

单词 雪松木
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕These types of wood splinter more easily than redwood or cedar. 这几种木料比红杉和雪松木更容易裂。朗文写作活用〔cedar〕The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests.雪松木:这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子美国传统〔cedar〕The yacht is built of cedar strip planking.游艇是用雪松木条建造的。柯林斯高阶〔olive〕Most of the statues are carved in wood – oak, olive, and cedar being the most favoured.大部分雕像都是木头雕刻而成——橡木、油橄榄木和雪松木最受青睐。外研社新世纪〔smooth out〕The ground was rocky, so we smoothed out the path with cedar chips.地面不平整,于是我们用雪松木屑把小道垫平。韦氏高阶Their linen chest was made from sweet-smelling cedar.他们的衣柜是用气息芳香的雪松木制成的。剑桥国际




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