

单词 阴谋诡计
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕They are playing some little Byzantine game.他们在搞某种拜占庭式的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典〔PLAN〕The world of politics is a world of deception and intrigue. 政界是一个尔虞我诈、充满阴谋诡计的世界。朗文写作活用〔artifice〕Amazingly for Hollywood, she seems almost entirely without artifice.尽管身处好莱坞,可她好像从不耍什么阴谋诡计,真是让人惊诧。剑桥高阶〔bring〕He conspired and intrigued to bring down ruin on himself.他耍阴谋诡计,结果落得身败名裂。英汉大词典〔diplomacy〕What they could not take by political intrigue they took by gunboat diplomacy (= threatening military action).耍政治上的阴谋诡计不成他们就使用“炮舰外交”强取。牛津搭配〔frame-up〕A contest or deliberation the outcome of which is fraudulently prearranged.阴谋诡计:一次比赛或讨论,其结果已欺骗性地被事先安排了美国传统〔machinations〕His plans were defeated by the machinations of his enemies.他的计划被敌人的阴谋诡计破坏了。韦氏高阶〔mint〕One may guess the mint of these plots and intrigues.人们能够猜到这些阴谋诡计的策划者是谁。英汉大词典〔pox〕A pox on your schemes! 让你的阴谋诡计见鬼去!英汉大词典〔walking〕She is a walking microscope to the smallest intrigue.她是一台活显微镜,能洞察最细微的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典His presidency will be remembered for the intrigues against his rivals that remain shrouded in a thick fog of secrecy, myth and rumour.他的总统生涯将因为对竞争对手使用阴谋诡计而被人记住,这些阴谋仍被秘密、谎言、谣言构成的厚厚迷雾遮盖着。剑桥国际It is said that he is a master of intrigue. 据说他是搞阴谋诡计的老手。译典通




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