

单词 韩国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANCED〕Many of the nations of southeast Asia will one day be as advanced as Japan or South Korea. 东南亚的许多国家有一天也会像日本和韩国一样先进。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕South Korea and Japan have signed an important trade agreement. 韩国与日本签订了一份重要的贸易协定。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In the last 20 years, Korea has been transformed into a major industrial nation. 在过去的20年里,韩国已变成了一个工业大国。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕South Korea continues to have close military links with the US. 韩国与美国继续保持密切的军事联系。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Noriko's a Japanese citizen, but her parents are originally from South Korea. 典子是日本公民,但她的父母原籍韩国。朗文写作活用〔DESIGN〕The car was designed and built in Korea. 这种汽车是韩国设计制造的。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Jae Min's parents are immigrants from South Korea. 闵才的父母是韩国移民。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕I'm expecting a fax from Korea. Has anything arrived yet? 我在等韩国来的一份传真。收到什么了没有?朗文写作活用〔East China Sea〕An arm of the western Pacific Ocean bounded by China, South Korea, and the Ryukyu and Kyushu islands. It has rich fishing grounds.东中国海:西太平洋的一片海域,沿岸为中国、韩国、琉球群岛和九州岛所包围,此区鱼资源丰富美国传统〔FEW/NOT MANY〕Ten years ago, you could count the Korean restaurants in this city on the fingers of one hand. 十年前这个城市里的韩国餐馆少得可怜。朗文写作活用〔Far East〕The countries and regions of eastern and southeast Asia, especially China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia.远东:东亚和东南亚的国家和地区,特指中国、日本、朝鲜、韩国和蒙古美国传统〔Korea Strait〕A channel between southeast South Korea and southwest Japan. It connects the East China Sea with the Sea of Japan.朝鲜海峡:位于韩国东南部和日本西南部之间的一条海峡,它连接着东中国海和日本海美国传统〔Korean〕Korean culture/art/language 朝鲜(韩国)文化/艺术;朝鲜语;韩语韦氏高阶〔LOSE〕The Barbarians were beaten in the quarter-finals by the Korean side. 野蛮人队在四分之一决赛中被韩国队击败。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The President met with top Korean businessmen. 总统会见了一批韩国商界要人。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕Korean newspapers only have four pages, so stories have to be very much to the point. 韩国的报纸只有四版,所以新闻报道必须非常扼要。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Many Koreans believe that the rush of foreign products may be too much of a good thing. 很多韩国人认为人们争相抢购外国货未必是好事。朗文写作活用〔ally〕The United States is a close ally of South Korea.美国是韩国的亲密盟友。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕South Korea voted for its National Assembly this week.南朝鲜(韩国)本周进行了国民议会的选举。牛津搭配〔chaebol〕A conglomerate of businesses, usually owned by a single family, especially in Korea.家族企业:通常由单一家族所持有的大型事业结合体,尤其是在韩国地区美国传统〔coastguard〕South Korea's coastguard yesterday rescued four crewmen.韩国的海岸警卫队昨天营救了4名船员。外研社新世纪〔concession〕Russia has recently sold timber concessions to Japanese and Korean companies.俄罗斯最近把木材特许经营权卖给了日本和韩国的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔crop〕South Korea's present crop of elected politicians 韩国目前选出的一批政治家朗文当代〔crown〕He lost his world crown to the Korean champion.他输给了那名韩国冠军,丢掉了世界冠军的桂冠。牛津搭配〔defend〕India had to struggle to beat defending champions South Korea 2-0.印度队苦战之下才以 2 比 0 击败卫冕冠军韩国队。柯林斯高阶〔evasion〕Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility.很多韩国人认为这是在逃避责任,对此非常愤慨。柯林斯高阶〔fanfare〕The departure of the South Korean prime minister was marked with little fanfare.韩国首相悄无声息地离开了。柯林斯高阶〔forward〕South Korea went forward into the next round of the World Cup.韩国队进入了世界杯的下一轮比赛。朗文当代〔hijacking〕A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。柯林斯高阶〔hot〕South Korea's new government declared itself 'in hot water'.韩国新政府宣称其陷入了“水深火热”中。外研社新世纪〔jolly〕She had a very jolly time in Korea.她在韩国玩得很开心。外研社新世纪〔jolly〕She had a very jolly time in Korea.她在韩国玩得很惬意。柯林斯高阶〔knuckle under〕Hyundai knuckled under to the unions.韩国现代汽车公司向工会让步了。外研社新世纪〔level〕He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。柯林斯高阶〔naturalness〕It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in many years.它称这次台风为韩国多年来最严重的自然灾害。柯林斯高阶〔on〕She travels to Korea on Monday.她周一前往韩国。柯林斯高阶〔output〕Korea's agricultural output 韩国的农业产量朗文当代〔palate〕The restaurant serves Korean food adapted for the American palate.这家餐馆提供符合美国人口味的韩国菜。韦氏高阶〔past〕A South Korean newspaper said today the event will be smaller than in years past.一份韩国报纸今天说活动的规模不会有前些年那么大。柯林斯高阶〔popularly〕The President of Korea is popularly elected every five years.韩国总统每五年普选一次。朗文当代〔product〕South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。柯林斯高阶〔product〕South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% this year.今年, 韩国的消费品进口激增了33%。外研社新世纪〔rank〕Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.在亚洲各国当中, 投资者很看重韩国。外研社新世纪〔rank〕Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.在亚洲各国当中,投资者很看重韩国。柯林斯高阶〔report〕Martens gave a report on his sales trip to Korea.马滕斯汇报了这次去韩国的销售之旅。朗文当代〔restore〕Vietnam restored diplomatic relations with South Korea on December 22.越南于 12 月 22 日和韩国恢复了外交关系。朗文当代〔roof〕Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.韩国艺术品的价格飞涨。柯林斯高阶〔soreness〕The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。柯林斯高阶〔sore〕The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国的土地上, 这一点仍然让这些学生深感气愤。外研社新世纪〔strength〕The Korean team was not up to strength for the final.韩国队决赛时人员不齐。牛津搭配〔stumbling block〕Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.也许实现统一最大的绊脚石是驻扎在韩国的军队。柯林斯高阶〔sweep〕In the women's 1,500 metres, South Korea swept the medals.在女子1500米比赛中, 韩国轻松包揽了所有奖牌。外研社新世纪〔undamaged〕The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.那艘韩国船似乎未受损。外研社新世纪〔undamaged〕The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.那艘韩国船看起来没有受到损坏。柯林斯高阶〔vessel〕A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。柯林斯高阶Canada sent a trade delegation to South Korea.加拿大派出了一个贸易代表团访问韩国。牛津商务Hyundai Merchant Marine, the Korean shipping company 韩国海运公司 ── 现代商船株式会社牛津商务In South Korea, broadband penetration had reached 55%.在韩国,宽带的普及率达到了 55%。牛津商务South Korea is looking for new markets in an increasingly protectionist world.韩国在贸易保护主义越来越强烈的世界中寻找新的市场。剑桥国际The Korean market saw significant gains as investors scrambled to cover their short positions.因投资者纷纷补仓,韩国市场出现了大幅上扬。牛津商务The US is South Korea's biggest trading partner.美国是韩国最大的贸易伙伴国。牛津商务The group is trying to challenge Korea Telecom for market leadership.集团正试图挑战韩国电信公司的市场领导地位。牛津商务




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