

单词 锋利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Barlow knife〕A two-bladed pocketknife with a short, spear-shaped blade for prying and gouging and a long, fine blade for carving and slicing.巴洛刀:两个刀片的小折刀,其一短的矛状刀片用于撬或凿,另一长而锋利的刀片用于刻和切美国传统〔HURT/INJURE〕That's a sharp knife. Be careful you don't hurt yourself. 这把刀很锋利,小心不要伤到自己。朗文写作活用〔SHARP〕Be careful. That knife's very sharp. 当心,那把刀很锋利。朗文写作活用〔SHARP〕His sword was a wicked weapon, three feet in length and razor-sharp. 他那把剑绝对是一把好剑,有三英尺长,锋利无比。朗文写作活用〔SHARP〕It's difficult to achieve a good result if you use blunt tools. 如果使用的工具不锋利,就很难达到好的效果。朗文写作活用〔SHARP〕Some corals are quite smooth, others are sharp and spiky. 有些珊瑚很光滑,有些则是锋利多刺。朗文写作活用〔acuminate〕To sharpen or taper.使锋利,使变尖美国传统〔beak〕The horny, projecting structure forming the mandibles of a bird, especially one that is strong, sharp, and useful in striking and tearing; a bill.鸟喙,鸟嘴:构成鸟嘴上下喙的角质突出结构,尤指坚硬、锋利且有撕扯、刺穿之功用;鸟喙,鸟嘴美国传统〔beastie〕These otters are particularly vicious beasties, with very sharp teeth.这些水獭长着锋利的牙齿,特别凶狠。剑桥高阶〔bite back (at sb/sth)〕A youth club has bitten back at vandals by covering its roof with razor-sharp security wire.作为对故意搞破坏的人的回应,一家青少年俱乐部在屋顶上铺设了锋利的安全网。剑桥高阶〔bite〕This saw bites well.这把锯子很锋利。英汉大词典〔bite〕You need a tool with plenty of bite to it to make holes in hardwood.你在坚硬的木头上钻孔需要一种很锋利的工具。英汉大词典〔bit〕The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax.刀刃,斧刃:工具的锋利部分,如刀片或斧头切割边美国传统〔blade〕It had a sharp blade.它刀口锋利。外研社新世纪〔blunt〕Having a dull edge or end; not sharp.钝的,不锋利的:有一钝的边和顶端的;不尖的美国传统〔break〕Their teeth are sharp enough to break the skin.它们的牙齿很锋利,足以撕裂皮肤。朗文当代〔butcher knife〕A heavy-duty knife with a broad, sharp blade used for cutting meat.屠刀:刀身宽而刀刃锋利的重型刀,用于切割肉类美国传统〔canine〕Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.犬齿的:门牙和第一颗前磨牙之间的锋利锥形牙的、与犬齿相关的或位于犬齿的美国传统〔cleanly〕The knife cuts very cleanly.这把刀切起来很锋利。英汉大词典〔clean〕I tried to make a clean cut, but the knife wasn't sharp enough.我想切得整整齐齐,可是刀子不够锋利。剑桥高阶〔criss-cross〕Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.把烤面包顶部用锋利的锯齿刀交错切开。柯林斯高阶〔criss-cross〕Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.用一把锋利的锯齿刀在面包顶部切十字。外研社新世纪〔cutting〕The cutting blade is razor-sharp.刀刃像剃刀般锋利。外研社新世纪〔cut〕He fell and cut his head open on a sharp rock.他摔了一跤,脑袋被一块锋利的石头磕破了。韦氏高阶〔cut〕That knife's extremely sharp! Mind you don't cut yourself.那把刀非常锋利!当心别划伤。朗文当代〔cut〕This knife doesn't cut very well.这把刀不好切,不够锋利。剑桥高阶〔cut〕Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。牛津高阶〔dagger〕A short pointed weapon with sharp edges.匕首:一种刀刃锋利的短而尖的武器美国传统〔edge〕Be careful—it has a sharp edge.小心点,这刀刃很锋利。牛津高阶〔edge〕Careful with that open can - it's got a very sharp edge.小心那罐打开的罐头——开口那地方很锋利。剑桥高阶〔edge〕The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade.锋利程度:切割刀锋的锋利程度美国传统〔edge〕To give an edge to (a blade); sharpen.