

单词 钟声
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕After a while, the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me. 钟声滴滴嗒嗒的很响,我一会儿就烦起来了。朗文写作活用〔Angelus〕A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer.天使经钟:用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声美国传统〔BOOKS〕This is the study where Hemingway wrote the legendary novels ‘Death in the Afternoon’ and ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’. 海明威就在这间书房里写出了著名小说《午后之死》与《战地钟声》。朗文写作活用〔EXCEPT〕The house was silent except for a clock chiming in the living room. 屋子里静悄悄的,只有客厅里钟声在响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Across the valley, church bells were chiming. 山谷的那边,教堂的钟声在敲响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕I heard a clock chime softly in the next door room. 我听到隔壁的房间里钟声在轻轻敲响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The funeral procession left the church as the bells began to toll. 钟声开始敲响,送葬队伍离开了教堂。朗文写作活用〔across〕We could hear the bells all across town.我们在镇子各处都能听见钟声。韦氏高阶〔bell〕My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing.我弟弟内维尔是星期天出生的,当时所有的教堂钟声齐鸣。柯林斯高阶〔bell〕She heard a peal of church bells.她听到了教堂响亮的钟声。牛津搭配〔bell〕The church bells called the worshippers to prayer.教堂钟声召唤礼拜教徒祈祷。英汉大词典〔bell〕The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.教堂的钟声响起,迎接新年的到来。剑桥高阶〔bell〕The school bell goes at three every afternoon.学校的钟声每天下午 3 点响起。牛津搭配〔bell〕The sound of bells echoed across the valley.钟声在山谷回荡。牛津搭配〔bell〕The wedding bells rang out.婚礼的钟声敲响了。麦克米伦高阶〔bell〕We heard the church bells ringing.我们听见了教堂的钟声。韦氏高阶〔bong〕The resulting change in tone caused the BBC to stop broadcasting those bongs.随之导致的音质上的变化使英国广播公司不再播放那些嘡嘡的钟声。外研社新世纪〔call〕The mosque was sounding the call to prayer.清真寺里传来钟声,召唤人们去祈祷。牛津搭配〔chime〕At that moment a chime sounded from the front of the house.那一刻, 前屋响起了钟声。外研社新世纪〔chime〕I was woken up by the chimes of the cathedral bells.我被大教堂的钟声唤醒。剑桥高阶〔chime〕In the square the church bells chimed.广场上教堂的钟声敲响了。剑桥高阶〔chime〕The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck.子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。柯林斯高阶〔chime〕The clock chimed midnight.钟声在午夜响起。韦氏高阶〔chime〕The clock chimed three o'clock.三点的钟声敲响了。外研社新世纪〔chime〕The grandfather clock gave off its hourly chime.这个落地式大摆钟敲响整点的钟声。外研社新世纪〔chime〕The sound produced by or as if by a bell or bells.钟声:一只钟或许多钟所发出的声音或者是类似钟声的声音美国传统〔clangour〕His music often evokes the pealing or clangour of bells.他的音乐常常令人想起钟声。剑桥高阶〔clock〕I lay there listening to the clock ticking .我躺在那里听着钟声嘀嗒作响。朗文当代〔die〕The chiming of the bells died out but seemed to linger in the air.钟声虽绝,但绕梁三日。21世纪英汉〔ding-dong〕The peal of a bell.钟声美国传统〔distance〕Church bells rang in the distance (=they were far away).远处教堂的钟声响起。朗文当代〔faithful〕We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.我们听到召集信徒去祈祷的钟声。剑桥高阶〔gong〕The cemetery bells gonged in the air.墓地丧钟声在空中回荡。英汉大词典〔hear wedding bells〕The minute I saw your brother and my friend together, I heard wedding bells.看到你哥哥和我朋友在一起的那一刻,我仿佛听到了他们婚礼的钟声。韦氏高阶〔hear〕And then we heard the bells ringing out.然后我们听见钟声响起。柯林斯高阶〔hear〕And then we heard the bells ringing out.然后我们就听见钟声响了。外研社新世纪〔keep〕The church bells keep me from sleeping.教堂的钟声使我不能入睡。牛津高阶〔knell〕The bell is knelling.钟发出丧钟声。21世纪英汉〔midnight〕At the stroke of midnight, Prince Charming turned back into a rat.子夜钟声敲响时,白马王子又变回了老鼠的样子。牛津搭配〔midnight〕Downstairs in the hall, midnight struck.楼下大厅里响起了午夜的钟声。牛津搭配〔midnight〕The clock struck midnight.夜12点的钟声敲响了。韦氏高阶〔out〕The bells rang out.钟声响起。英汉大词典〔peal〕A ringing of a set of bells, especially a change or set of changes rung on bells.钟声:一组钟的响声,尤指钟的变奏彼此谐音的美国传统〔peal〕After their wedding, the bells pealed out from the tower.他们的婚礼结束后塔楼里传出了钟声。剑桥高阶〔peal〕Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.午夜时刻一到, 教堂钟声齐鸣。外研社新世纪〔peal〕The bell began pealing.钟声当当响起。英汉大词典〔peal〕The bells of the city began to peal out.都市的钟声齐鸣。牛津高阶〔peal〕The bells pealed out on Christmas Day.圣诞节那天响起了轰鸣的钟声。朗文当代〔peal〕The bells pealed.钟声震响。