

单词 除掉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GET RID OF〕to get rid of someone because you do not like or need them any more 因不喜欢或不再需要而除掉某人朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕to get rid of something that is causing problems 除掉造成问题的某事物朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕to get rid of something or someone 除掉某物或某人朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕to remove dirt from a piece of clothing or material 把尘垢从衣服或物料上清除掉朗文写作活用〔bleach out〕to bleach out the mark on the handkerchief用漂白剂除掉手帕上的污点21世纪英汉〔clean〕clean a coat of dirty marks 把外套上的污渍除掉英汉大词典〔dab off〕to dab the dirt off carefully仔细把污迹除掉21世纪英汉〔detrash〕to detrash all the packing material把所有不需要的填塞物除掉21世纪英汉〔efface〕efface that impression once and for all 把那一印象永远消除掉英汉大词典〔eliminate〕to eliminate mistakes.除掉错误。牛津同义词〔erase〕effacing graffiti from subway cars; 除掉地铁车厢上的乱涂污迹;美国传统〔erase〕erased a file from the diskette. 从磁盘上清除掉一个文件美国传统〔hokum〕do away with learned nonsense as academic hokum 把貌似高深的废话作为学术泡沫清除掉英汉大词典〔riddance〕riddance of household pests. 除掉家里的害虫美国传统〔rid〕to rid the town of rats.把城市的大鼠清除掉。牛津同义词〔score ... out〕to score out a paragraph删除掉一段文字21世纪英汉〔scour〕to scour the mixture in the grain清除掉谷物中的杂物21世纪英汉〔soak〕to soak off the glued picture on the wall把墙上的粘贴画浸湿后除掉21世纪英汉〔sweep〕swept snow from the steps. 把台阶上的雪清除掉美国传统〔top〕top carrots 除掉胡萝卜的茎叶 英汉大词典〔unmuzzle〕unmuzzle a dog. 除掉一只狗的口套美国传统〔work〕work off extra pounds; work off a debt. 除掉多余的重量;用工作清偿债务美国传统




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