

单词 预测
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EXPECT〕an optimistic economic forecast 乐观的经济预测朗文写作活用〔boastful〕boastful predictions夸张的预测外研社新世纪〔calculate〕actions whose consequences can in no way be calculated后果完全不可预测的行为外研社新世纪〔doomy〕doomy predictions 不祥的预测牛津高阶〔ex ante〕ex ante predictions 事前预测剑桥高阶〔fate〕the prophet who predicts fate and can see the future 能预测命运、预知将来的预言家牛津搭配〔favourable〕favourable prognosis 乐观的预测英汉大词典〔forecast〕a forecast of a 2.25 per cent growth in the economy. 经济增长 2.25% 的预测柯林斯高阶〔forecast〕a forecast of a 2.25 per cent growth in the economy预测经济会有2.25%的增长外研社新世纪〔forecast〕a short-term forecast of the economy 对经济的短期预测牛津搭配〔forecast〕forecast good weather for tomorrow 预测明日天气晴好英汉大词典〔forecast〕the company's annual sales forecast 公司的年销售预测朗文当代〔foretell〕divined the enemy's victory; 预测敌人的胜利;美国传统〔form〕react according to form (对赛马下赌注时)根据预测作出反应英汉大词典〔gloomy〕gloomy predictions.See Synonyms at glum 悲观的预测 参见 glum美国传统〔outlook〕the weather outlook.天气预测。牛津同义词〔ovulate〕methods of predicting ovulation 预测排卵的方法牛津高阶〔porjectable〕projected sales figure预测的销售数字21世纪英汉〔prediction〕the best available prediction of future interest rates 手头现有的对未来利率的最好的预测牛津搭配〔prediction〕the dire predictions by economists of a worldwide recession 经济学家对全球性经济衰退悲观的预测牛津搭配〔predictive〕the predictive branch of economics. 经济学在经济预测方面的分支柯林斯高阶〔prognostication〕optimistic economic prognostications 对经济的乐观预测剑桥高阶〔prognosticator〕weather prognosticators 气象预测者英汉大词典〔prognostic〕await the fulfilment of one's prognostics 等待预测的一一实现英汉大词典〔projection〕a fresh projection of U.S. population by the year 2020 对2020年时美国人口的最新预测英汉大词典〔projection〕projections of declining natural gas production 对呈下降趋势的天然气产量的预测朗文当代〔projection〕sales projections. 销售预测柯林斯高阶〔projection〕the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year. 公司对第一年将有1,100万游客的预测柯林斯高阶〔projection〕the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year公司对头一年1,100万游客的预测外研社新世纪〔prophet〕a good weather prophet 善于预测天气的人英汉大词典〔scarily〕a scarily accurate prediction 准得让人害怕的预测韦氏高阶〔seer〕the economic seers who regularly give us their forecasts定期为我们提供前瞻性预测的经济预言家外研社新世纪〔stage〕too early to predict a winner at this stage. 目前还过于太早预测胜负美国传统〔uncanny〕an uncanny ability to predict the weather 难以置信的预测天气能力韦氏高阶〔unpredictable〕unpredictable risks 不可预测的风险英汉大词典a bullish forecast 乐观预测牛津商务an earnings-per-share estimate/forecast 每股赢利估计/预测牛津商务an economic/a financial forecaster 经济/金融预测者牛津商务mean earnings/forecast/value 平均收入/预测量/值牛津商务to forecast the prospective yield of an asset/investment 预测资产/投资的预期收益牛津商务




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