

单词 飞机票
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REJECT〕European plans to deregulate air fares were vetoed by Spain. 欧洲对飞机票价解除管制的计划遭到了西班牙的否决。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕With the hotel, the flights, and the food, it all added up to much more than I had expected. 旅馆、飞机票和饮食加起来以后远远超出了我的预算。朗文写作活用〔airfare〕Fare for travel by aircraft.飞机票价美国传统〔airfare〕Take advantage of low-season airfares.利用淡季飞机票价。牛津高阶〔airfare〕Transatlantic airfares are going up.横越大西洋的飞机票价在上涨。剑桥高阶〔alone〕The airfare alone would use up all my money, never mind the hotel bills.光买飞机票就会让我分文不剩,更别说住旅馆了。剑桥高阶〔annoyed〕We were annoyed to find that the plane was overbooked.我们发现飞机票被超量预订了,非常恼火。麦克米伦高阶〔book〕I've booked you on the 10 o'clock flight.我给你订了 10 点钟的飞机票。牛津高阶〔courtesy〕First prize is two tickets to Australia, courtesy of Quantas Airlines.一等奖是澳大利亚9航空公司提供的两张去澳大利亚的飞机票。麦克米伦高阶〔departure〕You should receive your flight tickets at least a week prior to departure.你应在启程前至少一星期拿到飞机票。牛津搭配〔discount〕Air Canada are currently offering a 10% discount on selected airfares.加拿大航空公司目前在指定航线上提供飞机票价9折优惠。麦克米伦高阶〔draft〕I received a bank draft for a plane ticket.我收到了一张用来支付飞机票费用的银行汇票。外研社新世纪〔expense account〕He put Elizabeth's motel bill and air fare on his expense account.他把伊丽莎白的汽车旅店账单和飞机票都记在了自己的开销账簿上。外研社新世纪〔fare〕Air fares have shot up by 20%.飞机票价已猛涨 20%。朗文当代〔firm〕I'll return to Paris tomorrow, if I can firm up my air ticket.如果我能把飞机票定下来的话,我打算明天回巴黎。英汉大词典〔full board〕The price of the holiday includes flights, full board, and all extras.度假的报价包含了飞机票、食宿和所有其他花销。剑桥高阶〔hugger-mugger〕In their hugger-mugger to catch their plane, they forgot to take their tickets.他们匆匆去赶飞机,在忙乱中忘了拿飞机票。英汉大词典〔hugger-mugger〕In their hugger-mugger to catch their plane, they forgot to take their tickets.他们在赶飞机的忙乱中,忘记了拿飞机票。文馨英汉〔lay〕He had to lay out all he had on the airline tickets.他得花去所有的钱买飞机票。英汉大词典〔luck〕Have you had any luck with booking your flight? 你订到飞机票了吗?剑桥高阶〔non-transferable〕The plane tickets are nonrefundable and non-transferable.飞机票不得退换,也不得转让。韦氏高阶〔possibility〕We need to examine other possibilities before we book the flights.订飞机票之前,我们应该研究一下其他可能的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔season〕Air fares are more expensive during the holiday season.飞机票在度假旺季比较贵。剑桥高阶〔shoulder〕Fares come down for the September-October and April-May shoulder periods.在九至十月份和四至五月份的两个峰肩期内,飞机票价都要下跌。英汉大词典〔something〕The air fare was about a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something like that.飞机票大概是199英镑这么个价格。外研社新世纪〔supersaver〕An airline ticket, purchased typically well ahead of the departure date, that affords the purchaser considerable savings over regular fare.特廉(国内)飞机票价:在动身日期很早以前购买的、比常规票价廉得多的飞机票美国传统〔transferable〕These plane tickets are not transferable.这些飞机票不可转让。韦氏高阶〔transfer〕The price includes flight, hotel and all transfers.价格包括飞机票、旅馆和所有转乘费用。剑桥高阶〔waffle〕There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.电话里有个家伙在唠叨一张飞机票的事情。外研社新世纪〔waffle〕There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.电话里有个家伙在唠叨一张飞机票的事情。柯林斯高阶Air fares are more expensive during the (holiday/summer/tourist) season.飞机票价在休假旺季/夏季/旅游旺季特别昂贵。剑桥国际Children over (the age of) 12 (= older than 12) must have full-price air tickets.12 岁以上的儿童必须买全价飞机票。剑桥国际Many people buy airline tickets online.许多人在网上购买飞机票。牛津商务Mary has booked a flight from New York to London. 玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。译典通One in ten business travellers flies standby.十分之一的商务旅客都是临时购买飞机票出行的。牛津商务Plane tickets are most expensive at the height of the season.飞机票在旺季时价格最高。牛津商务




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