

单词 里长
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GROW〕the amount of something that is grown in one season 某物在一个季节里长出的数量朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕a four-mile queue of stationary traffic 四英里长的停着的车辆队伍朗文写作活用〔boardwalk〕a 5-mile Atlantic Ocean boardwalk 大西洋海滨5英里长的木板宽阔人行道英汉大词典〔companion〕trout in mustard sauce that we companioned with a bottle of Thornbury sauvignon blanc我们用一瓶桑伯里长相思白葡萄酒搭配的芥末酱鳟鱼外研社新世纪〔crevice〕a huge boulder with rare ferns growing in every crevice裂缝里长满罕见蕨类植物的巨石外研社新世纪〔easily〕a floating island of ice which would easily be half a mile long 一大块至少有半英里长的浮冰英汉大词典〔elder〕a meeting of the village elders 村里长辈们的集会朗文当代〔fortress〕a fortress town enclosed by four miles of ramparts 由四英里长的城墙围着的设防城镇牛津高阶〔golden〕miles of golden beaches 数英里长的金色沙滩牛津高阶〔great〕the Great Wall of China 中国万里长城剑桥高阶〔hole〕a hollow in the ground where ivy grows; 地上的洼地里长着长春藤;美国传统〔household〕growing up in a male-only household. 在一个只有男性的家庭里长大柯林斯高阶〔long〕a mile long; an hour long. 一英里长;一小时之久美国传统〔mile〕a mile-long procession 一英里长的游行队伍牛津高阶〔mile〕an area 50 miles wide and 150 miles long 一片 50 英里宽、150 英里长的地区朗文当代〔multicultural〕children growing up in a multicultural society在多元文化社会里长大的孩子外研社新世纪〔pipeline〕a 500-kilometre oil pipeline 500公里长的石油管道麦克米伦高阶〔relay〕relay several miles of track (cable) 重新铺设数英里长的轨道(电缆)英汉大词典〔sliver〕a two-mile-long sliver of land 两英里长的一片狭长土地英汉大词典〔smoke-filled room〕long discussions in smoke-filled rooms. 密室里长久的讨论柯林斯高阶〔standing〕standing grain (corn) 地里长着的粮食(玉米)英汉大词典〔tailback〕a two-mile tailback on the M4 (英国)4号高速公路上2英里长的受阻车辆英汉大词典〔track〕a ten-mile stretch of track 10英里长的铁轨剑桥高阶




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