给(刀刃)磨边;使锋利美国传统〔fang〕The wolf growled and bared its sharp fangs.那匹狼嚎叫着,露出锋利的牙齿。牛津搭配〔fang〕With a whizz of a drill, sharp points on 'fangs' and tiny chips can be smoothed.牙钻嗖嗖一响, 锋利的牙尖和小小的缺损处都可以磨平。外研社新世纪〔file〕File (down) the sharp edges.把锋利的边缘锉平。剑桥高阶〔file〕File down the sharp edges.把锋利的边缘锉平。朗文当代〔glue〕All you will need is a sharp knife and a tube of glue.你只需要一把锋利的刀和一管胶水。牛津搭配〔grater〕One that grates, as an implement with sharp-edged slits and perforations on which to grate foods.磨碎机:用来摩擦的东西,如一种带有边缘锋利的切口和孔用来磨碎食物的器具美国传统〔grind ... down〕A new knife needs to be ground down to get it really sharp.一把新刀子需要开口磨快才能真正锋利。21世纪英汉〔grind〕The steel grinds to a sharp edge.这把刀磨出了锋利的刃。韦氏高阶〔grind〕The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.可以把尖端磨得更锋利些,这样切割起来更顺更快。柯林斯高阶〔hone〕A fine-grained whetstone for giving a keen edge to a cutting tool.细磨刀石:纹理细密的磨刀,可使切削工具刀刃锋利美国传统〔implement〕Make sure that all sharp implements have covers.必须确保所有的锋利器具都有护套。牛津搭配〔keenness〕The keenness of the saw made cutting the board easier.锋利的锯齿使切割木板更容易。韦氏高阶〔keen〕Having a fine, sharp cutting edge or point.锋利的:有细、尖锐的边或点的美国传统〔knife-edge〕A sharp cutting edge.刀刃,锋刃:锋利的、切割的刀刃美国传统〔knife〕A cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle.有柄的小刀:由一个附在柄上的锋利刀片构成的切割工具美国传统〔knife〕Put sharp knives out of the reach of children.把锋利的刀子放在儿童够不到的地方。外研社新世纪〔knife〕Use a sharp knife to cut away the spare dough.用锋利的刀切掉多余的面团。牛津搭配〔nail〕Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.钉状物:在形状、锋利度或应用上类似指甲的东西美国传统〔nick〕A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood.锋利的刀刃可能会划伤皮肤,导致出血。柯林斯高阶〔pare〕Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife.用一把非常锋利的刀将褐色的皮从肉上削去。外研社新世纪〔pare〕Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife.用一把非常锋利的刀将褐色的皮从肉上剥去。柯林斯高阶〔pick〕The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.采摘:采摘的行为,尤指用锋利尖锐的工具美国传统〔pick〕To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.撬:用锋利尖锐的工具分裂、分离或分开美国传统〔pick〕To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.刺洞:用锋利尖锐的工具刺入或打(洞)美国传统〔piercing〕The animal is covered in long piercing spines.这种动物浑身长满了锋利的长刺。牛津高阶〔pith〕Peel the oranges with a sharp knife to remove all pith.用锋利的刀削去这些橘子的表皮和所有衬皮。朗文当代〔porfiler〕The matador profiled,his thin silver blade raised.斗牛士左肩对着牛,举起他的锋利的银色尖刀。21世纪英汉〔protruding〕Ensure there are no sharp or protruding nails.确保没有锋利或突出的指甲。外研社新世纪〔quill〕One of the sharp hollow spines of a porcupine or hedgehog.硬毛:豪猪或刺猬身上锋利中空的刺的一种美国传统〔rasp〕A coarse file with sharp, raised, pointed projections.粗锉:一种有锋利,突出,尖锐凸起的钝锉子美国传统〔razor wire〕A sharp-edged wire used for fences and barriers.薄线:一种边上非常锋利用作栅栏或阻碍物的绳子美国传统〔razor-sharp〕Sharks have razor-sharp teeth.鲨鱼有锋利的牙齿。韦氏高阶〔razorblade〕A thin, sharp-edged piece of steel that can be fitted into a razor.刀片:能够安装到剃须刀中刀刃锋利的薄钢片美国传统〔rough〕Trim rough edges with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀将参差不齐的边切齐。