

单词 除去
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin.整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。柯林斯高阶〔CAREFUL〕Paints today are getting safer as companies remove harmful chemicals, but you still need to be careful. 现在的油漆越来越安全,因为生产商除去了其中的有害化学物,但还是小心为妙。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Electrolysis gets rid of unsightly facial hair. 电蚀除毛法能除去难看的面部汗毛。朗文写作活用〔abolish〕These verbs mean to get rid of.这些动词都表示除去,消除的意思。美国传统〔accessible〕Though he sometimes seems obsessed with numbers, his speeches are otherwise accessible.尽管他有时好像特别喜欢引用数字,除去这一点,他的演说还是易懂的。英汉大词典〔analyse away〕This material was analysed away.这种物质用分解法除去了。21世纪英汉〔apart〕The car industry apart, most industries are now seeing an improvement in their economic performance.除去汽车工业,目前大多数行业的经济状况都在好转。朗文当代〔be out of〕The piece of dirt is out of my eye.那粒灰尘已从我眼中除去了。21世纪英汉〔blockage〕The logical treatment is to remove this blockage.合乎逻辑的治疗方法是除去此堵塞物。外研社新世纪〔body〕The content of a book or document exclusive of prefatory matter, codicils, indexes, or appendices.正文:除去序言、补遗、索引和附录的书或文献的主要部分美国传统〔brush〕Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes.污渍是用几桶肥皂水和几把硬毛刷除去的。柯林斯高阶〔burl〕To dress or finish (cloth) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, or loose threads.消除扭结:通过除去斑块、纱节或松开线头来制作或修饰(衣服)美国传统〔buttermilk〕The sour liquid that remains after the butterfat has been removed from whole milk or cream by churning.酪乳:将乳脂从牛奶或一次提制的奶油中除去之后剩下的酸味液体美国传统〔chaff〕The dry bracts enclosing mature grains of wheat and some other cereal grasses, removed during threshing.谷壳:包在成熟小麦粒和其他一些作物粒上的干壳,在脱粒时被除去美国传统〔clarify〕I passed the wine through a filter to clarify it.我把萄葡酒放在滤器里滤过,除去杂质。牛津同义词〔clean〕Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞, 取出内脏, 然后清理干净。外研社新世纪〔cocoa〕A powder made from cacao seeds after they have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat.可可粉:由可可豆经过发酵、烘烤、除壳、研磨和除去大部分脂肪而做成的粉美国传统〔defrost〕To remove ice or frost from.除霜:除去…的冰霜美国传统〔degas〕To remove gas from.从…除去气体美国传统〔deionize〕To remove ions from (a solution) using an ion-exchange process.除去离子:以离子交换法除去(溶液)中的离子美国传统〔dele〕To remove, especially from written or typeset matter; delete.除去:尤指从写好的或排好字的印刷品上除去;删除美国传统〔delist〕US Fish and Wildlife delisted the wolf as an endangered species.美国鱼类和野生生物管理局将这种狼从濒危物种名单中除去了。外研社新世纪〔demyelinate〕To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of (a nerve fiber), as through disease.脱髓鞘:经由疾病而破坏或除去(神经纤维中的)髓鞘美国传统〔depilatory〕A preparation in the form of a liquid or cream that is used to remove unwanted hair from the body.脱发剂:用于除去身体上不想要的毛发的液状或奶油状物质美国传统〔desalinate〕To desalinize.除去盐分美国传统〔desalt〕To desalinize.除去盐分美国传统〔desexualize〕To take away the sexual quality of.除去性别特征(性能力)美国传统〔dethatch〕To remove (dead grass) from a lawn, usually to aerate the soil.除枯草:从草坪上除去(枯草),通常是为了能使土壤与空气接触美国传统〔dethatch〕To remove dead grass from a lawn.(从草坪上)将枯草除去美国传统〔detoxicate〕To detoxify.除去…的毒物,使解毒美国传统〔dewater〕To remove water from (a waste product or streambed, for example).脱水:除去…的水分(例如废品或河床)美国传统〔dispensable〕The government eliminated dispensable items from the budget.政府除去了预算中可有可无的项目。英汉大词典〔débridement〕Surgical excision of dead, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and removal of foreign matter from a wound.清创术:外科切除,切除已死的、失去活力的或受了感染的组织并除去伤口的异质美国传统〔electrolysis〕She had electrolysis done on her upper lip.她用电解除毛术除去了上唇唇毛。