

单词 阴影
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PATTERN〕patterns of sunlight and shadow on the ground 地上日光与阴影交织的图案朗文写作活用〔adumbrate〕be in some measure adumbrated by …在某种程度上被…蒙上阴影21世纪英汉〔bulk〕the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn. 一座古老谷仓的巨大阴影柯林斯高阶〔cast〕the shade cast by low-hanging branches 低垂的树枝投下的阴影朗文当代〔chequered〕a lawn chequered with sunlight and shade 阳光和阴影交错的草地英汉大词典〔cloud〕a cloud of anxiety/misery/uncertainty 焦急/悲惨/疑虑的阴影麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕clouds of another war 另一次战争的阴影英汉大词典〔cloud〕the cloud of economic recession 经济衰退的阴影朗文当代〔crosshatch〕a drawing with shadows crosshatched in 一幅用平行线相交表现出阴影的绘画英汉大词典〔deepen〕deepening shadows 越来越暗的阴影牛津高阶〔embrown〕shade embrowning a glen 遮暗峡谷的阴影英汉大词典〔fill〕fill in a sketch with shadow 在素描画稿上添衬阴影英汉大词典〔flicker〕a shadow of disquiet flickering over his face. 他脸上闪过的不安的阴影柯林斯高阶〔irregular〕irregular patches of shade 一片片不规则的阴影麦克米伦高阶〔lurk〕a dark formless danger, lurking in the shadows 一种藏在阴影里隐秘无形的危险朗文当代〔overshadow〕a valley overshadowed by mountains 笼罩着群山阴影的山谷英汉大词典〔perceptible〕noticeable shadows under her eyes; 她眼睛下明显的阴影;美国传统〔shaded〕to shadow one's friendship使友谊蒙上一层阴影21世纪英汉〔shade〕in the shadow of the curtains; 在帘幕的阴影下;美国传统〔shade〕sitting in the shade; 坐在阴影里;美国传统〔shade〕the umbra beyond the footlights; 脚灯的阴影;美国传统〔shadow〕cast a shadow over victories 给胜利投上一层阴影英汉大词典〔shadow〕the shadow of terrorism 恐怖主义的阴影麦克米伦高阶〔shape〕dark shapes moving in the shadows 在阴影里移动的黑影韦氏高阶〔skyscraper〕in the shadow of the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan 在曼哈顿高耸入云的摩天大楼的阴影下牛津搭配〔somber〕umbrā [ablative of] umbra [shadow] umbrā umbra的夺格 [阴影] 美国传统〔umber〕both possibly from alteration influenced by ombre ombra [shadow] from Latin umbra 都可能源自 受 ombre的影响 ombra [阴影] 源自 拉丁语 umbra 美国传统〔umbrella〕alteration influenced by umbra [shade] 受 umbra的影响 [阴影] 美国传统〔unshaded〕an unshaded drawing 未画阴影(暗部)的图画英汉大词典




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