

单词 那些日子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕We were absolutely broke in those days. Now we're comparatively well off. 那些日子,我们穷得一文不名。现在,我们相对而言富裕了些。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕When I look back on those days, it always makes me sad. 每当我回想起那些日子时,总是感到伤心。朗文写作活用〔affection〕She looked back on those days with affection .她深情地回顾那些日子。朗文当代〔amusement〕People had few amusements in those days.在那些日子里人们没什么娱乐活动。外研社新世纪〔behind〕Those days are behind me.对我来说那些日子已经成为过去。外研社新世纪〔blur〕The days before the accident were a blur.出事以前的那些日子只剩一片模糊的记忆。朗文当代〔bosom〕He never spoke of his childhood as an orphan, but kept dark memories of those days in his bosom.他从不谈及自己作为孤儿的童年,而是将对那些日子的痛苦记忆埋藏在心中。韦氏高阶〔charge〕They would never forget their time in his charge.他们永远忘不了在他手下的那些日子。外研社新世纪〔conk〕One of the hazards of living in those days will include getting conked by spare rocket parts falling from the sky.生活在那些日子的危险事件将包括头部会被天空掉下来的火箭零件击中。21世纪英汉〔day〕We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days! 以前我们常常整个上午不起床,还通宵开派对。 那些日子真是好啊!朗文当代〔drift〕It was a time of trial. Money was short, and friends drifted away.那些日子真是艰难,手头缺钱花,朋友们又都不来往了。英汉大词典〔eventful〕Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.她在大学里的那些日子是她一生中最丰富多彩的一段时光。剑桥高阶〔fly〕The days flew by.那些日子一晃就过去了。外研社新世纪〔footloose〕Ah, I was still footloose and fancy-free(= free to enjoy myself)in those days.啊,那些日子我还是自由自在、无忧无虑的。牛津高阶〔gone〕Sadly, those days are gone now.令人伤心的是那些日子一去不复返了。麦克米伦高阶〔great〕Those were great days and we were very happy.那些日子美好极了,我们过得很幸福。英汉大词典〔habituate〕He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。21世纪英汉〔in〕Back in those days, we didn't have computers.那些日子,我们还没有电脑。韦氏高阶〔know〕We had almost no money in those days. I don't know how we managed.那些日子我们几乎没什么钱,我都不明白我们是怎么熬过来的。韦氏高阶〔look〕When I look back on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.当我回想起那些日子,我意识到我当时痛苦极了。朗文当代〔over〕Those days are over.那些日子已经一去不复返。韦氏高阶〔passport〕In those days a university degree was a passport to a secure job.在那些日子里,大学文凭是获得稳定工作的保障。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕Every evening in those days the BBC played 'God Save The King'.那些日子里,英国广播公司每天晚上都会播放《天佑吾王》。柯林斯高阶〔puffed up〕I was so puffed up with my own importance in those days.那些日子我太妄自尊大了。朗文当代〔shoal〕In those days there was nothing to distinguish him from the shoals of Eng.Lit. students.在那些日子里, 他和众多的英国文学系学生没什么两样。外研社新世纪〔support〕I couldn't have made it through those times without the support of my boyfriend, Rob.没有男朋友罗布的支持,我是不可能熬过那些日子的。朗文当代〔that〕There were no telephones in those days.那些日子没有电话。麦克米伦高阶〔unbend〕In her dying days the old Queen unbent a little.在临死的那些日子里,年迈的女王态度稍缓和了一些。柯林斯高阶〔you〕In those days you did what you were told.在那些日子里, 你只能听命于人。外研社新世纪〔yuppie〕The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era.这辆保时捷911让我想起了雅皮士时代最不堪的那些日子。柯林斯高阶He often mooned about those days. 那些日子他常常精神恍惚。译典通In those days he was a feckless and poverty-stricken young drop-out.那些日子里,他是一个无精打采的穷困的退学生。剑桥国际In those days, people used to come to this city especially to take (= drink and swim in) the waters.在那些日子里,人们常常为了享用泉水而特地来到这座城市。剑桥国际In those days, rattles (= wooden devices that when turned round and round produce a noise like a series of knocks) were a common sight at football matches.那些日子里,呱呱板是足球比赛中常见的东西。剑桥国际Many people in Britain can still remember the days before decimalization (= before money was changed to a decimal system).英国的许多人还能记得未改用十进制货币前的那些日子。剑桥国际Of course, in those days houses were built to last (= were built with the intention of making them last).当然,在那些日子建造的房子得耐久。剑桥国际The pain and suffering of those days is an inextinguishable memory.那些日子的痛苦和苦难是无法忘怀的记忆。剑桥国际The plan was formulated in the days before costs became so great.这计划是在成本大幅上涨之前的那些日子制订的。剑桥国际These are the best-price flights for those dates.这些航班是那些日子里的最优惠航班。牛津商务Those were the days when workers were referred to as ‘hands’.那些日子里工人被称为“苦力”。牛津商务




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