

单词 阶层
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CLASS〕someone who thinks they are better than people from a lower social class 认为自己比较低社会阶层好的人朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕to come from a particular family or social group 出身于某家庭或社会阶层朗文写作活用〔class〕the ruling/professional class 统治阶级;专业阶层韦氏高阶〔degeneration〕the moral degeneration which weakened and debased the highest ranks of society使社会最高阶层遭到削弱和贬损的道德堕落外研社新世纪〔disadvantaged〕people who claim to be champions of the poor, the disadvantaged, and the helpless. 声称替穷人、弱势阶层和无依无靠的人说话的人士柯林斯高阶〔distinction〕distinctions between social classes 社会阶层间的差别韦氏高阶〔distribution〕the social class distribution of the male population 男性人口的社会阶层分布牛津搭配〔draw〕draw clients from all levels of society. 从社会各阶层吸收职员美国传统〔earner〕a typical wage earner. 典型的工薪阶层柯林斯高阶〔echelon〕the leading echelons of a government 政府的领导阶层英汉大词典〔echelon〕the lower echelons of society. 社会等级较低的阶层柯林斯高阶〔elite〕a privileged elite 特权阶层英汉大词典〔flagrant〕a flagrant miscarriage of justice; flagrant cases of wrongdoing at the highest levels of government.See Usage Note at blatant 可耻的审判不公;政府最高阶层罪恶的勾当 参见 blatant美国传统〔go-go〕the go-go set 时髦人物阶层文馨英汉〔interface〕a witty exploration of that interface between bureaucracy and the working world对官僚阶层与劳动大众之间的临界区域的风趣探究外研社新世纪〔louche〕that section of London society which somehow managed to be louche and fashionable at the same time. 既有点离经叛道、又不失时髦新潮的伦敦社会阶层柯林斯高阶〔managerial〕the managerial class 经理阶层英汉大词典〔market〕cosmetics for the upscale market. 以上流阶层为消费对象的化妆品美国传统〔member〕a member of the aristocracy贵族阶层的一员外研社新世纪〔middle class〕the upper/lower middle class 中等偏上╱偏下收入阶层牛津高阶〔mix〕a school with a good social mix of children 有不同社会阶层的孩子来上学的学校牛津高阶〔mobile〕an upwardly mobile (=moving to a higher social scale) professional 一名向更高社会阶层爬升的专业人士朗文当代〔mobile〕socially mobile workers 经常变换社会阶层的工作者韦氏高阶〔moneyed〕the moneyed classes 富有阶层牛津高阶〔nexus〕the nexus between the dominant class and the State. 主导阶层和国家之间的关系柯林斯高阶〔order〕the lower orders. 下等阶层们美国传统〔poor〕socially disadvantaged sections of the community 该社区社会地位低下的贫困阶层牛津高阶〔populate〕the diligent and discreet technocrats who populate the upper reaches of French power在法国权力阶层中占据高位的勤勉、审慎的技术专家型官员外研社新世纪〔priestly〕the priestly class 神职人员阶层韦氏高阶〔profiteer〕a new social class composed largely of war profiteers and gangsters主要由战争投机商和强盗组成的新的社会阶层外研社新世纪〔rank〕people from the upper and middle ranks of society 社会中上阶层的人们 英汉大词典〔segment〕all segments of the population 人口的各阶层英汉大词典〔silk-stocking〕the silk-stocking and middle-class precincts 上流社会和中产阶层的选区英汉大词典〔social〕a member of one's social set 与自己同一社会阶层的人英汉大词典〔stratification〕social stratification/stratifications 社会阶层化/各阶层韦氏高阶〔underclass〕the suffering of the underclass 贫困阶层的苦难韦氏高阶〔upper class〕upper-class families/neighborhoods 上等阶层家庭/社区韦氏高阶〔upper〕the upper middle class 中上阶层韦氏高阶〔upscale〕an upscale neighborhood; upscale fashions. 高消费阶层居住区;高级时装美国传统the professional classes 专业阶层牛津商务




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