

单词 陶器
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕The museum has a superb collection of Mexican pottery. 博物馆里藏有一批精美的墨西哥陶器。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕The Scottish Craft Centre has a fascinating range of pottery, jewellery and textiles for sale. 苏格兰手工艺品中心出售各式各样的极有趣的陶器、珠宝和纺织品。朗文写作活用〔Spode〕A trademark used for a brand of fine china and earthenware.斯波德牌精巧的瓷器或陶器的商标品牌美国传统〔Yayoi〕Yayoi ware 弥生式陶器(一种造形美观的无釉陶器)英汉大词典〔antedate〕The pottery we found antedates the fragments in the museum.我们发现的陶器制造年代比博物院的碎片还要早。牛津同义词〔archaeology〕The systematic recovery and study of material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery, remaining from past human life and culture.考古学:对过去人类的生活及文化保存下来的物质证据,如坟墓、建筑物、工具及陶器等的系统的恢复与研究美国传统〔argil〕Clay, especially a white clay used by potters.粘土,陶土:粘土、尤指陶器使用的白粘土美国传统〔attribute〕He attributes this pottery to the Bronze Age.他认为这种陶器是青铜时代的遗物。英汉大词典〔basalt〕A kind of hard unglazed pottery.一种硬的素烧的陶器美国传统〔bit〕All the crockery had been smashed to bits.所有的陶器都给摔成了碎片。牛津搭配〔bone ash〕The white, powdery calcium phosphate ash of burned bones, used as a fertilizer, in making ceramics, and in cleaning and polishing compounds.骨灰:焚烧骨头所得的白色粉末状磷酸钙。用作肥料,用于制陶器,也可用来擦拭珠宝美国传统〔carry back〕Tasmanian pottery is often carried back to the mainland by tourists keen for souvenirs.塔斯马尼亚陶器常常被热衷于购买纪念品的游客带回大陆。外研社新世纪〔casserole〕A dish, usually of earthenware, glass, or cast iron, in which food is both baked and served.焙盘:用于烘烤和盛放食物的盘子,通常是陶器、玻璃或铸铁制品美国传统〔century〕The pottery dates back to the sixth century B.C.E.这件陶器可以追溯到公元前六世纪。韦氏高阶〔ceramics〕Chinese ceramics 中国陶器文馨英汉〔ceramic〕An object, such as earthenware, porcelain, or tile, made of ceramic.陶器:由陶瓷制成的一种物体,如陶器、瓷器或瓦等美国传统〔china〕Porcelain or earthenware used for the table.陶瓷餐具:餐桌上使用的瓷器或陶器美国传统〔class〕I've been taking classes in pottery.我一直在上课学习陶器制作。牛津高阶〔crackleware〕Glazed pottery or glassware bearing a decorative surface network of fine cracks.裂瓷:一种表面饰有细碎裂纹图案的上釉陶器或玻璃制品美国传统〔crackle〕A network of fine cracks on the surface of glazed pottery, china, or glassware.裂纹:上釉的陶器、瓷器或玻璃制品表面上的网状细裂纹美国传统〔crockery〕Earthenware.陶器美国传统〔cupboard〕A closet or cabinet, usually with shelves for storing food, crockery, and utensils.食橱,碗橱:一种橱或柜,通常有用来贮藏食物、陶器和器皿的搁板美国传统〔deglaze〕To remove the glaze from (pottery, for example).使脱釉:从(例如,陶器)上除去光滑的表面釉美国传统〔delft〕A style of glazed earthenware, usually blue and white, originally made in Delft, Netherlands.代尔夫特精陶:上釉陶器的一种类型,通常蓝白相间,最初是在荷兰的代尔夫特制造美国传统〔earthenware〕Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures. Faience, delft, and majolica are examples of earthenware.陶器总称:用有孔的黏土在较低火温下烧制成的器皿。一般包括上彩釉的陶器、荷兰白釉蓝彩陶器和文艺复兴时期意大利出产的花饰陶器美国传统〔earthenware〕This factory makes earthenware.这家工厂制造陶器。英汉大词典〔excavate〕Pottery has been excavated from the site.这个地方已发掘出陶器。牛津搭配〔excavation〕Excavation of the site produced enormous quantities of pottery.在该遗址发掘出大量陶器。外研社新世纪〔exhibit〕The museum has a fascinating collection of exhibits ranging from Iron Age pottery to Inuit clothing.