

单词 预知
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cassandra〕Greek Mythology A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.【希腊神话】 卡珊德拉:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的一个女儿,具有预知未来的禀赋,但被阿波罗命中注定不为人所相信美国传统〔Mother Carey's chicken〕A petrel, especially a storm petrel.海燕:海燕,尤指能预知风暴的海燕美国传统〔PREDICT〕Her ability to prophesy about the future made many people think she was a witch. 她预知未来的能力使得许多人认为她是个巫婆。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Local legends told of a family in which the women were all cursed with clairvoyance. 当地传说中有一家人,其中的女性成员都能预知未来,深受其苦。朗文写作活用〔anticipate〕I anticipated his blow and fended it off.我预知他要一拳打来,所以能挡开他的一击。牛津同义词〔anticipation〕Foreknowledge, intuition, and presentiment.预知,直觉,预感美国传统〔disaster〕I can already foresee the night turning into a total disaster.现在我就可以预知这将是一个彻头彻尾的失败之夜。牛津搭配〔euripus〕A sea channel characterized by turbulent and unpredictable currents.急流水道:潮流或海流急剧进退,无法预知的水道美国传统〔fey〕I would've thought that you are a very fey, very intuitive young woman.我差点儿以为你是一个能预知未来、全凭直觉的年轻女子。外研社新世纪〔foreknowledge〕Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence; prescience.预知,先见:在事物存在或发生之前即对其产生认识;预知美国传统〔foreknow〕To have foreknowledge of, especially by supernatural means or through revelation.预知:尤指通过超自然的方式或上天的启示预知美国传统〔foresee〕He foresees that things will go well.他预知事情将会顺利。英汉大词典〔foresee〕It is impossible to foresee how life will work out.不可能预知生命将如何发展。牛津高阶〔foretell〕None of us can foretell what lies ahead.我们谁都不能预知未来。牛津高阶〔gift〕She claimed to have the gift of prophecy.她声称具有预知未来的禀赋。韦氏高阶〔indeterminism〕Unpredictability.不可预知性美国传统〔insurance〕The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected.国家需要有一定的防御能力,以应对不可预知的情况。柯林斯高阶〔never〕You never know what you'll find at a flea market.你永远无法预知你会在跳蚤市场上淘到什么。韦氏高阶〔old〕There's an old belief that animals can predict earthquakes.有个古老的看法认为动物能预知地震。麦克米伦高阶〔past〕Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。剑桥高阶〔predict〕It is impossible to predict what will happen.预知未来的事是不可能的。牛津高阶〔predict〕To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.预测,预知,预告:预先陈述、告诉或公布,尤指以特殊知识为基础美国传统〔presage〕A feeling or an intuition of what is going to occur; a presentiment.预感,预知:对将要发生的事的感觉或直觉;预感美国传统〔prescience〕Knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight.预知,预见:对行为或事件发生之前的了解;预见美国传统〔prescience〕Some animals have an instinctive prescience of earthquakes.有些动物有预知地震的本能。英汉大词典〔prescient〕Of or relating to prescience.预知的,与预知有关的美国传统〔previse〕To know in advance; foresee.预见,预知:预先知道;预见美国传统〔prevision〕A knowing in advance; foresight.预见;预知美国传统〔prognostic〕Of or relating to prediction; predictive.预知的:预言的或与之有关的;预知的美国传统〔read〕To foretell or predict (the future).预测,预言:预测或预知(未来)美国传统〔soothsayer〕One who claims to be able to foretell events or predict the future; a seer.预言者:宣称能预知未来事件或预言未来的人;先知美国传统〔sound ranging〕A method for locating a source of sound, such as an enemy gun, by measuring the travel time of the sound wave to microphones at known positions.声波测距法:一种确定某一声源位置的方法,如测敌人的枪声位置,其方法是通过测量声波到达某些预知位置的麦克风时所用的时间美国传统〔split〕They split Miami when the hurricane was forecast.当预知狂风到来时他们离开了迈阿密美国传统〔tellingly〕There's no telling what diseases a person can get.无法预知人会得什么病。柯林斯高阶〔unexpected〕Coming without warning; unforeseen.无例外的,不可改变的:没有预知就来的;未预见到的美国传统〔wild card〕Taxes are the wild card in this election.在这次选举中税收政策是无法预知的因素。韦氏高阶He alleges that precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance are the three main categories of extrasensory perception.他声称预知、心灵感应和超人的视力是3种主要的超感官能力。剑桥国际It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody. 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。译典通It is hard to foresee what will happen. 很难预知将会发生之事。译典通It is impossible to predict what will happen.预知未来发生的事是不可能的。牛津商务She claims she has precognitive abilities and that she can foresee events before they actually happen.她说她有预知能力,能在事情发生前预先知道。剑桥国际You never know when serious illness will strike you abroad, so it's a good idea to take out travel insurance.你无法预知你在国外何时会得重病,所以买旅行保险是个好办法。剑桥国际




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