

单词 顶级
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔act〕one of the country's best hip-hop acts该国顶级嘻哈乐表演团体之一外研社新世纪〔coaching〕a coaching session with one of England's leading boxers 由英格兰一名顶级拳手指导的一次训练朗文当代〔competition〕a competition between the best teams in the country 国内顶级队伍之间的比赛牛津搭配〔contest〕a contest between the two top-rated tennis players in the world 两名世界顶级网球运动员之间的比赛麦克米伦高阶〔copying〕top designers, whose work has been widely copied. 其作品被很多人仿制的顶级设计师柯林斯高阶〔copy〕top designers, whose work has been widely copied作品被广泛模仿的顶级设计师外研社新世纪〔fashion〕the world's top fashion experts 世界顶级的时尚专家牛津搭配〔grade〕top grade meat.顶级鲜肉。牛津同义词〔grade〕top grade tennis rackets 顶级的网球拍麦克米伦高阶〔jock〕top Radio 1 jock Simon Bates. 广播1台顶级流行音乐主持人西蒙·贝茨柯林斯高阶〔knockout〕the European Cup, a knockout competition between the top teams in Europe. 欧洲杯足球赛,一场欧洲顶级强队间的淘汰赛柯林斯高阶〔leading〕a leading expert on the country's ecology 研究该国生态的顶级专家剑桥高阶〔leading〕the world's leading manufacturer of audio equipment 世界顶级音响制造商剑桥高阶〔luxury〕the ultimate luxury of a sauna in your own home 在自己家里洗桑拿的顶级享受牛津搭配〔meister〕a champion puzzle-meister 顶级猜谜大师韦氏高阶〔model〕a top fashion model 顶级时装模特儿朗文当代〔name〕top names such as Nike, Levi's, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger. 耐克、李维斯、CK和汤米·希尔费格之类的顶级名牌柯林斯高阶〔nightclub〕a top London nightclub 伦敦的一家顶级夜总会牛津搭配〔par excellence〕a movie star par excellence 顶级影星麦克米伦高阶〔player〕top chess players顶级国际象棋棋手外研社新世纪〔prestige〕a prestige international sports event 顶级国际体育赛事麦克米伦高阶〔prestige〕the prestige of having your work shown at a top London gallery 让你的作品在伦敦顶级美术馆展览的荣誉朗文当代〔promoter〕one of the top boxing promoters in Britain英国顶级拳击比赛主办者之一外研社新世纪〔pro〕the small gap between top amateurs and pros in golf 顶级业余高尔夫球手和职业选手之间的微小差距朗文当代〔ranking〕the country's ranking law school 全国顶级法学院韦氏高阶〔spy〕the director of a top American spy agency 美国顶级间谍机构负责人牛津搭配〔top-class〕a top-class hotel顶级宾馆外研社新世纪〔top-class〕a top-class performance 顶级的表演牛津高阶〔top-end〕top-end camcorders顶级便携式摄像机外研社新世纪〔top-level〕top-level tennis 顶级网球比赛牛津高阶〔top-of-the-range〕a top-of-the-range Mercedes 一辆顶级奔驰车剑桥高阶〔top〕a top New York salon 纽约的一家顶级美容院朗文当代〔top〕one of the top teams in the country该国的顶级球队之一外研社新世纪〔top〕the country's top three car manufacturers 全国顶级的三家汽车制造商韦氏高阶〔top〕top athletes/executives 头号选手/顶级经理人剑桥高阶〔transient〕the transient nature of high fashion. 顶级时装的瞬息万变性柯林斯高阶〔ultimate〕the ultimate luxury cruiser 顶级豪华游艇剑桥高阶a list of the top agribusinesses in Australia 澳洲顶级农业综合企业名单牛津商务a place in the top tier of biotech companies 生物技术公司的顶级职位牛津商务competing with top-tier companies in the printer and copier markets 在打印机和复印机市场上与顶级的公司竞争牛津商务




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