这个博物馆收藏的展品,从铁器时代的陶器,到因纽特人的衣物,丰富多彩,令人称奇。剑桥高阶〔faience〕Earthenware decorated with colorful, opaque glazes.彩釉:饰有彩色、不透明釉料的陶器美国传统〔fictile〕Of or relating to earthenware or pottery.陶器的,陶制的:属于或与陶器有关的美国传统〔fragile〕Even earthenware pottery is breakable.甚至陶器也易碎。美国传统〔give〕He's giving a talk on early Roman pottery.他要作一个关于古罗马早期陶器的报告。朗文当代〔glaze〕A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing.釉料:烧制陶器前附在陶器表面上的一层着色的、不透明或透明的材料美国传统〔graniteware〕Earthenware with a speckled glaze resembling granite.花岗岩花纹陶器:陶器上有类似花岗岩斑点的釉料美国传统〔gullible〕Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.仿古希腊陶器的塑料复制品被卖给轻信的游客。朗文当代〔kaolin〕A fine clay used in ceramics and refractories and as a filler or coating for paper and textiles.高岭土,瓷土:一种细黏土,在制陶器和耐火材料时使用,也可用作纸张和纺织片的浆料或涂层美国传统〔kiln〕Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.窑:用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑美国传统〔level〕Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。牛津高阶〔lusterware〕Pottery or porcelain having a metallic sheen produced when metallic oxides are added to the glaze.虹彩陶:通过把金属氧化物加到釉面上制成的有金属光泽的陶器或瓷器美国传统〔luster〕The surface glossiness of ceramic ware after glazing, especially the metallic sheen of lusterware.虹彩:陶器上光后表面的光泽,尤指虹彩陶器的金属光泽美国传统〔majolica〕Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware.花饰上釉陶器:模仿这种陶器制作的陶器美国传统〔majolica〕Tin-glazed earthenware that is often richly colored and decorated, especially an earthenware of this type produced in Italy.意大利产的锡釉陶器:油彩鲜艳的锡釉陶器,特指意大利产的这种类型的陶器美国传统〔mnemonic〕A mnemonic was inscribed on a small potsherd.在一小块陶器碎片上刻着一个助记符号英汉大词典〔muffle〕A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.隔焰窑:烧陶器时炉内防止火焰直接与之接触的隔焰窑或其一部分美国传统〔overglaze〕An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery.外层釉:陶器釉面上的第二层釉美国传统〔pack〕The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.陶器已装箱运往美国。牛津高阶〔piece〕Surprisingly, most of the crockery was still in one piece.令人惊讶的是, 大部分陶器依然完好无损。外研社新世纪〔potsherd〕A fragment of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological excavation.陶器碎片:尤指考古挖掘中发现的破碎的陶器碎片美国传统〔pottery〕He has collected pottery for years.他收藏陶器多年。韦氏高阶〔pottery〕Native American pottery 美洲印第安人的陶器朗文当代〔pottery〕Roman pottery 罗马时期的陶器牛津高阶〔pottery〕The house was full of interesting pottery.房子里到处都是有趣的陶器。外研社新世纪〔pottery〕The place where a potter works.陶器厂:制陶工人工作的地方美国传统〔pottery〕There's some lovely pottery in the craft shop.工艺品店里有一些漂亮的陶器。外研社新世纪〔pottery〕They sell pottery and other handmade goods.他们卖陶器和其他手工制品。剑桥高阶〔pottery〕Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat.陶器:用潮湿粘土成形然后再加热变硬做成的器皿,如花瓶、罐、碗或盘子美国传统〔potter〕One who makes pottery.陶工,制陶工人:制陶器的人美国传统〔powder〕They powder the ceramics and pack it into silver tubes.他们把陶器磨成粉末, 然后装进银管子里。外研社新世纪〔preceramic〕Of or being a society or culture prior to the use of ceramics or pottery.先陶时期的:属于或是存在于陶器以前的社会或文化的美国传统〔preserve〕They were thrilled to discover a beautifully preserved specimen of Roman pottery.他们因发现了一件保存完好的罗马时代陶器而欣喜若狂。