

单词 computer system
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕This computer system gives the user the capability of accessing huge amounts of data. 这套电脑系统可以使用户存取大量的数据。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Banks need uninterrupted, 24-hour computer systems. 银行需要24小时不停机的电脑系统。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Some people have lost work, and this will continue to happen until the computer system is fixed. 有些人的活白干了,电脑系统要是不修好,这种情况会继续发生。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕We hired someone to fix the computer system, but he botched it up even more. 我们雇了个人来修电脑系统,可他却把它搞得更坏了。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕Our new computer system should make the work a lot easier. 我们的新计算机系统应该可以使工作方便许多。朗文写作活用〔EXCHANGE〕The new program should help solve some of the problems of data interchange between companies with different computer systems. 这种新的软件应该有助于解决使用不同电脑系统的公司之间的一些数据交换问题。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕To the uninitiated, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand. 对于门外汉来说,大部分电脑系统似乎都非常复杂,难以理解。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕If the computer system is working properly, there's no way that it could make a mistake. 如果电脑系统运转正常,它就不可能出错。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕Design improvements in the computer system have greatly increased our efficiency. 电脑系统设计上的改进大大提高了我们的效率。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕We've had continual problems with the computer system ever since it was installed. 我们的电脑系统安装了之后一直出现问题。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕The company is installing a new computer system. 该公司在安装新的计算机系统。朗文写作活用〔access〕You need a password to get access to the computer system.使用这个计算机系统需要密码。牛津高阶〔at sea〕I'm all/completely at sea with the new computer system.新的计算机系统完全把我搞糊涂了。剑桥高阶〔at sixes and sevens〕Everything will be at sixes and sevens until our computer system is fixed.在电脑系统修复之前,所有事情都将非常混乱。韦氏高阶〔bug〕A bug caused the company's computer system to crash.程序缺陷导致公司的计算机系统崩溃。剑桥高阶〔change〕The company has recently changed to a more powerful computer system.公司最近换了一套功能更强大的计算机系统。朗文当代〔conversion〕The company is undergoing a conversion to a new computer system.公司正在进行计算机系统的更新。韦氏高阶〔cost〕A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000.新的计算机系统已安装,费用为 8 万英镑。牛津高阶〔delete〕He also deleted files from the computer system.他还从计算机系统里删除了文件。柯林斯高阶〔delete〕He had deleted files from the computer system.他已将文件从计算机系统里删除。外研社新世纪〔error〕The computer system was switched off in error(= by mistake).计算机系统被不慎关闭。牛津高阶〔go down〕The battery should prevent the computer system from going down in the event of a power cut.这块电池可以防止计算机系统在停电时停止运行。剑桥高阶〔have〕We've been having a lot of difficulties with our new computer system.我们使用新计算机系统时遇到了重重困难。朗文当代〔incompatibility〕Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.由于计算机系统不兼容,许多机构通过人工方式进行信息交换。柯林斯高阶〔iron sth out〕We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.我们仍在试图解决计算机系统中的一些问题。剑桥高阶〔management information system〕A computer system designed to help managers plan and direct business and organizational operations.管理信息系统:一种计算机系统,为帮助经理们制订计划和管理商务以及组织运作而设计美国传统〔medieval〕They're using a computer system that seems positively medieval by today's standards.依照现在的标准,他们用的计算机系统简直太过时了。韦氏高阶〔outdated〕The office computer system is hopelessly outdated.办公室的计算机系统早就老掉牙了。麦克米伦高阶〔quip〕The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.主席风趣地说,他宁可卖掉他的航空公司,也不愿出售他的计算机系统。柯林斯高阶〔rogue〕Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs, known as viruses.全国的计算机系统都感染了一系列诡异的流氓程序,即病毒。柯林斯高阶〔snarf〕He hacked into the computer system and snarfed some images.他用黑客方法攻入电脑系统,盗取了一些照片。剑桥高阶〔system administrator〕One who manages and maintains computer systems and software, as for a business or institution.系统管理员:管理及维护计算机系统和软件的人,如在公司或机构中美国传统〔terminal〕Computer Science A device, often equipped with a keyboard and a video display, through which data or information can enter or leave a computer system.【计算机科学】 终端:通常装有键盘和显示器的设备,数据或信息可以由此输入或输出计算机系统美国传统〔tool〕Computer Science An application program in some computer systems.【计算机科学】 工具:计算机系统中的应用程序美国传统〔trouble〕We're having a lot of trouble with the new computer system.我们新的计算机系统有许多问题。朗文当代〔word processing〕The creation, input, editing, and production of documents and texts by means of computer systems.文字处理:由计算机系统对文件和文章进行生成、输入、编辑和制作美国传统Computer systems can be used to control aircraft.电脑系统能被用来控制飞机。剑桥国际A bug caused the company's computer system to crash.病毒破坏了公司的计算机系统。剑桥国际A complete backup of the computer system is kept in a secure vault.计算机系统的完整备份保存在安全的保险库中。牛津商务Is your computer system an easy target for hackers? 你的计算机系统容易遭到黑客攻击吗?牛津商务Layering new technology on top of existing computer systems can cause problems.在现有的电脑系统上再堆砌新技术会造成问题。牛津商务The cost of replacing a legacy computer system can be huge.替换旧有电脑系统的费用可能很庞大。牛津商务The new computer system won't eliminate paperwork altogether, but it'll reduce it dramatically.新的计算机系统不会完全取消纸上作业,但会明显减少纸上作业。剑桥国际They have employed outside contractors to install the new computer system.他们已经聘用外来承包商安装新的计算机系统。牛津商务They use a computer system to organize their data. 他们利用一个电脑系统整理数据。译典通This delay is a perfect illustration of why we need a new computer system.这次延误对于为什么我们需要一个新的电脑系统来说是个很好的例证。剑桥国际This new computer system is completely unnecessary and a misuse of taxpayers’money.这个新的计算机系统是完全没有必要的,是滥用纳税人的钱。剑桥国际We're in the market for a new computer system.我们打算购买一套新的计算机系统。牛津商务When I told her we needed a new computer system, she said that “need” was a big word and that although we might like a new system, we didn't need one.当我告诉她我们需要一套新的计算机系统时,她说“需要”是一个大词并且说虽然我们可能喜欢一套新的系统,但我们并不需要。剑桥国际Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.你的职责将包括建立一个新的计算机系统。牛津商务




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