

单词 默想
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brood〕She sat in the corner and brooded over the delight to come.她坐在角落里,默默想着那即将来临的欢乐。英汉大词典〔contemplate〕He goes to the park every day to sit and contemplate.他每天去公园,坐在那里沉思默想。21世纪英汉〔contemplate〕To ponder; meditate.默思:思考;沉思默想美国传统〔contemplation〕Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.沉思:对宗教问题的沉思默想,尤指作为一种虔诚方式美国传统〔contemplation〕The monks spend an hour in contemplation each morning.那些修道士每天早上默想一小时。朗文当代〔contemplative〕A member of a religious order that emphasizes meditation.忏悔祈祷的:一种注重沉思默想的宗教构成美国传统〔contemplative〕Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔discover〕I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation.我只是在最近才知道沉思默想的好处。麦克米伦高阶〔meditate〕He used to meditate for ten minutes a day.他过去常常每天默想十分钟。外研社新世纪〔meditate〕I try to meditate for half an hour every evening.我每天晚上尽量默想半小时。朗文当代〔meditation〕A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.默念,默想:虔诚的心理活动或导致沉思的美国传统〔monastic〕Secluded and contemplative.隐居的和沉思默想的美国传统〔muse〕A state of meditation.默想美国传统〔obtrude〕Not a sound obtruded upon his meditation.没有一点声响打扰他的默想。英汉大词典〔reflective〕After another reflective silence he answered.再一次沉思默想之后,他便作了回答。英汉大词典〔ruminant〕Meditative; contemplative.沉思默想的;反复思考的美国传统〔speculation〕She was much given to speculation.她很喜欢沉思默想。英汉大词典〔state of being〕She meditates to achieve a higher state of being.她努力通过沉思默想达到一个更高的境界。韦氏高阶〔zazen〕Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism.坐禅:象禅宗佛教中习练的默想美国传统A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.人们在默想或祷告时常念念有词。剑桥国际Each sentence seems a quarry of rich meditations. 每一句话似乎都给人以许多冥思默想。译典通He meditated for 20 minutes every day.他每天默想二十分钟。剑桥国际She practises meditation.她经常默想。剑桥国际Sometimes people pray silently by thinking the words but not actually saying them.有时人们默想着祈祷的话而不说出来。剑桥国际We can't afford to spend all this time contemplating/gazing at/staring at our navels (= thinking deeply about ourselves and our intentions)--we need to take action.我们不应该花那么多时间沉思默想,我们需要行动。剑桥国际




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