

单词 门多萨
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TELL〕Mendoza relayed the news as soon as he returned to the base. 门多萨一回到基地就传达了这个消息。朗文写作活用〔count〕The fight ended when Mendoza landed a hard right to the chin of Palacios, who went down for a count of eight.门多萨一记重拳打中了帕拉西奥斯的下巴, 后者倒地, 在裁判数到8后比赛结束。外研社新世纪〔count〕The fight ended when Mendoza landed a hard right to the chin of Palacios, who went down for a count of eight.门多萨朝帕拉西奥斯的下巴猛地一记右手拳将其打倒在地,在数点八下后这场拳击比赛结束了。柯林斯高阶〔file〕Mendoza read over the file on the murders.门多萨审读了这几起凶杀案的档案。朗文当代〔jackboot〕The South American island is repressed under the jackboot of dictator General Salvador Mendoza.这个南美岛屿处在独裁者萨尔瓦多•门多萨将军的高压统治之下。外研社新世纪〔pending〕Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.门多萨在申请政治避难期间将留在此地。外研社新世纪〔pending〕Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。柯林斯高阶〔re-election〕Ramon Mendoza was re-elected president of Real for a third successive four-year term.拉蒙·门多萨再度当选为皇马主席,这是他连续第3次当选这个任期为4年的职位。柯林斯高阶And that's Mendoza's serve at its best--quite unplayable.那是门多萨最好的发球----根本无法回。剑桥国际




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