

单词 里乌斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arianism〕The doctrines of Arius, denying that Jesus was of the same substance as God and holding instead that he was only the highest of created beings.阿里乌斯教义:阿里乌斯创导的教义,否认耶稣和神一样,而认为他只是最高的被造物美国传统〔Arian〕A believer in Arianism.阿里乌斯教义的信奉者美国传统〔Arian〕Of or relating to Arius.阿里乌斯的:阿里乌斯的与阿里乌斯有关的美国传统〔Arius〕Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端美国传统〔Athanasian〕A follower of Athanasius, especially in opposition to Arianism.信奉达修教义的人:达修的追随者,尤指反对阿里乌斯主义的人美国传统〔Athanasius〕Greek patriarch of Alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism.达修:亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者美国传统〔Helvetii〕A Celtic people inhabiting western Switzerland during the time of Julius Caesar.赫尔维西人:尤里乌斯·恺撒时代居住在瑞士西部地区的凯尔特人美国传统




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