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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕A spokesman said the accusations against Mr Fallon would be investigated. 一位发言人说要调查针对法伦先生的指控。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕Mr Levy has established a reputation as the committee's biggest, most vehement critic. 利维先生是针对该委员会的最大、最严厉的批评家,因而著名。朗文写作活用〔FORTRAN〕A high-level programming language for problems that can be expressed algebraically, used mainly in mathematics, science, and engineering.FORTRAN语言,公式转换语言:一种高级程序语言,针对能用代数方式表达的问题,主要用于数学、科学和工程美国传统〔IMPOSSIBLE〕The new exams have been designed for weaker students who, until now, have been set unattainable targets. 新的考试是针对那些到目前为止无法达到所订目标的较差的学生的。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕He's always offended by jokes aimed at Irish people. 听了针对爱尔兰人的笑话,他总要生气。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕This is a general criticism, so I hope none of you will take it personally. 这是一个总的批评,我希望你们谁也不会认为那是针对个人的。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕The new taxes were aimed at the largest and wealthiest corporations. 新税项是针对规模最大、最富有的公司制定的。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The educational program is aimed at preschoolers. 这个教育方案是针对学龄前儿童的。朗文写作活用〔aim〕He aimed his criticism primarily at parents.他的批评主要是针对父母的韦氏高阶〔aim〕His remarks are aimed at his father.他的话针对的是他父亲。外研社新世纪〔aim〕To direct (a weapon or remark, for example) toward an intended goal or mark.瞄准,针对:把(武器或评论等)对准预期的目标或记号美国传统〔antidote〕We do not have an effective antidote to this poison.我们没有针对这种毒的有效解毒剂。牛津搭配〔bankruptcy〕The defendant has a bankruptcy order against him.有一项针对被告的破产令。牛津搭配〔barb〕Her talk carried small barbs directed at me.她话中隐隐带刺,是针对我说的。英汉大词典〔bashing〕There's been a lot of banker-bashing lately.最近有很多针对银行家的严厉批评。剑桥高阶〔be in hot water〕He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.他发现自己针对移民事务发表的那些言论给自己惹上了麻烦。剑桥高阶〔blow〕A political row has blown up over the minister's remarks.一场针对部长讲话的政治争吵开始了。麦克米伦高阶〔chill〕The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.针对学生的暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。柯林斯高阶〔chime in with〕He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans' instinct.他终于在针对每场新的政治变革的反应中发现了与大多数德国人的本能反应相吻合的一种。柯林斯高阶〔cordon sanitaire〕A chain of buffer states organized around a nation considered ideologically dangerous or potentially hostile.(国与国之间的)封闭线:针对一个被认为在意识形态上具有危险性或有潜在侵略性的国家而组织起来的一系列缓冲国美国传统〔counter〕The road blocks were a counter to terrorist attacks in that area.这些路障是针对那个地区的恐怖袭击而设的。朗文当代〔crusade〕Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces.足球运动员们针对看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。外研社新世纪〔deadbeat〕The new law is aimed at deadbeat landlords who owe $22 million.这部新法律针对的是那些欠下2200万美元却赖着不还的土地所有者。剑桥高阶〔defend〕Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism.针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。柯林斯高阶〔depopulation〕The changes being enforced on agriculture may lead to depopulation.针对农业进行的改革可能导致人口的减少。外研社新世纪〔direct to〕My remarks were not directed to all of you.我的话并不是针对你们所有人的。21世纪英汉〔directness〕One assassination attempt was directed against the country's top three government leaders.有一次未遂的暗杀行动是针对该国的3名最高层领导人而来的。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕The attacks were directed solely at military targets.攻击只针对军事目标。牛津搭配〔expedition〕Rumours spread amongst the rebels that a massive punitive expedition against them was being prepared.叛乱者中传言针对他们的大规模征讨正在酝酿当中。麦克米伦高阶〔flap〕Why has there been such a political flap over his appointment? 