

单词 阶段
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PART〕At this stage of the election campaign, it is impossible to say who will win. 在大选的这个阶段,不可能说准谁会赢。朗文写作活用〔PART〕I'd like to discuss the production phase at this morning's meeting. 今早的会上我想讨论一下生产阶段的事。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕A new museum is currently at the planning stage at Bowness. 鲍内斯的一家新博物馆目前处于筹备阶段。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕He's currently in training for an important race. 他目前正处于重大赛事的训练阶段。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕After a few teething troubles, the new car worked perfectly. 解决了启用阶段出现的几个问题之后,新车运转良好。朗文写作活用〔Philistine〕A smug, ignorant, especially middle-class person who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values.平庸的人:一个自以为是、愚昧无知的人,尤指被认为不懂艺术和文学的中产阶段的人们美国传统〔be ahead of the pack〕At this stage in the campaign, the Democratic candidate is way ahead of the pack.在本次竞选活动的现阶段,民主党候选人遥遥领先。剑桥高阶〔big beast〕Prehistoric fires may have killed off the big beasts that once roamed Australia.史前阶段的数场大火可能使一度生活在澳大利亚的大型野生动物通通灭绝。剑桥高阶〔biphasic pill〕A drug, such as an oral contraceptive, in which the dosage level changes during the number of days it is taken.两阶段避孕药:在服药期的数日内剂量有变化的药剂,如口服避孕药美国传统〔blind pool〕A start-up company that sells stock in a public offering without specifying how the investors' money will be spent.委任企业同盟:开始运作公司,公开出售其股票,不明确说明投资者的钱将如何被使用的一个起始阶段的公司美国传统〔body-building〕We're at the body-building stage.我们处于增强体质的阶段。英汉大词典〔bud〕To be in an undeveloped stage or condition.处于未发能的阶段或状态美国传统〔build-up〕I was running 20 miles a week in my build-up for the race.我赛前准备阶段一星期跑二十英里。朗文当代〔carry〕In the formative years their alliance carried all before it.在草创阶段,他们的联盟所向披靡。柯林斯高阶〔change〕To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons.转相:从一个阶段变到另一阶段,如月相变化或季节变化美国传统〔come〕It's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out.现阶段不可能判断投票结果会怎样。麦克米伦高阶〔committee〕The bill is about to enter its committee stage.该法案即将进入委员会审议阶段。英汉大词典〔conceive〕Progress was conceived as a staged development from magic to religion to science.人类进步被认为是从魔法到宗教再到科学的分阶段发展过程。外研社新世纪〔cradle〕From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.在美国人的一生中,每一个重要阶段都有汽车的影子。朗文当代〔credentials〕He spent the first part of the interview trying to establish his credentials as a financial expert.他在面试的第一阶段设法证明自己具备金融专家的资格。朗文当代〔culmination〕A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research.在初始阶段研究结束时将作出决议。牛津搭配〔decisively〕The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase.选举活动现在已进入了最后的决定性阶段。柯林斯高阶〔decisive〕The campaign entered its final, decisive phase.运动到了最终的决定性阶段。外研社新世纪〔delicate〕The pay negotiations have reached a delicate point/stage.工资谈判已经到了微妙的关头/阶段。剑桥高阶〔developmental〕My theory is still in its developmental stage.我的理论还处于发展阶段。韦氏高阶〔do more harm than good〕Getting involved at this stage would do more harm than good.在这个阶段涉入此事弊大于利。剑桥高阶〔dream〕By this stage in my life I expected to be living the dream.到了我人生中的这个阶段,我真希望自己已过上了梦想的生活。牛津搭配〔drop〕The ride ends with a 60-foot drop down the man-made mountain at 45mph.这次骑行的最后阶段要以45英里的时速冲下60英尺高的人造山峰。外研社新世纪〔embryonic〕The tourism industry there is still in/at an embryonic stage.那里的旅游业仍处于起步阶段。韦氏高阶〔embryo〕These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.这些发展早在十多年前的萌芽阶段就已预见到。柯林斯高阶〔evaluation〕The new system is still under evaluation.新体系还处在评估阶段。牛津搭配〔experience〕Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。牛津高阶〔feel〕I'm still feeling my way.我还处于摸索阶段。外研社新世纪〔fight through〕Opposing members of committee fought the suggested changes through every stage.