

单词 阵形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔formation〕Leeds played an attacking 4–3–3 formation.利兹联队踢的是4-3-3的进攻阵形。麦克米伦高阶〔formation〕The team usually plays in a 4-4-2 formation.这支球队比赛通常排出的是 4–4–2 阵形。牛津高阶〔hole〕Sports An opening in a defensive formation, especially the area of a baseball infield between the third base player and the shortstop.【体育运动】 缺口,漏洞:尤指棒球场上第三垒球手和游击手之间防卫阵形中的缺口美国传统〔masterstroke〕His decision to change the team's formation for the final game was a masterstroke.在决赛时改变阵形,他的这一决定真是神来之笔。剑桥高阶〔shift〕Football A rearrangement of players from one formation to another just prior to the snap of the ball.【橄榄球】 改换阵形:开球以前队员从一个阵形变成另一个阵形美国传统〔shotgun〕Football An offensive formation, used especially for passing, in which the quarterback receives the snap several yards behind the line of scrimmage.【橄榄球】 传球阵式:一种进攻阵式,专门用于传球,在这种阵形中四分卫在争球线后几码的地方接到裆下后传球美国传统〔wishbone〕Football An offensive formation in which the halfbacks are positioned behind and to the left and right of the fullback.【橄榄球】 叉骨阵形:中卫布置在后面,位于进攻后卫左右的一种进攻队形美国传统




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