

单词 青肿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLOTHES〕Molly tore off the child's clothing looking for more marks and bruises. 莫莉一下子脱去那个孩子的衣服,看看有没有更多伤痕和青肿。朗文写作活用〔black eye〕A bruised discoloration of the flesh surrounding the eye.黑眼眶:眼部周围青肿变色美国传统〔black eye〕He had a fight at school and came home with a black eye.他在学校里打架了,回家时眼眶青肿。剑桥高阶〔black eye〕He's got a black eye.他眼眶青肿。外研社新世纪〔black-and-blue〕Discolored from coagulation of blood below the surface of the skin.青肿的,淤血的:皮肤表面下面血液凝结而变色的美国传统〔black-and-blue〕There is a black-and-blue mark on his knee.他的膝盖上有一块青肿的斑点。文馨英汉〔boo-boo〕A slight physical injury, such as a scratch.青肿:轻度的肉体伤害,如擦伤美国传统〔bruise〕A bruise had formed below his left eye.他左眼下出现青肿。牛津搭配〔bruise〕An injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations.青肿:皮下组织或骨头受伤,皮肤没破损,症状是血管破裂,有淤血斑美国传统〔bruise〕Her flesh (或 She) bruises easily.她身上很容易出现青肿。英汉大词典〔bruise〕She was treated for cuts and bruises.医生给她处理了身上的伤口和青肿。外研社新世纪〔bruise〕The blow bruised her leg.这打击使她的腿青肿。21世纪英汉〔bruise〕To injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of (part of the body) without breaking the skin, as by a blow.青肿:使皮下软组织或骨头受伤,但并没弄破皮肤,如挨一击美国传统〔bruise〕With this disease the patient bruises easily.因这种疾病,病人身上很容易出现青肿。21世纪英汉〔bump〕He wound up with a few minor bumps and bruises from the fight.他因为打架身上青肿了好几块。韦氏高阶〔bump〕She was covered in bumps and bruises.她全身青肿,伤痕累累。牛津高阶〔contiguous〕The bruising was not contiguous to the wound.这青肿块不在伤口边上。牛津高阶〔contusion〕An injury in which the skin is not broken; a bruise.挫伤:皮肤未被划破的伤害;青肿美国传统〔get the worst of it〕The bruises on his face after the fight showed that he'd gotten the worst of it.打完架后他脸上的青肿说明他被打败了。韦氏高阶〔go away〕It was weeks before the bruises went away.过了好几个星期青肿才消下去。剑桥高阶〔mercifully〕She was bruised and cold, but mercifully unhurt.她身上青肿发冷,但幸而没有受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔mouse〕Informal A discolored swelling under the eye caused by a blow; a black eye.【非正式用语】 眼部青肿:眼睛下部因受打击而起的肿块;被打得青的眼睛美国传统〔otherwise〕He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.他除了一点青肿之外没有受伤。牛津高阶〔pain〕I feel a dull/sharp pain if I touch the bruise.如果我碰那块青肿的地方,会感觉隐隐作痛/剧痛。韦氏高阶〔shiner〕He got a shiner during a fight at school.他在学校打架被打得眼眶青肿。韦氏高阶〔whiplash〕He was very bruised and suffering from whiplash.他满身青肿,而且颈部过度屈伸受伤。牛津高阶He hiked up his trouser leg and showed me the bruise.他一把拉起裤腿,给我看他腿上的青肿。剑桥国际He'd been fighting at school and came home with a black eye.他在学校里打架了,回家时眼眶青肿。剑桥国际Her arm had livid bruises where it was hit when she fell.她手臂上青肿的伤疤是摔倒时撞的。剑桥国际Hold this ice pack to your head to stop the bruising.把这只冰袋贴在头上抑止青肿。剑桥国际Look at this bruise I got when I tripped on the stairs.看我在楼梯上绊倒跌出来的这块青肿。剑桥国际She put some witch-hazel on the child's leg to help reduce the bruising.她将一些金缕梅酊剂涂在了这个孩子的腿上,以帮助减轻青肿。剑桥国际The body showed signs of laceration and bruising.尸体呈现撕裂和青肿的痕迹。剑桥国际This cream can be used to treat cuts and bruises and sundry other minor injuries.这种药膏可用来医治割伤、青肿以及其他各种轻伤。剑桥国际




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