委员会持反对意见的委员们自始至终在每一阶段都反对提出的修改意见。21世纪英汉〔filibuster〕Opponents of the bill tried to filibuster its final stages.反对者发表长篇大论,阻挠议案通过的最后阶段。朗文当代〔final〕The game is in its final stages.比赛到了最后阶段。剑桥高阶〔firm up〕The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.在这个阶段混合物看上去会很湿, 但冷却后会变硬。外研社新世纪〔flawlessly〕Each stage of the battle was carried off flawlessly.战斗的每一个阶段都打得无懈可击。外研社新世纪〔fling out〕The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament.新法在议会的最后阶段被否决了。21世纪英汉〔forge〕The horse forged (ahead) into the lead in the homestretch.那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前头。英汉大词典〔general〕We shall at this stage keep the discussion fairly general.我们在此阶段应保持相当广泛的讨论。牛津高阶〔go〕Caterpillars go through several stages of growth.蛾的幼虫要经历好几个生长阶段。朗文当代〔gradation〕A degree or stage in such a progression.进展程度,进展阶段:这种进程中的一个等级或阶段美国传统〔heteroecious〕Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms.异寄主的:在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生虫美国传统〔home straight〕It's been a long job but we're finally on the home straight.这活儿干很久了,但总算到最后阶段了。麦克米伦高阶〔home stretch〕Holmes matched Boulmerka stride for stride down the home straight to finish second.霍姆斯在最后冲刺阶段和布尔梅卡齐头并进,最后获得了第二名。柯林斯高阶〔hydroid〕Any of numerous characteristically colonial hydrozoan coelenterates having a polyp rather than a medusoid form as the dominant stage of the life cycle.水螅虫:许多典型的移居的腔肠动物中水螅虫类的任何一种,在生命循环中最重要阶段以水螅的形状而不是水母的形状出现美国传统〔incorporate〕The life cycle typically incorporates the following stages...生命周期通常包括以下几个阶段⋯牛津搭配〔interim〕The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election.在大选之前的过渡阶段由副总统执政。牛津高阶〔intermediary〕A cocoon is an intermediary stage between caterpillar and butterfly.茧是毛虫化为蝴蝶的一个中间阶段。英汉大词典〔intermediary〕An intermediate state or stage.中间状态:中间形态或中间阶段美国传统〔inventory〕A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock.财产目录:个人财产中物品的详细的、逐条登录的目录、报告或记录,特指对所存的全部货物和材料所做的阶段性的统计美国传统〔jinx〕A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.凶咎,厄运:看起来是由某个特定的人或物造成的一种坏状况或倒霉的阶段美国传统〔lame duck〕The President was a lame duck during the end of his second term.总统已到第二个任期的最后阶段,即将卸任。韦氏高阶〔lap〕This is the last lap of my term.这是我任期的最后一个阶段。英汉大词典〔life〕She sensed she was entering a new phase in her life.她感觉自己正进入人生的新阶段。牛津搭配〔life〕That was the beginning of my life in the television business.这是我投身电视业的初始阶段。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。柯林斯高阶〔neoteny〕The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage.幼期性成熟:有机体仍处于幼虫阶段已达到性成熟美国传统〔noble〕Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic stage of a country's development.贵族的:在政治体系或社会阶级中拥有继承地位的,来源于一个国家发展的封建阶段美国传统〔opt in〕He proposed that only those countries which were willing and able should opt in to phase three.他提议只有那些有意愿而且有能力的国家才应参与第三阶段。柯林斯高阶〔overlap〕The second phase of development overlaps the first.发展的第二阶段和第一阶段有重叠。朗文当代〔oversee〕Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。柯林斯高阶〔over〕He's not fully recovered, but he's over the worst (= has experienced the worst stage of the illness and is now improving).他还没有痊愈,不过已经度过了最危险的阶段。剑桥高阶〔pachytene〕The third stage of the prophase of meiosis during which the homologous chromosomes become short and thick and divide into four distinct chromatids.粗线期:在同周期的染色体群变短变粗并分裂为四个不同的染色单体过程中减数分裂前期的第三个阶段美国传统〔palingenesis〕Biology The repetition by a single organism of various stages in the evolution of its species during embryonic development.【生物学】 重演(性)发生;重演(性)变态:单个的有机体在物种的发展过程中在胚胎发展中所经历的不同阶段的重复演变美国传统〔pass〕It had passed through various stages of development.