

单词 采用了
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The police have been accused of using strongarm tactics when breaking up strikes and public demonstrations. 警察已被指责在制止罢工和民众示威时采用了高压手段。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household. 他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕In Hollywood, white stars are adopting black idioms, dress styles and manners. 在好莱坞,白人明星也采用了黑人的惯用语、衣着打扮和行为方式。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕The author Samuel Clemens adopted the name “Mark Twain.” 作者塞缪尔·克莱门斯采用了马克·吐温这个名字。韦氏高阶〔aerospace〕The airplane was designed using the latest in aerospace technology.这架飞机的设计采用了最新的航空航天技术。韦氏高阶〔apply〕They applied a new technique to solve an old problem.他们采用了新技术来解决一个老问题。韦氏高阶〔archive〕The documentary uses original stills and archive footage.这部纪录片采用了原始剧照和档案胶片。外研社新世纪〔back〕The back of the problem was broken by adopting a new technique.由于采用了新技术,问题的关键解决了。英汉大词典〔brinkmanship〕The talks have collapsed and both sides have resorted to brinkmanship.谈判失败了,双方都采用了边缘政策。剑桥高阶〔camerawork〕The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork.导演采用了渲染美感和情调的摄影手法。外研社新世纪〔co-opt〕He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.他采用了许多民族主义口号, 树立了平民主义者的形象。外研社新世纪〔compile〕They took the best submissions and compiled them in a single issue of the magazine.他们采用了最好的稿件,把它们汇编成一期杂志单独发行。韦氏高阶〔constitution〕The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers.国王被迫采用了削弱其权力的新宪法。外研社新世纪〔constitution〕The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers.国王被迫采用了削弱其权力的新宪法。柯林斯高阶〔convention〕His latest novel uses the conventions of early 19th-century literature.他最新创作的小说采用了19世纪初的传统文学手法。韦氏高阶〔convention〕Many sports shows have recently adopted the conventions of the talk show.许多体育节目最近都采用了脱口秀的惯用形式。韦氏高阶〔convention〕The director's use of the usual romantic conventions made the film boring and predictable.导演采用了惯常的浪漫手法,使得影片枯燥乏味并且情节老套。韦氏高阶〔decentralize〕We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.去年我们在运营方面采用了分散管理,新开了几家区域性分支机构。剑桥高阶〔definition〕They have adopted a very narrow definition of success.他们采用了一种非常严格的关于“成功”的定义。牛津搭配〔dispensation〕We have applied consistent standards in the dispensation of justice.在执法过程中, 我们采用了始终如一的标准。外研社新世纪〔donnée〕Several of the stories employ similar données.其中几篇小说采用了类似的主题。英汉大词典〔doom〕What spelt political doom for her was the ill-advised introduction of a new method of financing local government spending.导致她仕途失意的, 是她不甚明智地采用了一种资助地方政府开支的新方法。外研社新世纪〔edification〕Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式, 以提高道德修养。外研社新世纪〔edification〕Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式,以起到教育作用。柯林斯高阶〔elaborate〕In his plays he takes simple traditional tales and elaborates them.他在剧本里采用了一些简单的传统故事并加以发挥。牛津高阶〔fasten〕It was a brilliant idea, and I fastened on it immediately.这是一个好主意,我马上采用了它。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕They followed the plan that Elizabeth had worked out.他们采用了伊丽莎白的计划。朗文当代〔form〕The broadcast took the form of an interview.这个广播节目采用了访谈的形式。外研社新世纪〔full〕The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.这件上衣采用了套袖,并且在裁剪上给予背部宽松的空间。柯林斯高阶〔hence〕European music happens to use a scale of eight notes, hence the use of the term octave.欧洲音乐凑巧采用了八音音阶,“八度”一词就由此而来。