

单词 销售业
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔branch〕The company branched out into selling insurance.该公司开展了保险销售业务。牛津高阶〔head up〕He said that be would head up the marketing business.他说他将负责管理销售业务。21世纪英汉〔momentum〕We have to keep the momentum of our sales operation going.我们必须保持销售业务的发展势头。牛津搭配〔outsell〕She has outsold all the other agents in her field.她的销售业绩超过了她这一行中所有其他的代理商。麦克米伦高阶〔prediction〕The sales results exceeded even the most optimistic predictions.销售业绩甚至超过了最乐观的预测。牛津搭配〔realign〕The company is planning to realign its sales operations.公司正在计划整顿销售业务。朗文当代〔score〕They scored some notable sales successes.他们在销售业绩上取得了一些很显著的成绩。麦克米伦高阶〔simulation〕The manager prepared a computer simulation of likely sales performance for the rest of the year.经理准备对该年度剩余时间内可能的销售业绩进行计算模拟分析。剑桥高阶〔soar〕This model will soar up the sales charts.这个型号的销售业绩将猛升。牛津搭配〔spreadsheet〕Sales are reported in a spreadsheet.销售业绩以电子表格形式上报。牛津搭配〔surprise〕Given the dismal sales performance, the change of management came as no surprise.考虑到这种糟糕的销售业绩,管理层的变动并不令人意外。麦克米伦高阶〔track record〕He has a proven track record in marketing.他有可靠的销售业绩记录。牛津高阶〔track record〕We're looking for someone with a proven track record in selling advertising.我们正在寻找一位在广告销售业绩方面确有良好记录的人。朗文当代〔trackrecord〕Applicants should have a proven track record in telesales.申请者须具备可靠的电话销售业绩记录。牛津搭配High-street sales have been poor.商业大街上的销售业绩一直不佳。牛津商务Poor sales dragged the firm to a loss of $659 million.销售业绩不佳使这家公司亏损了 6.59 亿元。牛津商务Sales of children's clothing has outperformed other clothing by a considerable margin.儿童服装的销售业绩大大超过了其他服装。牛津商务Sales results for this March are down by 15%.今年三月的销售业绩下降了 15%。牛津商务Semi-durable products continue to show the best sales performance.半耐用产品继续保持最佳的销售业绩。牛津商务Senior corporate financiers were handling the sale.高级企业融资人正处理这宗销售业务。牛津商务She brought in a lot of sales but was spending four or five days a week on the road.她销售业绩很好,但每周要在路上奔波四五天。牛津商务She questions whether copy tests can really predict sales results.她怀疑广告效果测试是否真能预测销售业绩。牛津商务The manager prepared a computer simulation (= a model of a problem or course of events, esp. in business or science) of likely sales performance for the rest of the year.经理对该年度剩余时间内可能出现的销售业绩准备了一次计算机模拟。剑桥国际The sales meeting lasted for two hours.销售业务会议开了两个小时。牛津商务To build a website to handle their worldwide sales was no small undertaking.建立一个处理全球销售业务的网站不是一件小事。牛津商务We are providing an insourced telesales solution for the company's call centre in Scotland.我们为这家公司的苏格兰呼叫中心提供内包的电话销售业务解决方案。牛津商务When South America is stripped out of the overall total, the sales figures are in fact quite good.当南美从总数中被剔除后,事实上销售业绩非常好。牛津商务




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