牛津搭配〔redware〕Earthenware made from clay containing a large amount of ferrous oxide, giving it a red color.红土陶:一种陶器,由含有大量的氧化铁的陶土制成,让它呈现红色美国传统〔resident〕Having begun her career at Gray's Pottery, she stayed there as resident designer for seven years.在格雷陶器场开始自己的职业生涯后,她在那里做了7年的特聘设计师。柯林斯高阶〔semiporcelain〕Any of several glazed ceramic wares resembling porcelain but having little or no translucency.半瓷器:类似于瓷器但很少有或没有半透明性的若干上釉的陶器的任何一种美国传统〔sgraffito〕Decoration produced on pottery or ceramic by scratching through a surface of plaster or glazing to reveal a different color underneath.五彩釉雕:通过刻划灰泥表面或上釉以显示不同底色的陶器或瓷器上的装饰美国传统〔sgraffito〕Ware decorated in this manner.五彩釉雕陶器:通过这种方式装饰的物品美国传统〔shard〕A piece of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig; a potsherd.陶器碎片:一片破碎的陶器块,尤指在考古发掘中发现的;陶器碎片美国传统〔slipware〕Pottery coated or decorated with slip.施釉陶器:用泥浆涂抹或装饰的陶器美国传统〔slip〕Thinned potter's clay used for decorating or coating ceramics.泥釉:稀释了的陶工用粘土,用作装饰陶器或作陶器涂层美国传统〔speciality〕Her speciality is 16th-century English pottery.她专门研究16世纪的英国陶器。麦克米伦高阶〔stoneware〕A heavy, nonporous, nontranslucent pottery, such as jasper ware, that is fired at a high temperature.粗陶器:高温烧制而成的重的无孔的不透明的陶器,如碧玉器皿美国传统〔stone〕Made of stoneware or earthenware.石制的:用粗陶器或陶器制成的美国传统〔stuff〕Clay is the stuff of which pottery is made.黏土是制造陶器的原料。英汉大词典〔terra cotta〕Ceramic wares made of this material.赤土陶器:用这种材料制成的陶器美国传统〔terracotta〕Greek terracottas 希腊陶器英汉大词典〔thermoluminescence〕Such new techniques as thermoluminescence are employed in the dating of pottery.诸如热发光之类的新技术被用于测定陶器的年代。英汉大词典〔typical〕This is a typical example of Roman pottery.这是一件典型的罗马陶器。牛津高阶〔ware〕Delft is a blue-and-white ware.代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。英汉大词典〔yellowware〕Earthenware made from a naturally occurring yellowish clay and ranging in color from pale yellow to mustard.黄陶:用天然的淡黄色黏土制作的陶器,颜色从浅黄色至深黄色美国传统All the crockery was old and chipped.所有的陶器都又旧又有缺口。剑桥国际Delft is a blue-and-white ware. 代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。译典通He wrapped up all his crockery in bubble wrap and then packed it into boxes.他将他所有的陶器用泡沫垫料包起来,然后装入盒子里。剑桥国际I need some adobe for my potting. 我需要些黏土制造陶器。译典通My hobbies are pottery and basket-weaving. 我的业余爱好是制作陶器和编织篮子。译典通She established a pottery at St Ives, where she made earthenware and stoneware.她在圣艾弗斯建了家陶器厂,生产陶器和粗陶器。剑桥国际Stoneware is tough and cannot be scratched, although it can sometimes crack.虽然粗陶器有时会开裂,但它很硬不会被划出痕迹。剑桥国际The exhibition features paintings, photographs, ceramics and enamels.展览会特别突出油画、摄影、陶器和搪瓷艺术品。剑桥国际The museum has a fascinating collection of exhibits (= objects) ranging from Iron Age pottery to Eskimo clothing.博物馆收藏有从铁器时代的陶器到爱斯基摩服装等引人注目的展览品。剑桥国际The pottery was carefully packed into boxes.陶器被小心地装入盒子。牛津商务They run a little pottery shop and café and are very arty-crafty.他们开了一家小陶器店兼咖啡馆,很喜欢附庸风雅。剑桥国际They sell pottery and other hand-made bits and pieces.他们卖陶器和手工制品。剑桥国际They were selling hand-thrown pottery.他们出售手工拉坯的陶器。剑桥国际




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