韦氏高阶〔estimate〕The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.园丁估计除去花园里的杂草要花费他4个小时。英汉大词典〔eunuch〕A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.阉人:丧失睾丸功能或被除去睾丸的男人或男孩美国传统〔excess〕To eliminate the job or position of.对…暂不聘任:除去工作或职务美国传统〔filtration〕The technology exists to remove all of these contaminants through filtration.这一技术就是利用过滤的方法除去这些污染物的。剑桥高阶〔fugu〕Any of various poisonous fish related to the puffers that are used as food, especially in Japan, after the poisonous skin and organs have been removed.河豚:任何一种与做食物用的河豚有关的有毒鱼类。尤指日本河豚鱼。此类鱼除去有毒皮肤与内脏后可以食用美国传统〔grease〕Grease marks can be removed with liquid detergent.用洗涤液可除去油渍。牛津高阶〔gut〕To remove the intestines or entrails of; eviscerate.取出内脏:除去肠胃等内脏;挖去…内脏美国传统〔hair〕To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes.在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。21世纪英汉〔header〕One that removes a head from an object, especially a machine that reaps the heads of grain and passes them into a wagon or receptacle.割穗机,收割台:将某物体的头状物除去的人(物),尤指将谷物头部收割下来并送入货车或容器中的机器美国传统〔husk〕To remove the husk from.除去…的外壳美国传统〔keep ... down〕The gardener takes a lot of trouble to keep down the weeds.那位园丁费了好大劲才把杂草除去。21世纪英汉〔lactone〕An anhydride formed by the removal of a water molecule from the hydroxyl and carboxyl radicals of hydroxy acids.内酯:一种通过从酸的羧基中除去一个水分子而形成的脱水物美国传统〔maker〕The maker's label has been removed.(产品上) 制造厂的标牌已被除去。英汉大词典〔minus〕They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.他们已经得到承诺,7月份的工资除去辛劳补助外将全额发放。柯林斯高阶〔mop〕A household implement made of absorbent material attached to a typically long handle and used for washing, dusting, or drying floors.拖把:一种用于清洗、除去或擦干地板的家庭用具,将吸水性材料固定于典型的长柄的顶端美国传统〔muck〕To remove muck or dirt from (a mine, for example).清除:从…除去污物或废料(例如在矿井中)美国传统〔net〕What you actually receive is net of deductions for the air fare and administration.你实际上得到的是除去机票和管理费的净值。外研社新世纪〔normalize〕To remove strains and reduce coarse crystalline structures in (metal), especially by heating and cooling.使规格化:除去特点并减少(金属)里的粗晶结构,尤指用加热和冷却的方式美国传统〔obliterate〕Medicine To remove completely (a body organ or part), as by surgery, disease, or radiation.【医学】 消除,除去:完全除去(身体器官或一部分),通过手术、疾病或射线等美国传统〔outgas〕To remove embedded gas from (a solid), as by heating or reducing the pressure.除去…中的气:除去(固体中的)气,如通过加热或降压美国传统〔overspend〕They have been told to eliminate a projected overspend of £60 million他们被要求除去预计6,000万英镑的超支。外研社新世纪〔philosophy〕All the disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology.大学所有的学科:在大学课表上除去医学、法律和神学的所有理科和文学艺术的课程美国传统〔pickle〕A chemical solution, such as an acid, that is used as a bath to remove scale and oxides from the surface of metals before plating or finishing.淡酸水,稀酸液:在金属电镀或精加工之前用来除去金属表面铁锈和氧化物的化学溶液,如酸溶液美国传统〔polish〕To remove the outer layers from (grains of rice) by rotation in drums.(以机器)除去稻壳:通过在鼓中转动去除(大米)的外层美国传统〔polish〕Use acetone to remove polish.用丙酮除去指甲油。牛津搭配〔purify〕To rid of foreign or objectionable elements.精炼:除去异物或相抵触的物质美国传统〔rank and file〕Those who form the major portion of a group or an organization, excluding the leaders and officers.基层,普通成员:组成某一集体或组织的主要成员,须除去领袖和长官美国传统〔retention〕Medicine Involuntary withholding of wastes or secretions that are normally eliminated.【医学】 停滞:正常情况下应被除去的废物或分泌物的不自觉的保留美国传统〔retouch〕To improve or change (a photographic negative or print), as by adding details or removing flaws.修整(负片):通过添加细节或除去瑕疵来改进或改变(照相的负片或相片)美国传统〔return〕The concert returned about $500 over expenses.