为什么针对他的任命出现了这样的政治混乱?麦克米伦高阶〔focused〕They promised a new, more focused approach.他们保证使用一种更有针对性的新方法。外研社新世纪〔gear〕Our training sessions are geared specifically to the needs of older workers.我们的培训课程是专门针对年龄较大的工人的需要而开设的。牛津搭配〔glove〕Many products are available for young people but some should be handled with kid gloves.针对年轻人的产品有很多, 但有一些要谨慎对待。外研社新世纪〔hardness〕She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms directed towards her and her work.她发现某些针对自己和自己工作的批评意见很难接受。柯林斯高阶〔harsh〕The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers.政府已经针对毒贩制定了严厉的惩罚措施。韦氏高阶〔heap sth on sb〕He deals well with all the criticism heaped on him.对于针对他的一大堆批评,他应对得很好。剑桥高阶〔hold against〕I don't hold it against him.我并不因此而针对他。外研社新世纪〔home〕This computer is marketed for home use.本款计算机针对家用市场。牛津搭配〔humoral immunity〕The component of the immune response involving the transformation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen.体液免疫:免疫反应的一部分,它将B淋巴细胞转化成原生质细胞,这种细胞能制造并分泌针对某种抗原的抗体美国传统〔immunize〕There is still no vaccine to immunize people against the virus.现在还没有针对这种病毒的疫苗。朗文当代〔in full cry〕The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.昨晚议会中,反对党针对修改教育法案的提议激烈地发表了自己的意见。剑桥高阶〔in revenge for〕The bombing was in revenge for the assassination of their leader.这起爆炸是针对他们的领袖被暗杀而采取的报复行动。韦氏高阶〔key sth to sb/sth〕The books are keyed to the interests of very young children.这些书是针对幼儿的兴趣专门设计的。剑桥高阶〔killer〕There is still no vaccine against this potential killer.还没有针对这一潜在致命疾病的疫苗。牛津搭配〔lost〕It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生, 只针对少数人, 那将是个极大的悲剧。外研社新世纪〔lowest common denominator〕The school syllabus seems aimed at the lowest common denominator.学校的教学大纲似乎是针对接受能力最差的学生制订的。牛津高阶〔maintain〕He maintained himself against every attempt to assassinate him.他成功躲过了一次又一次针对他的暗杀企图。外研社新世纪〔manward〕Of, at, or toward humankind.人类的、在人类或针对人类的美国传统〔mean〕His criticism is meant for all of us.他的批评是针对我们大家。韦氏高阶〔microsite〕She built a microsite, linked to the firm's main website, that targeted job seekers.她针对找相关工作的人建立了一个微型网站,链接到公司主网站上。剑桥高阶〔move over〕They said Mr Jenkins should make balanced programmes about the Black community or move over and let someone else who can.他们说,詹金斯先生应该针对黑人社区制订协调计划,或干脆离职,把位置让给能谋此政的人。柯林斯高阶〔orientation〕The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.公司需要针对其产品的营销订立一个更为明确的目标。朗文当代〔personalize〕Let's not personalize this argument.我们不要把这场争论搞成针对个人的争议。英汉大词典〔personalize〕Women tend to personalize rejection more than men.一旦遭拒, 女性比男性更容易认为这是针对个人的。外研社新世纪〔personally〕These criticisms should not be taken personally (= they are not meant to criticize any one person in particular).这些是泛泛的批评,不应被视作是针对任何个人的。剑桥高阶〔personal〕Did you have to make such a personal remark about her new haircut? 你非得针对她的新发型说长道短吗?剑桥高阶〔personal〕Try to avoid making personal remarks.要尽量避免针对个人的言论。牛津高阶〔plot〕He warned that they might be plotting a coup against the administration.他警告说他们可能在密谋一场针对该政府的政变。麦克米伦高阶〔preamble〕The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.针对统一条约的序言出现了争论。外研社新世纪〔present〕Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.针对家庭的公共政策使自由主义者面临两难处境。外研社新世纪〔protest〕The Samoan team lodged a formal protest against the decision.萨摩亚队针对这项决定提出了正式抗议。牛津搭配〔provision〕The insurance company made a provision against claims over alleged pension fraud.保险公司为针对养老金欺诈指控的索赔安排了准备金。剑桥高阶〔raise〕This attack raises fears of increased violence against foreigners.这次袭击使人们对日渐增多的针对外国人的暴力事件感到担忧。朗文当代〔relapse〕The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.这种治疗方法通常针对术后复发风险高的女性。