

单词 邋遢的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blowsy〕a blowsy old woman 肥胖邋遢的老妇人韦氏高阶〔cluttered〕a sad, dirty, cluttered room filled with the evidence of a sloppy man一个十分糟糕、又脏又乱的房间, 到处都能看出房主是个邋遢的男人外研社新世纪〔clutter〕a sad, dirty, cluttered room filled with the evidence of a sloppy man. 一个很不像话、又脏又乱的房间,到处都能看出房主是个邋遢的男人柯林斯高阶〔crummy〕a crummy hotel 邋遢的旅馆英汉大词典〔dingy〕a dingy side-street 昏暗邋遢的小街朗文当代〔disheveled〕a disheveled little girl 一个服装邋遢的小女孩文馨英汉〔feeder〕a messy feeder 吃相邋遢的人韦氏高阶〔frowzy〕frowzy clothes; a frowzy professor. 脏衣服;邋遢的教授美国传统〔frumpy〕a frumpy housewife 穿着邋遢的家庭主妇韦氏高阶〔grubby〕a gang of grubby kids 一群邋遢的孩子朗文当代〔grubby〕grubby clothes 邋遢的衣服韦氏高阶〔grubby〕grubby clothes.邋遢的衣服。牛津同义词〔grubby〕the largest and grubbiest boy 个儿最大而又最邋遢的男孩英汉大词典〔grungy〕a grungy pair of jeans 邋遢的牛仔裤韦氏高阶〔messy〕a messy heavy smoker 邋遢的烟鬼英汉大词典〔parody〕a scruffy red parody of a wig 邋遢的红色假发英汉大词典〔raunchy〕a raunchy old man 邋遢的老头子牛津高阶〔scruffy〕a scruffily dressed man 一个穿得很邋遢的男人朗文当代〔scruffy〕a scruffy little inn 邋遢的小客栈英汉大词典〔scruffy〕a scruffy old pair of jeans 一条邋遢的旧牛仔裤朗文当代〔scruffy〕a small, scruffy-looking man 一個邋里邋遢的矮个男人剑桥高阶〔scruffy〕scruffy college students 邋遢的大学生韦氏高阶〔slatternly〕a slatternly housewife 邋遢的家庭主妇韦氏高阶〔slattern〕a slatternly girl 邋里邋遢的女孩子牛津高阶〔sleazy〕a sleazy café 肮脏邋遢的小咖啡馆英汉大词典〔slob〕a lazy slob 一个懒惰又邋遢的家伙朗文当代〔sloppy〕a sloppy dresser 穿着邋遢的人英汉大词典〔sloppy〕a sloppy room. 邋遢的房间美国传统〔slovenly〕a slovenly appearance 邋遢的外表剑桥高阶〔slovenly〕a slovenly man 邋遢的男人麦克米伦高阶〔slovenly〕slovenly habits 邋遢的习惯韦氏高阶〔slovenly〕slovenly habits 邋遢的习惯麦克米伦高阶〔slovenly〕slovenly habits 邋里邋遢的习惯朗文当代〔sordid〕sordid animals 邋遢的动物英汉大词典〔unkempt〕an unkempt old man. 邋里邋遢的老头柯林斯高阶〔untidy〕untidy roommates 邋遢的室友韦氏高阶




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