

单词 难懂的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕Cricket can be a pretty confusing game for non-players. 对于不会打板球的人来说,这是相当难懂的运动。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Porter has a talent for making a difficult subject understandable and interesting. 波特有一种天赋,他可以把一个晦涩难懂的话题讲得有趣易懂。朗文写作活用〔bafflegab〕Gobbledegook.难懂的话:冗长费解的话美国传统〔crabbed〕Difficult to understand; complicated.难懂的;复杂的美国传统〔dialect〕Lingo is applied, often humorously or contemptuously, to language that is unfamiliar or so specialized that it is difficult to understand. Lingo 常常幽默和鄙视地用于不熟悉或十分专业难懂的语言。美国传统〔esoteric〕There are two kinds of classics, the popular and the esoteric.古典作品有两种,一种是通俗的,一种是难懂的。英汉大词典〔few〕A sophisticated movie like this only appeals to the discriminating few.像这样一部难懂的电影只能吸引部分小众群体。韦氏高阶〔follow〕There followed several pages of incomprehensible statistics.接下来是数页难懂的统计资料。朗文当代〔hocus-pocus〕I find your question rhetorical hocus-pocus.我发现你的问题是难懂的修辞术语。外研社新世纪〔hocus-pocus〕It is unlikely he would have mistaken hocus-pocus for genuine knowledge.他不可能把难懂的术语错当成真正的知识。外研社新世纪〔illumine〕The obscure biblical text may be illumined by other, clearer texts.晦涩难懂的圣经经文可以用其他比较直白的文本来阐释。外研社新世纪〔impalpable〕Difficult to perceive or grasp by the mind.难懂的:难以理解的或隐晦难懂的美国传统〔inaccessible〕The novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本小说在我看来似乎是最难懂的书之一。文馨英汉〔inaccessible〕The novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本小说在我看来似乎是最难懂的书之一。英汉大词典〔lingo〕Language that is unintelligible or unfamiliar.奇怪而难懂的话美国传统〔mumbo jumbo〕Unintelligible or incomprehensible language; gibberish.晦涩难懂的话:不易领悟或不可理解的语言;莫名其妙的话美国传统〔puzzling〕It's a rather puzzling film.这是一部很难懂的电影。剑桥高阶〔reference〕His writing is full of obscure literary references.他的作品里充斥着晦涩难懂的文学引言。麦克米伦高阶〔unclear〕Not clearly defined; not explicit.难懂的,不明白的:没清楚定义的,不明白物美国传统A piece of writing without any punctuation is difficult to understand. 一篇没有任何标点符号的文章是很难懂的。译典通For some unfathomable reason they built the toilet next to the kitchen.由于某种难懂的理由, 他们把厕所建在了厨房边上。剑桥国际If insurance policies are written in legalese, people tend not to read them.如果保单是用晦涩难懂的法律术语写的,人们往往就不会读了。牛津商务She struggled through the dense, humourless (= not amusing) prose.她勉强读完这篇难懂的、毫无幽默感的散文。剑桥国际Some school prospectuses contained jargon and unexplained acronyms which parents found hard to understand.一些学校的课程简介中含有家长们觉得难懂的行话和没有解释的缩写词。剑桥国际We had to work from material that was both complex and recondite.我们不得不从复杂而又难懂的材料着手。剑桥国际We were baffled by the incomprehensibility of the message.我们被这难懂的消息弄糊涂了。剑桥国际




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