

单词 雪地
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔area〕a snow belt. 积雪地带。 美国传统〔bunny〕a ski (或snow) bunny 雪地姑娘英汉大词典〔crunch〕crunch through the snow 嘎吱作声地穿过雪地英汉大词典〔dash over〕to dash over the snow in a sleigh坐雪橇在雪地上飞驰21世纪英汉〔deeply〕deeply buried beneath the snow 深埋在雪地下面韦氏高阶〔denizen〕polar bears, denizens of the frozen north 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物牛津高阶〔footstep〕footsteps in the snow 雪地上的足迹牛津高阶〔fresh〕fresh footprints in the snow 雪地上的新脚印麦克米伦高阶〔fresh〕fresh tracks in the snow 雪地上的新脚印牛津高阶〔handle〕a car that handles well in the snow; a boat that handles poorly in rough water. 在雪地里易于驾驶的车子;在急流中难以操控的船美国传统〔impress〕the impress of a car's wheels in the snow 汽车轮子在雪地上留下的压痕英汉大词典〔mush〕mush one's way across the ice and snow 赶路越过冰雪地区英汉大词典〔of〕a land of ice and snow 冰天雪地剑桥高阶〔oversnow〕oversnow vehicles (equipment) 雪地车辆(装备)英汉大词典〔packed〕packed snow/dirt/earth 紧实的雪地/泥土/土壤韦氏高阶〔pack〕a patch of packed snow 一片压实的雪地牛津高阶〔pristine〕pristine snow/beaches/lawns 平整的雪地/沙滩/草坪麦克米伦高阶〔romp〕kids romping around in the snow 在雪地里嬉戏喧闹的孩子牛津高阶〔scuff〕scuff one's feet in the snow 在雪地里拖着脚步走英汉大词典〔shift〕the squeak of his boots in the snow as he shifted his weight. 他挪动身体时靴子在雪地里发出的吱吱声柯林斯高阶〔shift〕the squeak of his boots in the snow as he shifted his weight随着他走路时重心的改变, 靴子在雪地里吱嘎作响的声音外研社新世纪〔shovel〕shovel a path through the snow 用铲在雪地开出一条路英汉大词典〔slide〕a vehicle that will slide smoothly across snow 能在雪地上平稳滑行的车牛津搭配〔slosh〕slosh through the snow 跋涉过雪地英汉大词典〔sniff〕dogs that sniffed out the trail through the snow; sniffed trouble ahead. 从雪地上闻到了踪迹的狗;发现前面有麻烦美国传统〔snofari〕take a 20-mile guided snofari 在导游带领下作20英里的雪地探险英汉大词典〔stand in〕to stand in snow over the knees站在没膝深的雪地中21世纪英汉〔summerize〕to summerize a snowmobile在暑天保护好雪地机动车21世纪英汉〔tire〕snow tires (汽车的)雪地用轮胎文馨英汉〔track〕tracks in the snow 雪地上的踪迹英汉大词典〔traffic〕traffic crawling through the deepening snow 慢慢驶过越积越深雪地的车流英汉大词典〔tramp〕a long tramp through the snow 雪地里的长途跋涉朗文当代〔trudge〕a trudge across the snow 横穿雪地的长途跋涉韦氏高阶




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