柯林斯高阶〔holistic〕My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.我的医生采用了一种全面的治疗方法。剑桥高阶〔identity〕The company adopted a new corporate identity, including a new logo.公司推出了新的企业形象,采用了新的标识。牛津搭配〔imitation〕Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.美国的营商者采用了很多取法日本的公司经营之道。牛津高阶〔indignation〕He adopted a tone of moral/righteous indignation.他采用了一种义愤的语调。韦氏高阶〔indirect〕They used indirect methods of investigation.他们采用了间接的调查方式。韦氏高阶〔inheritance〕The system involved inheritance by the eldest son.这种体制采用了长子继承制。牛津搭配〔innovative〕One of the key reasons for the company's success has been its innovative approach to employee share-ownership.该公司成功的关键因素之一是采用了员工持股这一革新性做法。外研社新世纪〔introduce〕Electronic technology has also been introduced into traditional Chinese medicine.中医也采用了电子技术。英汉大词典〔latest〕This machine is the latest in LED technology.这台机器采用了最新的LED照明技术。剑桥高阶〔mention〕In the example mentioned above, either method of construction could have been used.在上面提到的例子中,可能采用了两种中的任一种建造方法。牛津搭配〔narrative〕The movie has a very traditional linear narrative.这部电影采用了很传统的线性叙述方式。牛津搭配〔naturalization〕The custom of shakehands has naturalized all over the world.全世界的各个民族都采用了握手致意的习俗。21世纪英汉〔neoclassical〕The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.这座建筑建于1798至1802年间, 采用了当时的新古典主义风格。外研社新世纪〔offensively〕The naval war was fought offensively.海战采用了进攻打法。外研社新世纪〔play〕Both sides adopted the Continental style of play.双方都采用了欧陆式打法。柯林斯高阶〔play〕Both sides adopted the continental style of play.双方都采用了欧陆式打法。外研社新世纪〔principle〕The house incorporates many principles of modern environmentally aware design.这所房子采用了许多具有现代环保意识的设计原则。牛津搭配〔razzle-dazzle〕The team used a little razzle-dazzle to score the winning touchdown.这支球队采用了一点花招,达阵得分获胜。韦氏高阶〔recombination〕The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.重组:父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的美国传统〔redirection〕Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.采用了管控措施来重新分配资源或改变其流向。柯林斯高阶〔regimen〕We used a combined regimen of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.我们采用了化疗和放射治疗相结合的方案。牛津搭配〔register〕He has adopted an informal register so as not to alienate his audience.他采用了非正式的讲话形式以拉近和观众的距离。牛津搭配〔sensibility〕The author has applied a modern sensibility (= way of understanding things) to the social ideals of an earlier age.作者对较早期的社会理想采用了一种现代的理解方法。剑桥高阶〔shade〕The room has been decorated in pastel shades (= soft and light colours) throughout.整个房间采用了清淡柔和的色彩作装饰。剑桥高阶〔shock〕Shock tactics are being used to stop drink drivers.采用了“震惊战术”来防止酒醉驾车。朗文当代〔stealth tax〕It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money.还好他采用了直接征税而不是间接征税的手段来筹集资金。柯林斯高阶〔strategy〕The company adopted aggressive marketing strategies to sell its products.这家公司采用了积极的营销策略销售其产品。牛津搭配〔tag team〕The show used a tag team of interviewers.节目采用了两人搭档提问访谈。牛津高阶〔technique〕On the walls I applied the same technique as I had used for the ceiling.墙壁我采用了和天花板相同的技术。牛津搭配〔thanks〕Thanks to this treatment, her condition has improved.幸亏采用了这种疗法,她的病情已经好转。麦克米伦高阶〔thematic〕In her study, the author has adopted a thematic rather than a chronological approach.作者在她的研究中采用了按主题而非按时间顺序的方法。剑桥高阶〔tooth〕The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.新政策尽管受到强烈的批评,但还是被采用了。