

单词 避免
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AVOID〕to avoid being hit or seen 避免被打到或看到朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕careful to avoid risks or danger 小心避免危险朗文写作活用〔I〕the tendency for novelists to move away from the “I” kind of storytelling 小说家避免用第一人称“我”来叙述故事的倾向英汉大词典〔abstinence〕abstinence from participation in social affairs 避免参与社交活动英汉大词典〔aggravation〕trying to avoid the aggravation of an existing back problem 尽量避免已有的背部毛病加重韦氏高阶〔ambiguous〕equivocal is unclear or misleading, sometimes as a result of a deliberate effort to avoid exposure of one's position: equivocal 是指不清楚或容易引起误解,有时是为了故意避免暴露某人的位置: 美国传统〔avert〕to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine 避免危机/冲突/罢工/饥荒剑桥高阶〔belief〕a growing belief that war was inevitable 越来越多的人相信战争无法避免朗文当代〔berth〕keep a clear berth of the shoals (为避免搁浅)在船与沙滩间留出足够的回旋水区英汉大词典〔caveat〕a caveat against too much regulation 避免过多规章制度的告诫英汉大词典〔certain〕an unavoidable accident. See also Synonyms at sure 不能避免的事故 参见同义词 sure美国传统〔consequent〕tried to prevent an oil spill and the consequent damage to wildlife. 尽量避免漏油以及随之发生的对野生动植物的破坏美国传统〔decrial〕avoid wholesale decrial 避免一概而论的谴责文馨英汉〔dip〕managed to avoid falling and being soused in the puddle; 设法避免掉下去并泡在水坑里;美国传统〔disorganization〕the unavoidable consequence of wartime disorganization战时混乱带来的不可避免的后果外研社新世纪〔erasure〕a way to avoid accidental erasure of data from your computer 避免无意中抹去计算机资料的方法朗文当代〔escape〕elude a blow; 避免灾祸;美国传统〔excess〕tried to avoid engaging in emotional excesses such as hysteria and fits of temper. 尽量避免陷于象歇斯底里这样的感情冲动美国传统〔get〕get out of giving a direct answer 避免作直接回答英汉大词典〔hedge against〕looking for ways to hedge against risk/failure 找寻避免风险/失败的方法韦氏高阶〔immixture〕avoid an immixture in political strife 避免卷入政治斗争英汉大词典〔injury〕a guide to lifting without injury 提举重物时避免受伤的指南牛津搭配〔injury〕avoid injury to sb.'s self-esteem 避免伤害某人的自尊心英汉大词典〔manqué〕his inescapable feeling that he is a great actor manqué他不可避免产生的自己将成为伟大演员的感觉外研社新世纪〔miss〕give a miss 避免击中目标球(以使自己的球处于安全地位)英汉大词典〔mixture〕the inevitable mixtures of urban neighborhoods. 城市聚居区的不可避免的混合美国传统〔patch together〕to avoid an election by patching together a new government. 拼凑起新政府以避免选举柯林斯高阶〔publicity〕avoid (或escape) publicity 避免惹人注意英汉大词典〔reluct〕reluct at the inevitable course of destiny 反抗不可避免的命运安排英汉大词典〔shun〕an actor who shuns publicity 一个避免引起公众注意的演员牛津高阶〔shun〕shun publicity 避免抛头露面英汉大词典〔splitsville〕a rocky relationship headed for splitsville. 避免造成仳离的稳定关系美国传统〔stave off〕a desperate attempt to stave off defeat不顾一切避免失败外研社新世纪〔strife〕tips to help you avoid family strife帮助你避免家庭纠纷的一些建议外研社新世纪〔taboo〕the old taboo on using a dead man's name 避免使用亡人名字的古老忌讳英汉大词典〔unavoidable〕an unavoidable accident.不可避免的意外。牛津同义词〔unavoidable〕an unavoidable fact 不可避免的事实韦氏高阶〔ward〕took vitamins to ward off head colds. 吃维生素以避免伤风美国传统〔wear〕save engine wear 避免发动机磨损 英汉大词典〔wire mesh〕the use of repellents and wire mesh to help prevent destruction of your plants为避免植物被毁坏而使用驱虫剂和铁丝网外研社新世纪




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