

单词 雨点
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔against〕the sound of the rain drumming against my window 雨点敲打我的窗户的声音朗文当代〔barrage〕peppered the senator with protests; 抗议书雨点般地指向了这个参议员;美国传统〔dash〕the dash of the rain on the windows 雨点打在窗上的声音英汉大词典〔drop〕a tear/rain/dew drop 泪珠/雨点/露珠麦克米伦高阶〔drumming〕the steady drumming of the rain on the tin roof 雨点打在铁皮屋顶上发出的有节奏的嗒嗒声牛津高阶〔drum〕the steady drum of raindrops on the roof 雨点不停地打在屋顶上的滴答声麦克米伦高阶〔fat〕a fat raindrop 大滴雨点英汉大词典〔feel〕feel rain on the face 发觉有雨点打在脸上英汉大词典〔feel〕to feel rain on the face感觉脸上有雨点21世纪英汉〔fossil〕the fossil imprint of a raindrop 雨点的石化痕迹英汉大词典〔fusillade〕a fusillade of bullets/stones 枪林弹雨;雨点般投掷的石头牛津高阶〔patter〕the patter of rain against/on the windows 雨点打在窗户上的噼噼啪啪声韦氏高阶〔patter〕the patter of rain on the roof 雨点吧嗒吧嗒敲打着屋顶麦克米伦高阶〔patter〕the patter of rain on the rooftops. 屋顶上雨点的敲打声美国传统〔pitter-patter〕rain pitter-pattering on the roof. 雨点劈劈啪啪地打在屋顶上美国传统〔pitter-patter〕the pitter-patter of raindrops on a tin roof 雨点打在白铁屋顶上的劈劈啪啪声英汉大词典〔rain〕a rain of ash/ashes 雨点般落下的灰烬韦氏高阶〔rain〕when Hitler was raining his bombs on London当希特勒的炸弹如雨点般落在伦敦时外研社新世纪〔salute〕salute sb. with a shower of stones 投掷雨点般的石头接待某人英汉大词典〔spatter〕a spatter of rain against the window 雨点打在窗户上的劈啪声牛津高阶〔spatter〕the spatter of raindrops on the roof 雨点打在屋顶上的劈啪声英汉大词典〔spat〕a spat of rain 洒下的一阵雨点英汉大词典〔splash〕the splash of rain on the street 街上噼里啪啦的雨点声麦克米伦高阶〔spray〕a spray of machine-gun bullets 一阵雨点般的机枪扫射牛津高阶〔tattoo〕the tattoo of rain on a roof 雨点的连续敲击屋顶英汉大词典〔volley〕aim a volley of fruits at sb. 向某人雨点般地投掷水果英汉大词典〔windswept〕windswept drops of rain 风刮来的雨点英汉大词典




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