

单词 color phase
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blue fox〕An arctic fox whose fur is bluish gray during a color phase typically occurring in the summer or extending throughout the year.蓝狐,北极蓝狐:一种北极狐,皮毛在夏天甚至整年呈蓝灰色美国传统〔dichromatic〕Zoology Having two distinct color phases not associated with season, sex, or age, as do certain species of birds.【动物学】 二色变异:有两种与季节、性别、年龄无关的独特的色相的,如某些种类的鸟美国传统〔eyra〕The reddish-brown color phase of the jaguarundi.懒猫:一种红褐色的细腰猫美国传统〔stoat〕The ermine, especially when in its brown color phase.鼬:白鼬,尤指其棕色毛时期美国传统〔white fox〕The arctic fox in its winter color phase.白狐:指越冬期皮毛呈冬季色彩的北极狐美国传统




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