

单词 销售价
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cover〕The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.销售价刚刚够抵付原材料费。剑桥高阶〔grow〕Japan's department stores grew rich by selling high-priced luxury brands.日本的百货商店销售价格不菲的奢侈品牌商品, 财力雄厚。外研社新世纪〔load〕To increase (an insurance premium or a mutual fund share price) by adding expenses or sale costs.溢价于:通过增加费用或销售价格来提高(保险费或合股投资的股价)美国传统〔margin〕The difference between the cost and the selling price of securities or commodities.盈余:证券或商品的成本与销售价之间的差额美国传统〔price-shop〕We price-shopped in other city marketing areas around the country.我们在全国其他城市商场做了销售价格调查。21世纪英汉〔up〕We won't be able to make a profit on the deal without upping the sale price.这笔买卖的销售价格不提高,我们就无钱可赚。剑桥高阶An exact sale price will be set after a due diligence is completed in May.五月份尽职调查结束,公司之后将制订确切的销售价格。牛津商务Customs officers at Heathrow have seized 60 kilos of heroin with an estimated street value of £8 million.希思罗机场的海关官员查获了60公斤的海洛因,估计其非法销售价值达800万英镑。剑桥国际The company sells new cars with a wide range of prices. 该公司销售价格差异很大的各种新车子。译典通The selling price barely covered (the cost of) the raw materials.销售价仅仅够原材料代价。剑桥国际The selling price includes a 28% markup put on the goods by the retailer.销售价格包含了商品 28% 的零售商加价。牛津商务We won't be able to make a profit on the deal without upping (= increasing) the sale price.这笔买卖不提高销售价格我们就不能赚到钱。剑桥国际




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