

单词 韦尔斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LISTEN〕Wells was convinced the house was bugged and insisted on playing loud music while we talked. 韦尔斯确信房子里装有窃听器,所以我们谈话时他坚持把音乐放得很响。朗文写作活用〔MPhil〕Lisa Wells, MPhil 哲学硕士莉莎‧韦尔斯剑桥高阶〔Martian〕Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.奥森·韦尔斯使得许多美国人相信他们正遭到火星人的入侵。柯林斯高阶〔Martian〕Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.奥森•韦尔斯曾设法让很多美国人相信他们正遭到火星人的入侵。外研社新世纪〔ankle〕Wells had displaced two ankle ligaments, and required surgery.韦尔斯的两条踝韧带错位了, 需要手术。外研社新世纪〔back out〕Wells was supposed to put up half the money, but later backed out.韦尔斯本应当出一半的钱,但后来他食言了。柯林斯高阶〔directorial〕In the later stages of his directorial career, Orson Welles began work on several ambitious films.在其导演生涯的后半阶段,奥森·韦尔斯开始执导起了几部恢宏巨制。柯林斯高阶〔directorial〕In the later stages of his directorial career, Orson Welles began work on several ambitious films.奥森•韦尔斯在导演生涯的后半阶段执导了几部恢宏巨作。外研社新世纪〔dub〕At the height of her career, Orson Welles dubbed her 'the most exciting woman in the world'.奥森·韦尔斯把处在事业巅峰的她戏称为“世上最令人兴奋的女人”。柯林斯高阶〔dub〕Orson Welles dubbed her 'the most exciting woman in the world'.奥森•韦尔斯称她为“世上最令人兴奋的女人”。外研社新世纪〔enigmatically〕She starred in one of Welles's most enigmatic films.她在韦尔斯最具神秘色彩的一部电影中出演主角。柯林斯高阶〔enigmatic〕She starred in one of Welles's most enigmatic films.她在韦尔斯最具神秘色彩的一部电影中出演主角。外研社新世纪〔fillip〕British athletics received a tremendous fillip when Wells won the Gold.韦尔斯赢得金牌后,英国运动员受到极大鼓舞。朗文当代〔miss〕In planning the reception, she missed out on Mr. Wells.在筹备招待会时,她漏写了韦尔斯先生。英汉大词典〔mortification〕Welles suffered the public mortification of becoming a before-and-after spectacle: a handsome messiah turned blob.韦尔斯前后变化很大, 由帅气的大英雄变成一个无足轻重的人, 在公众面前颜面扫地。外研社新世纪〔move〕Dr. Wells was moved up from an associate to a full professorship.韦尔斯博士从副教授被提升为正教授。英汉大词典〔precariously〕Wells was well aware of the precariousness of human life.韦尔斯深知人类生活的不稳定性。柯林斯高阶〔reluctance〕Wells finally agreed, but with reluctance.韦尔斯最终同意了,但很勉强。朗文当代〔star〕The movie starred Orson Welles as Harry Lime.这部影片由奥森‧韦尔斯饰演哈里‧莱姆。朗文当代Alison Wells, MPhil 哲学硕士艾丽森·韦尔斯剑桥国际Mrs. Wells hostessed the party last night. 韦尔斯夫人是昨晚聚会的女主人。译典通




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