

单词 陷入
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blunder〕blunder the country into war 误使国家陷入战争英汉大词典〔bog〕to get bogged down in the mud陷入泥浆中21世纪英汉〔breakdown〕the breakdown of law and order 治安陷入瘫痪牛津高阶〔contrition〕be reduced to contrition 陷入悔恨之中文馨英汉〔corner〕got myself into a corner by boasting. 吹牛使我陷入尴尬的境地美国传统〔cycle〕caught up in a vicious cycle of bingeing and dieting 陷入暴饮暴食和节食的恶性循环中牛津搭配〔descent〕her slow descent to a life of addiction 她慢慢陷入吸毒成瘾的生活之中韦氏高阶〔disarray〕be thrown into disarray 陷入混乱英汉大词典〔dislocate〕a continuing drought that dislocated the state's economy. 持续的干旱使该国经济陷入混乱美国传统〔draw〕drawn to despair; drew them to resign. 陷入绝望;迫使他们辞职美国传统〔embrangle〕be embrangled in difficulties陷入困境[亦作imbrangle]21世纪英汉〔enfold〕to enfold oneself in many griefs使自己陷入种种不幸之中[亦作 infold]21世纪英汉〔ensnarl〕to be ensnarled in the web of prejudice陷入偏见之中不能自拔21世纪英汉〔fix〕get oneself into a bad fix 陷入窘境英汉大词典〔give〕finally gave myself over to grief. 最后让自己完全陷入痛苦中美国传统〔gloomily〕a gloomy picture of an economy sliding into recession. 经济陷入萧条的惨淡景象柯林斯高阶〔godlessness〕a godless and alienated society. 没有宗教信仰、陷入孤立的社会柯林斯高阶〔grip〕a country in the grip of recession 陷入衰退的国家牛津高阶〔into〕tumble into absurdity 陷入荒谬英汉大词典〔join〕linked poverty and unemployment to the social unrest besetting the city. 把使城市陷入困境的社会骚乱与贫困失业联系起来。美国传统〔land〕land in trouble 陷入困境英汉大词典〔lapse〕to lapse into unconsciousness/a coma 逐渐失去知觉╱陷入昏迷状态牛津高阶〔melancholy〕sink into melancholy 陷入忧思英汉大词典〔mire〕be mired in debt 陷入负债的困境英汉大词典〔mire〕find oneself in a mire of debt 发现自己陷入负债困境英汉大词典〔mire〕people mired in poverty 陷入贫困的人们麦克米伦高阶〔quagmire〕be lost in quagmires of negotiation 陷入无休止的谈判泥沼英汉大词典〔remain〕remain lost in thought 陷入久久的沉思 英汉大词典〔reminiscence〕lapse into the silence of reminiscence 默默陷入怀旧的幽思 英汉大词典〔rut〕get into a rut 陷入固定格式文馨英汉〔send〕horrifying news that sent them into a panic. 使人恐怖的消息使他陷入惊慌美国传统〔slide〕slide into bad habits 陷入恶习文馨英汉〔slide〕the market's recent slide towards / toward panic 市场近期逐渐陷入恐慌牛津搭配〔slough〕get oneself into a slough of self-pity 陷入顾影自怜的泥沼英汉大词典〔snarl〕be in a snarl 陷入一团糟英汉大词典〔soup〕take (或 land) sb. in the soup 使某人陷入困境英汉大词典〔stumble〕stumble into chaos 陷入混乱英汉大词典〔trance〕to go/fall into a trance 进入╱陷入昏睡状态牛津高阶〔unhinged〕feelings that make you feel completely unhinged and crazy那些让你觉得完全失去自制、陷入癫狂状态的情绪外研社新世纪〔wall〕driven to the wall by poverty. 陷入极端贫困之中美国传统




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