

单词 销毁
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bale〕to bale wastepaper for disposal把废纸扎成大捆以便销毁21世纪英汉〔damask〕damask seditious books 把煽动性的书籍盖戳销毁英汉大词典〔damask〕to damask foul books把黄色下流书盖戳销毁21世纪英汉〔deep-six〕deep-six a document in the river 将文件抛入河中销毁英汉大词典〔deep-six〕deep-six the evidence 销毁证据英汉大词典〔destruction〕the destruction of documents/evidence 文件/证据的销毁韦氏高阶〔discovery〕the discovery and destruction by soldiers of millions of marijuana plants. 士兵发现并销毁了大量大麻作物柯林斯高阶〔dispose of〕to dispose of nuclear wastes销毁核废料21世纪英汉〔eliminate〕the prohibition and elimination of chemical weapons. 对化学武器的禁止和销毁柯林斯高阶〔eliminate〕the prohibition and elimination of chemical weapons化学武器的禁止与销毁外研社新世纪〔elimination〕the elimination of all nuclear weapons 销毁所有的核武器麦克米伦高阶〔evidence〕destroy evidence 销毁证据英汉大词典〔propagandize〕propagandizing for nuclear disarmament; propagandized against legalized drug use. 销毁核武器的宣传;反对吸毒合法化的宣传美国传统〔rid〕a promise to rid the country of nuclear weapons 销毁该国核武器的承诺朗文当代〔trash〕dispose of trash in an incinerator 在焚化炉中销毁垃圾英汉大词典〔unit〕a waste disposal unit 废物销毁器牛津高阶




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