牛津高阶〔scissors〕The scissors are sharp.这把剪刀很锋利。英汉大词典〔score〕He used a sharp blade to score the glass.他用锋利的刀片在玻璃上画记号。韦氏高阶〔scratch〕To make a thin, shallow cut or mark on (a surface) with a sharp instrument.刻划:用锋利的工具在(表面)刮出细细的,浅浅的痕迹或标记美国传统〔shank〕These hooks are sharp with long shanks.这些钩身长的鱼钩很锋利。柯林斯高阶〔sharpen〕To make or become sharp or sharper.使锋利:使或成为锋利的或更锋利的美国传统〔sharply〕The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles.地上铺满了棱角锋利的石子。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕The knife is sharply pointed.刀尖非常锋利。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。柯林斯高阶〔sharp〕Cut the melon in half using a sharp knife.用一把锋利的刀把瓜切成两半。麦克米伦高阶〔sharp〕Having a thin edge or a fine point suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing.锋利的:具有适于或能够切断或戳刺的薄边缘或细尖的美国传统〔sharp〕These scissors aren't very sharp.这把剪刀不是很锋利。麦克米伦高阶〔slice〕The blade's so sharp it could slice through your finger.这刀片锋利得很,一下就能割破你的手指。朗文当代〔square off〕Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.剥开一只厚皮橙子,用锋利的刀将两端削去使它呈方形。柯林斯高阶〔steak knife〕A table knife with a sharp, usually serrated steel blade.牛排餐刀:锋利且带有齿钢刃的餐刀美国传统〔stick〕Something sharp was sticking into my back.有什么锋利的东西正在扎进我背里。麦克米伦高阶〔sword〕A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.剑,刀:一种武器,通常由长而直或微微弯曲的、尖刃,有一面或两面锋利切边的刀锋组成,刀锋嵌入刀柄之中美国传统〔tooth〕Mink have razor-sharp teeth.水貂有锋利的牙齿。牛津搭配〔two-edged〕Having two keen edges.双刃的:有两个锋利刃的美国传统〔utensil〕The best carving utensil is a long, sharp, flexible knife.最好的雕刻工具是锋利而柔韧的长刻刀。柯林斯高阶〔watch〕Watch the knife! It's sharp! 小心那把刀!它可锋利呢!麦克米伦高阶〔with〕Chop the onions with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀切洋葱。朗文当代〔woodcarving〕The art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool.木雕:通过用手持的锋利工具雕刻而创造或装饰木制品的艺术美国传统A kitchen knife needs a keen blade.菜刀需要锋利的刀刃。剑桥国际A shark has sharp teeth.鲨鱼有锋利的牙齿。剑桥国际A vegetable knife is a small sharp knife used for cutting vegetables.蔬菜刀是一种用来切蔬菜的小而锋利的刀子。剑桥国际Don't mess around with sharp knives! 别玩弄那把锋利的刀!剑桥国际He handed me a knife with a keen edge. 他递给我一把锋利的刀。译典通He used a sharp adz to chop all the winter woods. 他用一把锋利的手斧将所有冬天的木材劈完了。译典通He used a sharp adze to chop all the winter woods. 他用一把锋利的手斧将所有冬天的木材劈完了。译典通I tried to make a clean (=smooth) cut in the cake, but the knife wasn't sharp enough.我想把蛋糕切整齐,可是刀不够锋利。剑桥国际It is claimed that pyramidal containers (= in the shape of a pyramid) keep razor blades sharp and prolong the life of fruit and vegetables.据说金字塔形容器可以使剃刀刃保持锋利,并能延长水果蔬菜的寿命。剑桥国际Some types of dinosaur had sharp spikes on their tails.有几种恐龙的尾巴上长有锋利的尖突。剑桥国际Watch what you're doing with that knife, Jim, it's sharp. 用那把小刀要小心,吉姆,它很锋利。剑桥国际You must be very careful with this sharp knife. 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。译典通




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