牛津高阶〔tough〕Tough new safety standards have been introduced for cars.汽车生产采用了更加严格的新安全标准。剑桥高阶〔trickery〕The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in its attempts to retain power.他说,政府为了保住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。剑桥高阶〔trick〕He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.他采用了以攻为守的老招数。牛津高阶〔uncorroborated〕She said the case against her used uncorroborated evidence.她说针对她的案子采用了未经证实的证据。剑桥高阶〔use〕They used simple behavioural methods to help them overcome their fear.他们采用了简单的行为疗法帮助他们克服恐惧。外研社新世纪〔vein〕She introduced a welcome vein of humor.她采用了一种颇受欢迎的幽默风格。韦氏高阶〔whereby〕They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.他们采用了新的制度,所有的雇员都必须接受正规的培训。牛津高阶〔yuppify〕The restaurant's yuppified interior was done in colors like teal and mauve.这家餐馆雅皮士风格的内部装修,采用了蓝绿和淡紫一类的颜色。朗文当代A lot of the low-hanging fruit has already been picked.许多最容易摘的果实已经被摘了(指很多容易实现的目标已给他人采用了)。牛津商务A series of impressive manoeuvres by the chairman had secured a lucrative contract for the company.主席采用了一连串巧妙的策略,为公司赢得了一份利润丰厚的合同。剑桥国际A speed limit was introduced to try to avoid the need for fuel rationing.为试图避免出现定量配给燃料的需要采用了限速的办法。剑桥国际Her make-over consisted mainly of a new hairstyle and a different face powder.她的新造型主要是采用了新发型和另一种脂粉。剑桥国际I've just read an interesting book which has a new approach to (=a new way of considering) Shakespeare.我刚读了一本挺有趣的书,它采用了一种新的途径来研读莎士比亚。剑桥国际Leading Mannerists include Parmigiano and Giulio Romano, whose pictures are painted in deep, rich colours.主要的风格主义者有帕米吉亚诺和朱里奥·罗曼诺,他们的画作都采用了丰富的深色调。剑桥国际Most mortgages sold in the UK have floating rates.在英国出售的大部分抵押债券采用了浮动利率。牛津商务She adopted a stern tone while she spoke to him.她对他说话时采用了一种严厉的语调。剑桥国际The document uses a question-and-answer format.这份文件采用了问答的形式。牛津商务The government has introduced trade barriers as a way of controlling imports.政府采用了贸易壁垒作为控制进口的一种方式。剑桥国际The government introduced catch-all legislation to cover a range of offences.政府采用了面面俱到的法规来惩处一系列的违法行为。剑桥国际The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in their attempts to retain power.他说政府为了守住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。剑桥国际The industry has adopted faster and cheaper production methods.这个行业采用了更为快速而且廉价的生产方法。牛津商务The range of ceramic jars uses a jazzy combination of spots, stripes and geometric patterns.这套陶罐采用了颜色鲜艳多彩的点、线和几何图形的组合。剑桥国际The recipe is given in both metric and imperial measures.菜单采用了公制和英制两种计量方法。剑桥国际The training brochure deliberately adopts a soft sell approach.培训手册有意采用了一种劝诱推销手法。剑桥国际There is no English equivalent for ‘bon appetit’so we have adopted the French expression.英语中没有‘祝你好胃口’的对应词,所以我们采用了法语表达法。剑桥国际To help her fit in with the islanders, Joan assumed a local Greek name.为了便于与岛民打成一片,琼采用了一个当地的希腊名字。剑桥国际Tough new safety standards have been introduced for cars.汽车采用了严格的新的安全标准。剑桥国际We have adopted a multi-disciplinary approach to tackle this problem.我们已经采用了多学科的方法来解决这个问题。剑桥国际We have recently adopted more formal methods of assessment.最近我们采用了更为正规的评估方法。剑桥国际We tried doing it systematically, but in the end we adopted an intuitive approach.我们试图系统地做这件事,但最后我们采用了凭直觉的方法。剑桥国际What strategies and tactics have they used to improve their operations? 他们采用了何种策略和战术改善经营?牛津商务




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