

单词 金属版
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔daguerreotype〕An early photographic process with the image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate.达盖尔银版照相法:早期的照相术,把像照在易感光的镀银金属版上美国传统〔electrotype〕A metal plate used in letterpress printing, made by electroplating a lead or plastic mold of the page to be printed.电铸版:用于凸版印刷的金属版,由电镀所印页的铅或塑料模版而制成美国传统〔etching〕The art of preparing etched plates, especially metal plates, from which designs and pictures are printed.蚀刻:蚀刻工艺,特指用金属版印制图样或图画的技术美国传统〔etch〕After the first etch the plate should be perfectly cleaned.第一次蚀刻后,应当把金属版弄得干干净净。英汉大词典〔line engraving〕A metal plate, used in intaglio printing, on the surface of which design lines have been engraved by hand.线雕铜版:用于凹版印刷术的金属版,表面图案用手刻制美国传统〔matrix〕A metal plate used for casting typefaces.金属版:浇铸铅字字面的金属版美国传统




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