

单词 遵守协议
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROMISE〕How could she stick to the agreement now that everything had changed so drastically? 既然一切都已发生极大变化,她怎么能遵守协议呢?朗文写作活用〔adhere to sth〕They failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement/treaty.他们没有遵守协议/条约的条款。剑桥高阶〔bargain〕How do we know you'll keep your part of the bargain? 遵守协议麦克米伦高阶〔bargain〕I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain(= do what you agreed in return).我已经履约,希望你也能遵守协议。牛津高阶〔cheat on〕Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.他们的工作就是进行检查,确保所有签约国遵守协议。柯林斯高阶〔chops〕To hold (a building contractor) to the letter of an agreement.使(建筑承包商)遵守协议书美国传统〔contract in〕You have to contract in if you want to participate in the scheme.你想参与此计划的话得先遵守协议。外研社新世纪〔enrage〕He enraged the government by renouncing the agreement.他拒绝遵守协议, 从而激怒了政府。外研社新世纪〔informally〕Germany and Russia agreed informally to abide by the agreement.德国和俄罗斯非正式同意共同遵守协议。外研社新世纪〔letter〕Both sides obeyed the letter if not the spirit of the agreement.双方都遵守协议的字面条文,虽然不一定遵从协议的精神实质。英汉大词典〔side〕Will you keep your side of the bargain? 你那一方能不能遵守协议?牛津高阶〔stick to〕Make sure that everyone sticks to the agreement.确保每个人都遵守协议。外研社新世纪Are you sure they will keep their side of the bargain (= do what they say they will do)? 你肯定他们会遵守协议吗?牛津商务I assure you we will keep our side of the bargain (= do what we agreed to do).我向你保证,我方会遵守协议。牛津商务I've kept to my side of the agreement --it's you that's broken it.我一直遵守协议----违反协议的是你。剑桥国际They failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement / treaty.他们没有遵守协议/条约中的条款。剑桥国际




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