经过了几个不同的发展阶段。21世纪英汉〔perpetrate〕The military perpetrated many human rights abuses during the earliest phase of the conflict.冲突的最初阶段军队实施了诸多侵犯人权的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔phase〕A particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon.相,周相:周期性的过程或现象中的特殊阶段美国传统〔phase〕In a correlated or synchronized way.按阶段:用相关的或同步的方式美国传统〔phase〕The first phase of economic reform was popular in Vietnam.越南经济改革的第一阶段深得人心。外研社新世纪〔phase〕The reduction in armed forces will be phased over the next ten years.裁军将在接下来的10年内分阶段进行。剑桥高阶〔plateau〕I think the economy is stuck on a kind of plateau of slow growth.我认为经济将停留在缓慢发展的阶段。外研社新世纪〔primitive〕Biology Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.【生物学】 原生的:出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的美国传统〔process〕We are in the process of expanding our operations.我们正处于业务扩展阶段。外研社新世纪〔proteinoid〕A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.类蛋白质:一种类似蛋白质的多肽,由氨基酸混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋白质进化过程中的早期阶段美国传统〔receivership〕Accountants Touche Ross say that there were 45 receiverships among hotels and caterers.图什·罗斯会计公司称有45家饭店和餐饮企业处于破产管理阶段。柯林斯高阶〔ritual〕They practise / practice certain rituals in connection with rites of passage.他们每次开启人生的重要阶段时都要举行某些仪式。牛津搭配〔run-up〕Everyone is very busy during the run-up to publication.书出版前的最后准备阶段,每个人都在紧张地忙碌着。剑桥高阶〔second wind〕The return of relative ease of breathing after the initial exhaustion that occurs during continued physical exertion.恢复正常呼吸:发生于持续的体力消耗过程中,由最初的精疲力尽阶段又恢复到呼吸相对均匀的状态美国传统〔shakedown〕The new system is in its shakedown phase.这个新的系统正处于最后测试阶段。朗文当代〔shift〕In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.到了强奸案的这一阶段,注意力往往会转移到受害人及其行为上去。朗文当代〔spurt〕Boys experience a growth spurt during puberty.男孩子在青春期阶段发育迅速。牛津搭配〔stage〕Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through.宝宝不肯离开你别担心,他们总要经过这个阶段。牛津高阶〔stage〕The negotiations had reached a delicate stage.谈判已进入微妙的阶段。麦克米伦高阶〔stage〕The product is at the design stage.产品处于设计阶段。牛津高阶〔stage〕The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。柯林斯高阶〔stalemate〕The war situation has been stalemated.战争局势陷入了僵持阶段。21世纪英汉〔starting block〕The beginning of a period of time or an endeavor.初始时期:某段时间或努力的开始阶段美国传统〔stretch〕The presidential race has now entered the home stretch. () 总统竞选现已进入冲刺阶段。牛津搭配〔stride〕He's still learning and when he hits his stride, he'll be unstoppable.他仍旧处在学习阶段,一旦驾轻就熟后将势不可挡。柯林斯高阶〔sudden death〕With the score tied after extra time, the game went to sudden death.加时赛后比分依然持平,比赛进入突然死亡阶段。剑桥高阶〔synizesis〕Biology The phase of meiosis in some species in which the chromatin contracts into a mass at one side of the nucleus.【生物学】 合质期:某些物种成熟分裂的一个阶段,此时染色质在细胞核的一侧收缩为一块美国传统〔youth〕Geology The first stage in the erosion cycle.【地质学】 侵蚀的初期:侵蚀圈的第一阶段美国传统A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief. 一名好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。译典通Most of the errors were corrected at the proofreading stage.大多数错误是在校对阶段被改正的。剑桥国际The Stone Age has been divided into two periods:the Old Stone Age (Palaeolithic) and the New Stone Age (Neolithic).石器时代分为两个阶段----旧石器时代和新石器时代。剑桥国际The minister said that the reduction in armed forces would be phased over the next five to ten years.部长说裁军会在以后的五至十年内分阶段进行。剑桥国际The talks in Geneva mark a crucial stage in the negotiations between the two countries.在日内瓦的会谈标志着两国谈判中的一个决定性的阶段。剑桥国际This was the final stage in the transition from a planned economy to a market economy.这是由计划经济转变为市场经济的最后阶段。牛津商务




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