这场音乐会除去开支外赢余约500美元。英汉大词典〔rogue〕To remove deviant plants.除去反常的植物美国传统〔scuff〕Do you have anything for getting rid of scuff marks on shoes? 你有没有什么东西可以除去鞋上磨损的痕迹呢?剑桥高阶〔smut〕To free (grain, for example) from smut.除去黑穗病:为(例如稻谷)治疗黑穗病美国传统〔sprig〕To remove a sprig or sprigs from (a bush or tree).除去(灌木或树的小枝)美国传统〔stain〕How can I get thi s stain out? 我怎么才能把这点污渍除去?牛津高阶〔stain〕Remove stains by soaking in a mild solution of bleach.用漂白剂稀溶液浸泡, 以除去污渍。外研社新世纪〔stick〕They might have their heads removed and stuck on spikes.他们可能会把头部除去, 然后叉住穗部。外研社新世纪〔strip mine〕An open mine, especially a coal mine, whose seams or outcrops run close to ground level and are exposed by the removal of topsoil and overburden.露天矿:露天矿产,尤指煤矿,它的煤层或露头接近于地表,除去表土和覆盖层即可发现美国传统〔stripper〕A chemical product for removing a surface covering, such as paint or varnish, from furniture or floors.剥皮剂:把如粉层或油漆外表层从家具或地板上除去的化学产品美国传统〔strip〕To remove clothing or covering from.除去:除去衣物或覆盖层美国传统〔sucker〕To strip suckers or shoots from (plants).除去植物的根邮条呀吸根美国传统〔thoracoplasty〕Surgical removal of part of the ribs to cause the collapse of a diseased lung.胸廓成形术:手术除去引起病肺萎结缩的部分肋骨美国传统〔top〕A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin.整形外科医生可以除去皮肤的表层。外研社新世纪〔unkink〕To remove kinks from; make straight.除去…的纠结;使…变直美国传统〔unmask〕To remove a mask from.去掉面具的:将面具从…上除去美国传统〔water of crystallization〕Water in chemical combination with a crystal, necessary for the maintenance of crystalline properties but capable of being removed by sufficient heat.结晶水:与晶体化学结合的水,对保持晶体特征十分必要,但能够被足够的热量除去美国传统〔weed out〕We must weed out the yellow flowers among the onions as soon as possible.我们必须尽快除去洋葱地里的黄花草。21世纪英汉Apart from the 10 officers, a crew of 90 looks after the 300 passengers.除去10个官员外,还有90个工作人员为300名乘客服务。剑桥国际Chrome is difficult to dispose of safely.铬很难安全除去。牛津商务Cut out the core of the apple. 除去苹果的核。译典通Filtering the water removed some of its impurities. 把水过滤一下除去了一些杂质。译典通His name was dropped from the list. 他的名字被从名单上除去了。译典通I had to use a toothpick to remove the food that was stuck between the teeth. 我不得不用牙签除去嵌在牙缝的食物。译典通If we remove the bushes, that will help open the garden out (= make it less covered) a bit.如果我们除去灌木丛,那将会使花园显得开阔一些。剑桥国际Impurities are removed from the blood by your kidneys and then excreted in your urine.肾脏将杂质从血液中除去然后从尿液中排出。剑桥国际On frosty mornings it can take me ten minutes to de-ice my car.霜冻的早晨,我要花十分钟除去汽车上的冰。剑桥国际She neatly removed the bones from the fish. 她利索地除去了鱼里的骨头。译典通Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.只需使用一点清洁剂就能将不易洗掉的污点除去。剑桥国际That cream got rid of my skin rash.那种乳膏除去了我的皮疹。剑桥国际The dinner cost twenty dollars without the extras. 除去额外费用,那顿饭花了二十元。译典通The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye. 眼科医生从他眼中除去一个异物。译典通They brought out the old ambulances, dusted them down and put them back into service.他们拿出旧的救护车,除去灰尘,备好待用。剑桥国际This moisturising cream will help to smooth away crow's feet.这种润肤霜有助于除去眼角的鱼尾纹。剑桥国际Wash and core these apples for me, please. 请替我把这些苹果洗净并除去核。译典通When Helen suffered from bulimia, she used to binge on certain foods and then either exercise, take laxatives, or make herself vomit in order to get rid of it.海伦患了食欲过盛症时,她总是先吃一些食物,然后或者是作运动,服用泻药,或者让自己呕吐,以此除去食物。剑桥国际When making soup, you can put it through a sieve to remove any lumps.烧汤时,你可以将汤过滤以除去块状物。剑桥国际




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