牛津同义词〔peal〕The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.胜利者让钟声齐鸣庆祝胜利。21世纪英汉〔peal〕When we heard the peal of (the) bells, we knew a truce had been declared.当我们听到钟声时,就知道已经宣告休战了。剑桥高阶〔proper〕The celebrations proper always begin on the last stroke of midnight.正式庆典总是在午夜钟声的最后一响开始。牛津高阶〔rang〕The bell in the ancient temple rang throughout the valley.古刹的钟声响彻山谷。21世纪英汉〔resound〕The bells of the old temple resounded throughout the valley.古刹钟声在山谷中回荡。21世纪英汉〔reverberate〕The entire valley reverberated with the sound of the temple bells.整个山谷回荡着庙宇的钟声。21世纪英汉〔ring in〕They rang in the new year with the church bells.他们用教堂的钟声迎来了新年。21世纪英汉〔ring out〕They are ringing out the old year and ringing in the new year.他们敲起钟声送走旧岁迎来新年。21世纪英汉〔ringer〕This bell is a loud ringer.这口钟声音洪亮。英汉大词典〔ring〕A bell rang and the children trooped back into the school.钟声响了,孩子们成群结队地走回学校。麦克米伦高阶〔ring〕Ring out the Old Year and ring in the New.(随钟声)送旧年迎新年。文馨英汉〔ring〕The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。英汉大词典〔ring〕The bells are ringing for church.钟声在叫人上教堂。文馨英汉〔ring〕The bells rang a joyous peal.钟声欢鸣。英汉大词典〔ring〕The church bells rang.教堂的钟声响了。牛津高阶〔ring〕The church bells were ringing.教堂的钟声敲响了。韦氏高阶〔ring〕The old year was rung out by the chimes.钟声送走旧岁。英汉大词典〔second〕I was counting the seconds until the bell rang.钟声敲响前我一直在读秒。牛津搭配〔shrill〕The bell shrilled.钟声刺耳地响了起来。韦氏高阶〔sound〕The clock sounded noon.正午的钟声响起。韦氏高阶〔speak〕The tower-clock spoke night.塔楼大钟的钟声报告夜晚来临。英汉大词典〔strike〕The bell of the church struck to call the worshippers to prayer.教堂的钟声敲响,让信徒们作祈祷。21世纪英汉〔strike〕The clock was striking ten as we went into the church.我们走进教堂时响起了10点的报时钟声。剑桥高阶〔strike〕The town hall clock struck midnight.市政厅的钟敲响了午夜的钟声。麦克米伦高阶〔stroke〕On the stroke of 12, fireworks suddenly exploded into the night.12 点的钟声刚敲响,焰火便在夜空中绽放。柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕The bell in the temple hammered out 108 strokes.寺院的钟声敲了 108 响。英汉大词典〔through〕Big Ben is heard every day through the B.B.C.从 B.B.C.每天都可听到「大笨钟」的钟声。文馨英汉〔tintinnabulation〕All the church bells tolled his knell in a quivering, melancholy tintinnabulation.所有教堂的钟都颤动着为他鸣响了哀伤的丁当丧钟声。英汉大词典〔tintinnabulation〕The ringing or sounding of bells.钟声:钟的鸣响或声响美国传统〔together〕The bells rang out together.钟声齐鸣。英汉大词典〔toll〕Bells tolled the congregation to church.钟声召唤会众去教堂。21世纪英汉〔toll〕Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响。韦氏高阶〔toll〕He counted the tolls of the bell.他数了数钟声。韦氏高阶〔wedding〕All her friends could hear wedding bells(= they thought she would soon get married).所有的朋友仿佛已听到了她婚礼的钟声。牛津高阶A true cockney is born within the sound of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church. 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人。译典通At the news of victory, church bells were tolled across the land.听到胜利的消息,教堂的钟声传遍全国各地。剑桥国际He woke up to hear the sound of bells clanging in the distance.他醒来时听到远处当当的钟声。剑桥国际In the distance, a church bell tolled the hour (= announced the time by ringing).远处,一座教堂的钟声在报时。剑桥国际It was very foggy but the sound of the bell led the boat to safety.虽然雾非常大,但钟声将船引到安全的地方。剑桥国际Several bongs precede the news on the BBC World Service.英国广播公司对外广播节目的新闻之前有几声洪亮的钟声。剑桥国际The bells pealed out. 钟声鸣响。译典通The bells rang out. 钟声响起。译典通The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的钟声报时。译典通The church bells rang (out) to welcome in the New Year.教堂的钟声响起,迎接新年的到来。剑桥国际The noise of the bell resonated through the building.钟声在建筑物内回荡。剑桥国际They heard the clang of the school bell calling them back to classes.他们听到了学校钟声当当作响唤他们回去上课。剑桥国际Wall Street's opening bell 华尔街的开盘钟声牛津商务We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.我们听到召集信徒们去祈祷的钟声。剑桥国际We heard the calling of the bells to prayer. 我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。译典通We were woken early by the peal of silvery bells (= those having a pleasant clear musical sound).我们很早被银铃般的钟声所闹醒。剑桥国际When we heard the peal of (the) bells we knew a truce had been declared.当我们听到钟声时,我们知道已经宣告休战了。剑桥国际




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