

单词 青枝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔festoon〕The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.大厅里悬挂着圣诞彩灯和冬青枝。剑桥高阶〔greenery〕Such foliage used for decoration.青枝绿叶,叶饰:用作装饰的绿叶美国传统〔greenstick fracture〕A partial bone fracture, usually occurring in children, in which the bone is bent but only broken on one side.旁弯骨折,青枝骨折:一种不完全性骨折,常见于儿童,表现为骨头弯曲,但只有一面断裂美国传统〔holly〕Branches of these plants, traditionally used for Christmas decoration.冬青枝:通常用于圣诞装饰的过冬植物的枝干美国传统〔sprigged〕She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper.她抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。柯林斯高阶〔sputter〕A burning green stick sputters out smoke.一根燃烧着的青枝会劈劈啪啪地冒出烟来。英汉大词典〔twine〕They were twining holly into a wreath.他们在用冬青枝编一个花圈。21世纪英汉The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.大厅中悬挂着圣诞彩灯和冬青枝。剑桥国际




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