柯林斯高阶〔reprisal〕The Foreign Office is concerned about possible reprisals against British civilians.外交部非常关注可能发生的针对英国平民的报复行为。麦克米伦高阶〔retaliation〕The car bombings were apparently in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorists.汽车爆炸看起来是针对恐怖分子被捕而实施的报复行为。麦克米伦高阶〔ring-fence〕The company established a ring-fence around losses dating from 2012.从2012年开始,公司就保证针对亏损的资金不被挪作他用。剑桥高阶〔rush through〕The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders.政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。柯林斯高阶〔seakeeping〕The study of the response of a ship or floating object to waves.耐海性:针对船或浮体如何响应波浪运动所做的研究美国传统〔segment〕Each of these products is aimed at a specific market segment.每一种产品针对的都是市场的不同部分。剑桥高阶〔series〕There has been a series of sexual attacks on women in the area.这个地区发生了一连串针对女性的性侵犯案件。剑桥高阶〔shot〕That remark was a shot at me.那话是针对我说的。英汉大词典〔should〕There should be a law against spreading false rumours.针对散布虚假谣言应该出台法律。麦克米伦高阶〔smear〕He was driven to suicide by smears aimed at him.他被针对他的诽谤逼得自杀。英汉大词典〔smear〕They have conducted a vicious smear campaign against him.他们针对他进行了恶毒的诽谤。牛津搭配〔speak of〕The President spoke of the need for compromise.总统针对妥协的必要性发表了演讲。外研社新世纪〔staid〕In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.那家报纸为改变其古板的形象,开设了一个针对年轻读者的新版面。剑桥高阶〔stand〕Stewart can stand any amount of personal criticism.无论针对他个人的批评有多少, 斯图尔特都能经受得住。外研社新世纪〔tailor〕Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.治疗方案针对各个病人的需要进行制订。朗文当代〔target〕The billboards had been targeting travellers at airports.这些广告牌一直是针对机场旅客的。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.她喜欢针对每一位崇拜者的来信,亲自予以回复。牛津高阶〔towards〕There has been a change in government policy towards energy efficiency.政府针对能源效率的政策有了变动。剑桥高阶〔twofold〕Their targets were twofold: inflation and unemployment.他们针对的目标有两个:通货膨胀和失业。外研社新世纪〔vent〕I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just needed to vent.我没想要针对任何人,我只是想发泄一下。剑桥高阶〔virulently〕The talk was virulently hostile to the leadership.这次谈话针对领导层,言语恶毒,充满敌意。柯林斯高阶〔windfall〕The government is hoping to collect a windfall tax (= extra tax on a large unexpected company profit) from British Electric.政府打算针对英国电气公司获得的大笔意外利润征收额外的税款。剑桥高阶〔yawping〕Some of his yawpings are directed against his boss.他叫嚷的有些话是针对他老板的。英汉大词典Asian-Americans are campaigning for greater recognition of the racial discrimination against them.美籍亚裔人在努力唤起全社会正视针对他们的种族歧视。剑桥国际He complained of a systematic campaign of slander against the agency.他抱怨有人针对该机构进行系统的诽谤宣传。剑桥国际Many discrimination claims against employers are too costly to litigate and almost impossible to win.许多针对雇主歧视的起诉由于诉讼费用过高而且几乎无法获胜。剑桥国际She came out with a stream of vitriol about her former husband.她说出一连串针对她前任丈夫的尖刻言辞。剑桥国际Such actions against law-abiding citizens will not be tolerated.这类针对守法公民的行为是不可容忍的。剑桥国际The board will take tough action against certain employees.董事会将针对某些雇员采取严厉措施。牛津商务The case against us is entirely without merit.针对我们的这个案子完全没有真凭实据。牛津商务The magazine will target a core audience of 14-year-old girls.杂志将主要针对 14 岁女孩这群核心受众。牛津商务The minister has issued a flat denial of the accusations against her.那位部长对于针对她的指控矢口否认。剑桥国际The new law is aimed at deadbeat landlords who owe $ 22 million.新法律针对的是那些负债达2 200万美元的房东。剑桥国际We did't really focus upon any specific area -- we just talked generally about the problem.我们并没有真正集中谈论某个具体方面----我们只是针对这一问题泛泛地谈谈。剑桥国际We specialize in batch production which we tailor to each customer's requirements.我们针对每一位顾客的要求专门从事批量生产。牛津商务We will certainly contest any claims made against the safety of our products.我们当然会驳斥任何针对我们产品安全性能的错误断言。剑桥国际




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