.这种糖外面硬,但里面有嚼劲。韦氏高阶〔pair〕A pair of sparrows had made a nest in the hedge.一对麻雀在树篱里面做了巢。麦克米伦高阶〔pass along〕Pass right along the bus,please.请往汽车里面走。21世纪英汉〔penetrate〕The sunlight barely penetrated the inner room.阳光几乎照不到里面的房间。牛津搭配〔pen〕People captured in Africa were temporarily forced to stay inside the pen.在非洲抓获的人被强制临时关在囚禁所里面。外研社新世纪〔picture window〕As her sitting room has large picture windows looking out on to the road, passers-by can easily look in.因为她的起居室有个很大的临街观景窗, 所以路人能轻易看到里面。外研社新世纪〔purpose-built〕The art is housed in a purpose-built structure that provides a controlled environment.这件艺术品被放在一个特制的建筑物里,里面的环境是可以调控的。韦氏高阶〔render〕It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.这里面的错误太多, 没有什么价值。外研社新世纪〔sad〕The salad consisted of a few leaves of sad-looking lettuce.色拉里面拌了几片生菜的残叶。牛津高阶〔signify〕The symbol displayed outside a restaurant signifies there's excellent cuisine inside.餐馆外的招牌表明里面有美味佳肴可以享用。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕When I answered the phone there was dead silence(=no sound at all).我接起电话时,里面什么声音也没有。麦克米伦高阶〔smock〕A loose coatlike outer garment, often worn to protect the clothes while working.罩衣,工作服:一种宽松的大衣般的罩在外面的衣服,常常用来在工作时保护里面的衣服美国传统〔squirt〕Squirt some oil in the lock.往锁里面喷些油。朗文当代〔stuffy〕It's really stuffy in here.这里面真够闷人的。外研社新世纪〔suppose〕Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside.假设有人给了你一枚鸡蛋并要你准确描述鸡蛋里面有什么。柯林斯高阶〔testimony〕Her living room is also her office, filled with desks, books, papers, a testimony to her dedication to her work.她的客厅也是她的办公室, 里面摆满了书桌、书籍和文件, 充分证明了她的敬业精神。外研社新世纪〔tip〕The child picked up the box and tipped the toys out all over the floor.孩子捡起盒子,把里面的玩具倒了一地。剑桥高阶〔try〕When I came back in, one of the men was trying it on with my wife! 当我回到里面时,其中一个男人正想搞我的老婆!朗文当代〔underneath〕He hid the envelope underneath his coat.他把信封藏在大衣里面。韦氏高阶〔underneath〕He wore a swimsuit underneath his slacks.他在便裤里面穿着游泳裤。英汉大词典〔unlucky〕The couple were unlucky enough to be in the hotel when the terrorist group struck.当恐怖团伙袭击这家宾馆时,很不幸这对夫妇正住在里面。剑桥高阶〔unpack〕To remove the contents of (a suitcase, for example).打开取出:取出(比如,一只衣箱)里面装的东西美国传统〔wedge〕Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in.在门底下塞一个楔子让门敞开着,我们好往里面搬箱子。剑桥高阶〔while〕You hold the torch while I look inside.你拿着手电筒, 我看看里面。外研社新世纪〔window〕He was looking in the window of a butcher's shop.他盯着肉店橱窗里面看。外研社新世纪〔would〕Once inside, I found that the flat would be perfect for my life in Paris.一到里面,我就发现这套公寓对我在巴黎生活再适合不过了。柯林斯高阶Birds build nests and lay eggs in them in the spring.鸟禽在春天筑巢并在里面产卵。剑桥国际Brandy glasses are curved so that you can put your hands round them in order to warm the brandy.白兰地的酒杯呈弧线形,这样你就可以用手握住杯子以暖暖里面的白兰地。剑桥国际He parked his car inside the gate. 他把车停在大门里面。译典通His inspection was no more than a quick look into the room from the doorway.他的检查不过是站在门口往房间里面瞥一下。剑桥国际I don't want this mug, it's got a chip in it/out of it.我不要这杯子,里面有一点缺损。剑桥国际I found myself in a room full of carmine-nailed women dripping with furs and diamonds.我发现自己在一个房间里,里面满是涂深红色指甲油、披着毛皮、戴着钻石的女人。剑桥国际It is a very rare marble, with special crystals in it that make it twinkle at night.真是罕见的大理石, 里面有特别的水晶, 使它在晚上熠熠生辉。剑桥国际Look at these vegetables--they're all mottled and wormy (=damaged by and usually still containing worms).看看这些蔬菜----它们全都是斑斑点点的,而且里面还有虫子。剑桥国际Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.昨天飞机轰炸了游击队的阵地,试图将狙击手们从地道里面逼出来。剑桥国际Rain water falling on a permeable rock such as limestone gradually fills up the pore spaces.落到像石灰石这样的渗透性岩石上的雨水会逐渐灌满里面的孔隙。剑桥国际The boy peeped through the keyhole to see what was going on inside. 男孩从钥匙孔里窥视,看里面发生什么情况。译典通The child picked up the box and tipped the toys out all over the floor.这个孩子拣起了盒子,把里面的玩具倒了一地。剑桥国际The children's names are indelibly written inside their school clothes.孩子们的名字被洗不掉地写在他们的校服里面。剑桥国际The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot. 烟囱里面很快就会被煤烟覆盖。译典通The sofa had split underneath and the wadding was coming out.沙发下面裂开了,里面的填料也露出来了。剑桥国际The walls of the cell were covered with the scrawls of the prisoners that had been held there over the years.牢房的墙上涂满了多年来关在里面的囚犯的乱涂乱画。剑桥国际The wine is in the fridge--it just wants cooling for a couple of minutes. 酒在冰箱里面----只需冰几分钟。剑桥国际Visitors are asked to leave their umbrellas in the vestibule.参观者被要求将雨伞放在门厅里面。剑桥国际




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