

单词 顶峰
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apeak〕pic [peak] from Old French pic [尖顶,顶峰] 源自 古法语 美国传统〔apex〕reach the apex of power 达到权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔apex〕the apex of her career.她生涯的顶峰。牛津同义词〔apogee〕at the apogee of sb.'s career 在某人事业的顶峰英汉大词典〔attain〕to attain the mountain peak到达山的顶峰21世纪英汉〔battle〕battle one's way to the top of one's profession 奋力登上本行业的顶峰英汉大词典〔climactic〕the climactic moments of one's career 事业的顶峰阶段英汉大词典〔climax〕the climax of her career 她事业的顶峰韦氏高阶〔climb〕a long, exhausting climb to the top. 漫长的、使人精疲力尽的通向顶峰的攀登美国传统〔climb〕a long, steady climb to the top 向顶峰长距离的稳步攀登朗文当代〔crest〕a young film director who is on the crest of a wave at the moment 此刻正处于顶峰时期的一位年轻电影导演朗文当代〔crest〕crested the ridge. 到达山脊的顶峰美国传统〔crown〕an acting career crowned by her final Oscar-winning performance 以最终赢得奥斯卡奖而达到顶峰的演艺生涯剑桥高阶〔crown〕the crown of one's achievements 成就的顶峰英汉大词典〔culmination〕the culmination of a brilliant career 光辉生涯的顶峰英汉大词典〔flood〕a political movement that was in full flood in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代达到顶峰的政治运动韦氏高阶〔form〕a musician at the top of her form. 水平处于顶峰的音乐家美国传统〔futile〕the futile years after her artistic peak. 她在达到艺术顶峰后的庸碌岁月美国传统〔high noon〕the high noon of her creativity. 她创造力的顶峰时期美国传统〔kick-ass〕a kick-ass career woman who is determined to get to the top 决心攀登事业顶峰、拼劲十足的职业女性韦氏高阶〔maroon〕perhaps from cima [summit] 可能源自 cima [顶峰] 美国传统〔meridian〕be at the meridian of one's power 达到权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔nasty〕have a nasty climb to reach the summit 翻越险阻始能登上顶峰英汉大词典〔peak〕a novel written at the peak of the writer's career.See Synonyms at summit 写于这位作家事业的顶峰时期的小说 参见 summit美国传统〔peak〕the peak of her career.她事业的顶峰。牛津同义词〔perihelion〕the perihelion of one's career 事业的顶峰英汉大词典〔pinnacle〕reach the pinnacle of power 达到权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔pinnacle〕the pinnacle of academic achievement 学术成就的顶峰朗文当代〔pinnacle〕the pinnacle of her career 她事业的顶峰牛津高阶〔pinnacle〕the pinnacle of your career.事业的顶峰。牛津同义词〔regain〕regained the summit. 再次攀上顶峰美国传统〔rung〕reach the top rungs of power 到达权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔scale〕scaled the peak. 爬上顶峰美国传统〔scale〕to scale the peak攀上顶峰21世纪英汉〔summit〕the summit of his career 他事业的顶峰牛津高阶〔topgallant〕the high topgallant of my joy 我欢乐的顶峰英汉大词典〔top〕at the top of her profession. 在她职业的顶峰美国传统〔top〕the top of one's career 事业的顶峰英汉大词典〔win〕win the summit 终于登上顶峰英汉大词典〔zenith〕the zenith of her career.See Synonyms at summit 她事业的顶峰 参见 summit美国传统




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